My library copy of NOPR is a couple of days past due -- it's the first Seth book I have read. I am planning on buying some (all?) of them eventually, I mean, er... soon.
I would like some suggestions of which Seth book to read next.
Sadly, only a few of the books are available through either the Seattle Public Library or the King County Library System here in Seattle. We must be a tiny fringe of the general public. :-\ (I have already read Bob Monroe main "trilogy" and a few of Frank DeMarco's books.)
-laurie lynne
I haven't read them all, but The Nature of Mass Events immediately popped into my mind at your question. :)
Some of the Seth stuff is way over my head and I haven't been able to get going with it (Unknown Reality, for example) but Mass Events is fine, in that regard. And extremely appropriate too, given what is happening in the world at the moment.
There are a couple of books that i suggested in the section: Inspiration VIdeos teaching ... See if any of the books rattle your feathers a little ... :)
I'll second Wren's recommendation. I've read most of the Seth books and my second favorite is The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. The Nature of Personal Reality was the first one I read, also, and is still my favorite.
NOP + Seth Speaks and The Seth Material are like a trilogy of ideas that go together, and act as a primer for building basic ideas and concepts, and exercises to try before launching into books like The Unknown Reality, Dreams Evolution and Value Fullfilment, Individual and Nature of Mass Events.
I personally recommend to anyone read the core 3 books (first ones I mentioned) before that second lot, as they are more complicated / harder to understand.
If you are looking for smaller one off ones that you can read in any order, with or without the others (but that also build on the same basic ideas) then I would go with
The Way Toward Health, Nature of the Psyche, or any of the JANE books, although the JANE books are focused on different topics, not Seth material as such.
The EARLY SESSIONS books tend to read better after reading most if not all of the core Seth books, and a lot of it won't make sense without some background in on Jane and Rob, which you get from reading any of the books over time.
I tend to read any of them two times in a row to let the ideas soak in better.
I knew when I first wanted to read Mass events, and Unknown Reality (split in two volumes) I would not understand them, so I waited for a bit. And when I did get them, read them twice in a row as they are very dense, perhaps more so than other books.
But read whatever you can get from your library in any order you like, even if it is one of the harder ones to read, some of the ideas will take years to soak in and make sense. And it's good to revisit the same books sometimes years later with a fresh perspective and deeper insights.
Good luck to you!
Go at your own pace in whatever way suits you, and if some of the stuff is not only challenging, but downright frightening to your worldview, well that's okay, we've all been there at some point in our lives, and that too will pass. Bravery and Vulnerability go together like a cheese and ham sandwich.
If you get tired of flipping around any of the books for the practical exercises you can link to or download for free this PDF summary of the main exercises and use as a study aid of sorts.
Remember to click download/save so you can refer to it later. It's PDF so will view on any device that can read that.
Exercises are listed by the book they came from.
Thanks everybody for the suggestions so far. Keep 'em coming!
Special thanks to Batfan007 for using your psychic abilities and sending me that PDF of the Seth exercises. Yesterday, I was reading NOPR, and Rob mentioned a previous exercise which I had completely forgotten. I despaired of being able to find it again, and figured I would have to wait until I bought a copy of the book and went after it with my highlighter. I'm glad our Spirit Guides (or whatever) are taking special care of us. ;)
-laurie lynne
I mention it here all the time. Also MSG'd Deb today about maybe having a sticky thread for it for new readers.
It's great having that PDF as a guide and index, and having the exercises listed by book is really helpful. also helpful when I'm writing and don't want to type out the entire thing, I can hit copy and paste instead.
I am trying as hard as I can to get caught up with this whole entire Community, but I only have so many hours in a day. I keep wanting to resist posting anything, because it may already have been discussed, but I often just can't wait.
-laurie lynne
Quote from: laurie_lynne (
I am trying as hard as I can to get caught up with this whole entire Community, but I only have so many hours in a day. I keep wanting to resist posting anything, because it may already have been discussed, but I often just can't wait.
-laurie lynne
No rush, post whatever you like.
I am back, and did buy a handful of Seth books.
I have read:
- NOPR (the first one I read when I checked it out of the library)
- Oversoul Eight trilogy (read second because I was in the mood for fiction)
Not read:
- The Seth Material (c) 1970 & (c) 2001
- Seth Speaks (c) 1972 & (c) 1994
- The Magical Approach (c) 1995 & (c) 2011 -- short!
I will probably read The Seth Material next, unless anyone suggests otherwise, then continue with Seth Speaks. Any and all comments are welcome!
-laurie lynne
Well, my opinion is not going to help much.
My two absolute favorites are NOPR and Mass Events.
I wasn't too thrilled with Seth Speaks or the Seth Material, but then I was a newbie at the time and they may both speak to me differently now. I did enjoy the Magical Approach.
Seth Speaks was my first and it blew me away. I highly recommended it. Also remember, it was the first 'Seth' book, chanelled and dictated purposefully with a publication in mind...although by the end of writing this sentence I become acutely aware, yet again, that all things occur simultaneously so....LOL...
Hi laurie lynn ,
I would suggest you do as you said you would , buy all the books + get stuck in , you will not regret it . I have no particular fav' as they all have so much to give .
regards , paul
Really, I have to agree with Paul. There are no 'bad' Seth books. Every one of them is a wealth of information. You will read each one at the right time. And in re-reading them, you will gain new information that you 'somehow' missed the first time around.
So, I am reading -- and loving -- The Seth Material. Because Jane is taking so much time explaining her experience about when all of this stuff with Seth started happening, it is much more readable than my first Seth book, NOPR. I am enjoying it quite a bit.
I did have to take a break to read a library book, which I finished today and also loved -- "Fringe-ology" by Steve Volk, (c) 2011. In the book, he tries to take a middle-of-the-road position on things that are unexplainable, instead of doing what we as humans tend to do -- which is to polarize to one extreme or another. Covers topics such as UFOs, ghosts, telepathy and remote viewing, dreams, and after-death communication. Definitely a good read.
And now back to The Seth Material and my highlighter...
Until soon,
-laurie lynne
I agree with the selections recommended, especially The Seth Material and Seth Speaks before moving on to the more 'advanced' stuff. Unknown Reality and Mass events are not easy reads and the foundation trilogy really does set the stage for getting the most out of them. Read them is kind of an impossible task--with the Seth books I think we experience them more than just read them. They all seem to speak to me directly and I used to tease my Seth friends that in truth they are all just covers bound around blank pages and that when we open them we read what we need to read in order to understand the concepts as they apply in our lives...
Conversations with Seth Volumes 1 and 2 by Susan Watkins.
Quote from: caaron (
I agree with the selections recommended, especially The Seth Material and Seth Speaks before moving on to the more 'advanced' stuff. Unknown Reality and Mass events are not easy reads and the foundation trilogy really does set the stage for getting the most out of them. Read them is kind of an impossible task--with the Seth books I think we experience them more than just read them. They all seem to speak to me directly and I used to tease my Seth friends that in truth they are all just covers bound around blank pages and that when we open them we read what we need to read in order to understand the concepts as they apply in our lives...
I agree..
Many times (hundreds) while reading Seth books in a relaxed state I've mentally gone somewhere else for a good 20 minutes or so, and then at some point continued reading, it's even very noticeable as your eyes start to focus on the outer world less, and your attention goes inward, the books often to me are like prompts for particular experiences, or psychic experiences we give ourselves as examples of what Seth is talking about in a particular chapter or verse....
To anyone looking at me, i'd probably look like a Zombie :P