"If I were to compare the Prophet Mohammed to a snake, Muslims who heard of it would be out to kill me for blasphemy. It would be an insult to their revered Prophet. The same would be true if I said it of any religious leader. And so it sounds like blasphemy to say that Jesus is like a snake—except for the fact that Jesus Himself drew that comparison!"
I am not saying that reptiles are bad!
Also, see this book: "The Egyptian Origin of Christianity" By Lisa Ann Bargeman
http://tinyurl.com/Egyptian-reptiles (http://tinyurl.com/Egyptian-reptiles)
"Christianity, like Judaism and Islam, was designed to achieve another vital part of
the reptilian Agenda: the suppression of the female energy, the intuitive connection to
higher levels of our multidimensional consciousness. Once you suppress your feminine
energy, your intuition, you switch off your higher consciousness and become dominated
by your lower consciousness. You are isolated from your highest expression of love,
wisdom and knowledge, and at the mercy of the manipulated 'information' bombarding
your eyes and ears."
(David Icke in his book "The Biggest Secret: The Book That Will Change the World")
Quote from: strangerthings (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=10215#msg10215)
Sena do you still think this is plausible?
ST, since I posted that I have become more sceptical about extraterrestrials, reptilians etc. But it is quite funny that the Pope carries a serpent staff. I am generally not very impressed by David Icke's writings, but when he writes that (institutional) Christianity was designed for "the suppression of the female energy", I think that is fairly obvious.