Are there infinite versions of events? For example, if I choose the probability of taking a walk and I'm wearing a blue shirt, is there another probability where I am doing the same thing, but wearing a red shirt? If I see another person on my walk and decide to wave to them, is there another probability where I saw them but didn't acknowledge them?
I've always been interested in Seth's concept of changing the past in your mind, so I'll tie that into this. Can the same past event be altered more than once? Say I took that walk and was wearing a blue shirt, but later I changed that particular event in my mind to me driving to the store. Could I then go back later and alter that event in my mind again to me taking the walk instead of going to the store but this time I'm wearing a red shirt? (I don't know why I'd do such a thing, it's just an example).
I hope this isn't confusing. I'm trying to figure out what probabilities really are and what can be done with them. Thanks!
Quote from: Blue ( there infinite versions of events? For example, if I choose the probability of taking a walk and I'm wearing a blue shirt, is there another probability where I am doing the same thing, but wearing a red shirt?
My understanding is that there are infinite versions of events (according to quantum physics), but those are possibilities not probabilities. We as individuals have a finite number of probabilities. Probabilities are finite because we have agreed a consensus reality with those around us. If I live in country A, and suddenly decide to live in country B, I would not immediately have a home, family, and friends in country B. Deciding what book to read today is obviously within my range of probabilities, and could change my past and future.
From my understanding and everything I've researched there are infinite varieties of experience.
Ultimately, EVERYTHING is Mind. How often does your mind float over different scenes? The Goal is to consciously direct the Mind's thoughts to have a conscious directed life rather than reacting to what ever passes in front of you.
Are you consciously waving at the man across the street? Or is it a mindless reaction?
I have people mindlessly react to me all the time in normal daytime about town. You can feel the difference when someone is interacting with you Mindfully. That mindful interaction then takes on more "power" while the other interaction fades and looses momentum.
Before I fall asleep and before I get out of bed I consciously go over my coming day to consciously lay out my daily agenda. Or at night I might review the past day and consciously let some situations fade so they don't create a tangle in my energy field further.
A consciously directed life has more momentum and clarity.
My understanding is (I think) in alignment with what Sena said: probabilities vs. possibilities. Possibilities are unlimited, but my own concept of probabilities came from Richard Back years before I ever heard of Seth. I picture probabilities as a sort of flow chart, where I reach a fork in the road of life, a time to make a decision. I consider all my options and then choose one. All of the options I've considered are probabilities (more limited than possibilities), the one I chose and the ones I didn't choose, and they all continue on with lives of their own. Even within that limitation, the probable lives increase exponentially as my life goes on and I continue to make choices.
Ugh, I'm having Internet problems tonight. I guess I'm done for now. I hope I can at least get this posted. Well, one of me will, one of me won't, lol.
Quote from: BethAnne (
From my understanding and everything I've researched there are infinite varieties of experience.
Ultimately, EVERYTHING is Mind. How often does your mind float over different scenes? The Goal is to consciously direct the Mind's thoughts to have a conscious directed life rather than reacting to what ever passes in front of you.
Are you consciously waving at the man across the street? Or is it a mindless reaction?
I have people mindlessly react to me all the time in normal daytime about town. You can feel the difference when someone is interacting with you Mindfully. That mindful interaction then takes on more "power" while the other interaction fades and looses momentum.
Before I fall asleep and before I get out of bed I consciously go over my coming day to consciously lay out my daily agenda. Or at night I might review the past day and consciously let some situations fade so they don't create a tangle in my energy field further.
A consciously directed life has more momentum and clarity.
Yo Mama's so poor she can't afford to pay attention.
Bad joke aside, this reminds of Eckhart Tolle's work.
We all do it, go on autopilot. And it's a remarkable difference when someone is engaging in the Now, rather than just reacting unconsciously to their own ideas and patterns, habits etc.
I read a thing last year that said the average person over 30 is like not so much human BEING, as a crystallization of unconscious habits and reactions.
If that is so, then we should perhaps choose our habits wisely. :-X
I read a thing last year that said the average person over 30 is like not so much human BEING, as a crystallization of unconscious habits
That's interesting. I can see it. ;D ;D