Seth had quite a lot to say about telepathy, as seen in the following quotes:
Every nerve and fiber within the body has an inner purpose that is not seen, and that serves to connect the inner self with physical reality, that allows the inner self to create physical reality. In one respect, the body and physical objects go flying out in all directions from the inner core of the whole self.
Nerve impulses travel outward from the body, invisibly along these nerve pathways in much the same manner that they travel within the body. The pathways are carriers of telepathic thoughts, impulses, and desires that travel outward from any given self, altering seemingly objective events. (From the Seth Material)
From <>
"...the physical universe itself is a conglomeration of diverse
individualistic symbols, none of which means precisely the same thing
to any two individuals, and in which even so called basic qualities
like color and placement in space cannot be relied upon. You merely
focus upon similarities. Telepathy could be called the glue that holds
the physical universe in precarious position, so that you can agree on
the existence and properties of objects." The Seth Material, page. 183
From <>
"Telepathy operates constantly. If you continually expect an individual to behave in a particular manner, then you are constantly sending him telepathic suggestions that he will do so. Each individual reacts to suggestion. According to the specific conditions existing at the time, such an individual will to some extent or another act according to the mass suggestions he receives.
"These mass suggestions include not only those given to him by others, both verbally and telepathically, but also those he has given to himself, both in the waking and dream states. If an individual is in a state of despondency, this is because he has already become prey to negative suggestions of his own and others."
The Seth Material, p. 162
From <>
The Early Sessions: Book 2
• Hypnotism will become more and more a tool of scientific investigation. Telepathy will be proven without a doubt, and utilized, sadly enough in the beginning, for purposes of war and intrigue. Nevertheless telepathy will enable your race to make its first contact with alien intelligence. It will not at first be recognized as such.
• (Here, Jane laughed as she paced back and forth.)
• "The contact will be made from one male to another, although the alien male, from another camouflage galaxy, will be more involved than you consider possible.....The actual telepathy contact with this alien intelligence will occur, your time I believe, not too far distant, perhaps by the year 2001.... The contact will be made, I believe, in Australia."
• Session 45, Page 21
Following on from Seth's reference to making contact with alien intelligence, it is interesting to consider Ingo Swann's book, "Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy". Swann makes a distinction between Earthside intelligence and Spaceside intelligence. He states, "I have concluded that there is far more to telepathy than commonly conceived in Earthside terms."
Hi Sena ,
another great topic for discussion you have proposed to the group .
One of my favorite examples of telep' given by Seth is when he spoke of the creation of the glass etc, where he also introduced the idea that we each live in or create our own time/space continuum + that when we see or percieve something that is shared , ie , the glass , that in fact if there are 2 or 4 , or however many people (or any cons' beings) percieving the glass , there are indeed 2 or 4 etc seperate + distinct glasses that have been created (including all other phys' objects or beings) + it is the telepathy that allows us to belive that it is the same glass (or whatever) that we are all percieving . 4 glasses or 4 Robs , 4 Jane's etc, etc .. haha its brilliant as we all are under the illusion that there is only one of each , it really amuses me .
He also says that the human kind of telepathy, wherin one person sends an image or thoughtform to another is somewhat different to the creation of the physical objects that we percieve + share telpathically. I think that this would be similar to the difference in terms of energetic formations (atoms/molec's) in contrast to psychological/emotional formations . But this might be a little too deep a dive at this juncture + i don't yet have quotes i can give you to elucidate what it is i am saying . But i will look them up if you or anyone is interested , as i think the difference between energised constructions/cons' + psych'/emot' constructions/cons' is quite important , as i have mentioned b4 when i had said that the human qualities arose from the atoms + molec's activity + not from man himself , which of courrse is a Sethian concept, + also it was this energised cons'that i ''followed'' or ''rode upon'' + which allowed me to enter into some of the void states i have mentioned .
peace , paul
Paul, thanks for your thoughts on telepathy. Here is another quote I found:
"Practically speaking, we are rather more advanced along these lines than you, and
when we create such forms we do so with complete awareness. I share my field of
existence with others who have more or less the same challenges to meet, the same
overall pattern of development. Some I have known and others I have not. We
communicate telepathically, but then again, telepathy is the basis for your languages,
without which their symbolism would be meaningless."
