When Seth talks about the self being separate from the ego it's hard to understand where the separation is ,so what is the ego and how is it different from the self?
My understanding is that the ego is responsible for directing our 'conscious' activities in they physical world. It filters out anything that isn't relevant to physicality in a way that is self-protective of the ego and only allows subconscious information to come through that it does not find threatening. It creates an 'awareness' wall for us so that we are not overwhelmed with subconscious information. As such it is only a small part of the self--the part that allows us to manage in the physical world we create...
Long time since I read the Seth books so I'm not sure where I got this opinion...
but to me the Self is that larger oversoul/umbrella of who you are that is directly connected to Source.
While Ego would be the specific persona that you act out play just as if you were in a stage play.
The Self would be aware of It's personal theme and the Ego is the current persona that interprets that theme.
About 14 minutes in Anne Boleyn talks about the difference between Self and Ego
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6kEwT8fP6s&spfreload=10#t=1004.343588 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_6kEwT8fP6s&spfreload=10#t=1004.343588)
Quote from: Treax (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7121#msg7121)
When Seth talks about the self being separate from the ego it's hard to understand where the separation is ,so what is the ego and how is it different from the self?
Seth repeatedly states that there is no separation.
The inner ring of an onion for example is not separate from its outer layer, the layers are all part of the one organism.
You could also look at the different symbolic representations of personalities as Holons: part of a larger super-organism.
There is no point where "you" begin and "I" end.
You might also take a look at this topic (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?topic=772.) which brings up the ego with some explanation.