As part of a free trial offer, I'm getting 3 free audiobooks. I've never listened to any audiobooks, so it took a while for me to find one I thought I could stand to listen to for 10 or 11 hours and also get something out of it. The first one I've chosen is the "The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World" by Lynne McTaggart which takes a scientific approach to the power of thoughts and intention. I'm about 1/3 of the way through it, and so far, it's been fairly easy to listen to and understand. I have read quite a bit about quantum physics in the past, which probably helps, but that was quite a while ago. She seems to do a pretty good job of explaining some complex stuff, if anyone is interested in material with a more scientific perspective.
In the first part she talks about various quantum physics concepts and experiments such as the Copenhagen Interpretation, the Observer Effect, the slit experiment, and virtual particles. Most of it I was already familiar with (from a layman's perspective, of course), but it was definitely worth reviewing.
Then she gets into some of the less mainstream experiments that pushed the boundaries of quantum physics, such as experiments with chicks which showed that they were able to influence a robotic hen that they had been imprinted on, to make the hen deviate from its random behavior. Plant experiments showed that plants can not only sense threatening thoughts, but could also figure out when the thinker didn't seriously intend on harming them. Repetitive fake threats lost their ability to cause the plant to react.
Something I had either forgotten or missed in all my readings was that anything alive emits photons and appears to use these packets of light energy to communicate by exchanging them with other living things.
Listening today, she was talking about experiments on remote healing and things like entrainment (2 oscillating systems falling into sync) and resonance. Some particularly interesting experiments showed that subjects actually had an anticipatory physical response (a physical foreboding) right before a randomly timed stimulus was given, and that this initially showed up in the heart which appeared to send the info to the brain.
Another point of interest is that in the connection between two people, the person with the most "coherence" in brain patterns seemed to be the one that had the most influence over the other.
I'll try to share more tidbits as I listen to it, but it's really hard to take notes, 'cause she just keeps on talking and talking.... ;D (I keep forgetting to pause it.)
OMG Lynn McTaggart, she's amazing. Read The Field years ago, she's right on point. Thanks for this, I'll check it out.
Great to hear you're forgetting to pause. That's a selling point all on it's own. ;D
Some particularly interesting experiments showed that subjects actually had an anticipatory physical response
I believe that some strong intent, explosive events send "Fall Out" energy to the future and the past. You can sometimes "feel" the event gathering energy.
connection between two people, the person with the most "coherence" in brain patterns seemed to be the one that had the most influence over the other.
I always thought this was interesting and is the basis of a good Christian Science Healing....or any...where the Healer has the strongest vision of your health.
Quote from: Deb ( The Field years ago, she's right on point
My local library has that book. I'll have to check it soon as I get caught up with some of my other reading. :o
Quote from: BethAnne ( always thought this was interesting and is the basis of a good Christian Science Healing....or any...where the Healer has the strongest vision of your health.
A number of the studies she talked about involved different levels of healers, all the way up to master healers.
Quote from: Dandelion (
As part of a free trial offer, I'm getting 3 free audiobooks. I've never listened to any audiobooks, so it took a while for me to find one I thought I could stand to listen to for 10 or 11 hours and also get something out of it. The first one I've chosen is the "The Intention Experiment: Using Your Thoughts to Change Your Life and the World" by Lynne McTaggart which takes a scientific approach to the power of thoughts and intention. I'm about 1/3 of the way through it, and so far, it's been fairly easy to listen to and understand. I have read quite a bit about quantum physics in the past, which probably helps, but that was quite a while ago. She seems to do a pretty good job of explaining some complex stuff, if anyone is interested in material with a more scientific perspective.
In the first part she talks about various quantum physics concepts and experiments such as the Copenhagen Interpretation, the Observer Effect, the slit experiment, and virtual particles. Most of it I was already familiar with (from a layman's perspective, of course), but it was definitely worth reviewing.
Then she gets into some of the less mainstream experiments that pushed the boundaries of quantum physics, such as experiments with chicks which showed that they were able to influence a robotic hen that they had been imprinted on, to make the hen deviate from its random behavior. Plant experiments showed that plants can not only sense threatening thoughts, but could also figure out when the thinker didn't seriously intend on harming them. Repetitive fake threats lost their ability to cause the plant to react.
Something I had either forgotten or missed in all my readings was that anything alive emits photons and appears to use these packets of light energy to communicate by exchanging them with other living things.
Listening today, she was talking about experiments on remote healing and things like entrainment (2 oscillating systems falling into sync) and resonance. Some particularly interesting experiments showed that subjects actually had an anticipatory physical response (a physical foreboding) right before a randomly timed stimulus was given, and that this initially showed up in the heart which appeared to send the info to the brain.
Another point of interest is that in the connection between two people, the person with the most "coherence" in brain patterns seemed to be the one that had the most influence over the other.
I'll try to share more tidbits as I listen to it, but it's really hard to take notes, 'cause she just keeps on talking and talking.... ;D (I keep forgetting to pause it.)
Bio-photonic emissions are generally not talked about in polite company.
Kirlian photography is another interesting area of fact, fiction and pseudo-science, pretty pictures anyhow!
DNA holograms? Light in cells?
Interesting reading...
I liked this book but subsequent research revealed that as for as many experiments she cites that might show some type of esp there are 10 more against it.
The field of esp research just isn't positive, I wish it was but anytime someone gets good results then the first thing you wait for is someone else to repeat the experiment. That usually ends up in disappointment. I really wish it panned out better.
On the side of quantum mechanics a good book is Quantum Enigma. It's written by physicists and they do acknowledge that there are some interesting mysteries in QM. They treat the topic fairly and without science-bias or wu-wu-bias. They stay grounded and present a clear and honest description of all the interesting stuff in quantum physics. Some scientists won't acknowledge any relationship between consciousness and QM and likewise some new age authors abuse the concepts and say physics "proves" this or that.
While I love Seth I found some other new age authors to be really sketchy.
Was it a pic of an Elephant?
Ya know, I do believe in ESP because I have had many personal experiences, and that's all the proof I need.
So... funny on the picture. It's not an elephant, but it sure has something in common, lol. ;D
Like A hacker!
Quote from: Deb (
Ya know, I do believe in ESP because I have had many personal experiences, and that's all the proof I need.
So... funny on the picture. It's not an elephant, but it sure has something in common, lol. ;D
Well if anyone feels they have some type of ESP, I'm staring at a picture right now. I'm trying to imprint the image into this text (however that would work?). I'm looking at it as I type. Like the teapot it is just one specific thing rather than a scene.
I'm imagining this image being in everyone's head and being very obvious and clear to see in your minds eye.
What do you see?
I was getting two very different things: a car of some sort or a pyramid shaped object. Very different. Weird.
That was fun, but no, it was a Rubiks Cube. I'll attach the pic.
It is a square fish. With multicolored scales. ::)