In this quote, Seth does not specifically state that telepathy enables children to learn a language, but that appears to be a reasonable inference. I have been observing my grandchildren, aged 4 and 2 1/2, and noticed that they pick up language incredibly fast, often without needing to have words explained to them.
In his statement that, "Telepathy could be called the glue that holds
the physical universe in precarious position", Seth seems to be implying unconscious telepathy, because hardly anybody is consciously aware of making consensus agreements on the properties of the physical universe. If we become aware that unconscious telepathy is a fact, that would encourage us keep our thoughts wholesome.
By the way, a belief in "thought broadcasting" is a symptom of schizophrenia, but I don't think we need to take that too seriously!
This website quotes Seth, and clarifies/interprets further:
"Telepathy also occurs irrelevant of how distant the locations are apart from each other. Whether we are a block away, on the other side of the country or world, or in space or on the moon or anywhere in the Universe, it does not matter.
Whether we are the receiver receiving the messages or information or the sender sending the message, it is all in the mix of consciousness and thoughts. So we are really always sending and receiving all of the time. It's a tuning in and taking notice, as a channel that you pick up the information of the thoughts we are in similar frequency with.
We can also come to realize that telepathy is synchronicity of what is occurring as the external sign of our experience. When we think similar thoughts as another we become in the same frequency thought range and we will pick up on their thoughts or the information in that thought frequency. It's synchronicity which is being in the same vibrational frequency that aligns the thoughts to show us the physical synch, same experience."
Hi Sena, do you think that the prophecy of year 2001 is wrong?
Quote from: sethspeaks (
Hi Sena, do you think that the prophecy of year 2001 is wrong?
sethspeaks, I wonder whether you mean 2012? Obviously, the world did not end! Kryon spoke of a "galactic alignment" in 2012:
"The Mayans developed their calendar without Nostradamus' help, and ended it on Dec 21, 2012 (right before 2013). So the Galactic alignment is real, and almost all the cultures who wrote about it predicted great shift. By the way, "great shift" now is being interpreted as "the end.""
The "great shift" of 2012 may be real.
I think alien contact in Australia from Early Session2.
....The actual telepathy contact with this alien intelligence will occur, your time I believe, not too far distant, perhaps by the year 2001.... The contact will be made, I believe, in Australia."
• Session 45, Page 21
sethspeaks, sorry for my misunderstanding. It is quite possible that alien intelligence made contact with one or more people in Australia around 2001. Note that Batfan (John) lives in Australia. We need to keep in mind the possibility that the person contacted may not necessarily be aware of the source of the contact.
It is possible.
By the way I'm Tomas from Czech Republic :-)
Quote from: Sena ( need to keep in mind the possibility that the person contacted may not necessarily be aware of the source of the contact.
This whole topic is really interesting to me, I've always been fascinated by ESP/telepathy. I'm sure we all suddenly have a 'knowing' or a solution to a problem and don't know where it came from. I always think it's coming from my higher self/entity as it's often involving things for which I have no prior knowledge or experience. But now this makes me think it could come from anyone, anything or anywhere (such as ETs). How would we know?
I wonder what that 2001 contact would have been about. I suppose once the connection was established, the communication continued. And the man in Australia certainly could not be aware of the source of contact or that he has had external contact at all. Didn't Seth himself say that he had telepathic contact with Jane long before she became aware of him through the ouija board? I think he said he was prepping her for what was to come.
Quote from: Sena ( you continually expect an individual to behave in a particular manner, then you are constantly sending him telepathic suggestions that he will do so. Each individual reacts to suggestion. According to the specific conditions existing at the time, such an individual will to some extent or another act according to the mass suggestions he receives.
That's interesting. The sudden downloads of solutions to problems are obvious enough to be noticed, but those reactions to telepathic suggestions affecting behavior actually concern me a little. In those cases, we would have no idea that the information is coming to us from anything other than our own individual personalities. I like to think I have a mind of my own. I suppose on some level we decide whether we are going to 'act according to suggestions' or not.
Quote from: sethspeaks ( the way I'm Tomas from Czech Republic :-)
Hi Tomas, I am glad you are active on the forum.
Quote from: Deb ( sudden downloads of solutions to problems are obvious enough to be noticed, but those reactions to telepathic suggestions affecting behavior actually concern me a little. In those cases, we would have no idea that the information is coming to us from anything other than our own individual personalities. I like to think I have a mind of my own. I suppose on some level we decide whether we are going to 'act according to suggestions' or not.
I think reading and understanding the Seth writings helps me to become more aware of malign thought influences. This may be a part of what Gurdjieff meant by becoming "awake". I do watch the news on TV, but switch off when the negativity becomes too much.
I think the best thing is to observe telepathy, either in dreams or in family relations. Several times it happened to me that what seemed to me about someone, it seemed to him about me, and we remember it. Dreamlike reality is about telepathy.
Likewise, in the family - I know ahead of time what my son says. And also I know what my mom says ...
Hi Sena ,
yes you are quite right about the 'glue that holds us together' as being telepathy that continuously operates on an uncons' level , this is definitely Sethian . Also as you have pointed out , telepathy is not obstructed by time or space at all .
seth describes a 'basic' telepathy that exists between all of the atoms + molec's + in fact it is this telepathic action that exists b4 the production of any phys' form , on whatever level . He also states that heredity is more active from the future to the past than it is from the past to the future as the cells are precognitive + exist in the medium of unpredictability + inf' probabilities , so that they can then sustain the phys' form in the present. This basic telepathy + precognition is passed on to the atoms + molec's (+ is therefore inherent in all of natures forms) by the cons' units which can be + are in all places + times at once regardless of the specific forms that they then become. He says that there is an invisible cu at the center of each molec' . It is this cu that one can utilise if one wishes to be free of the universal system in which he has his manifestation , the cu's obviously not only created the atoms + all invisible phys' particles but also make up all of the psychological structures too .
Human telepathy is another thing entirely which is an attempt to transmit a thought form from one person to another , which is not entirely poss' as the reciever only gets a close but maybe convincing approximation of the senders origional thought . This is because no exact duplication is poss' . This is a different type of telepathy from the constant telep' that goes on beneath cons' awareness , which allows each indiv' to have 'similar' perceptions to others . This is a necessity because of the fact that we each create our own spatial + phys' reality , which is in some important respects quite seperate + different from everyone else's . We do not see the same 'things' we do not even create the same things , it is only telep' that allows us to share the same world .
It becomes a little confusing when Seth states that the cu's created all of the visible + invisible phys' structures + also all of the psychological stuctures too , from an atom to an ant to a human to an inner self or even the psychological gestalts but it must be remembered that all indiv' cons' was unmanifest b4 they were set free from the mind of ATI , + it was the cu's that were 1st released + that created all of the known + unknown structures that were then inhabited or utilised by those cons's that then came into manifestation .
It could be said that the cu's are the basic stuff or energy upon which or out of which all other forms either material or psychological , are formed , they are inherently telepathic + precognitive + these qualities amongst many others are passed on to all other manifestations wether in the dream state or phys' forms .
The cu's were the 1st to be released 'into' the primal void (or unendurable mass/no weight) which contained all of the infinite prob' + poss' of manifestation imagined by ATI (tho still in an unmanifest state)+ accorded to each indiv' cons' that had wished for release .
Info' on the cu's can be found from sess' 682 onwards in unknown reality vol 1 .
peace , paul .
Quote from: voidypaul ( telepathy is another thing entirely which is an attempt to transmit a thought form from one person to another , which is not entirely poss' as the reciever only gets a close but maybe convincing approximation of the senders origional thought . This is because no exact duplication is poss' .
Paul, this brings us to the question of what is a thought. I don't think telepathy is like sending a mental telegram. We may need to make a distinction between a thought and the mental verbalization of a thought. If I say to myself mentally, let's have lunch at 1 o'clock, I don't think that will be transmitted to my wife unless I say it out aloud.
It is interesting to look at what Seth said about thoughts:
"I have told you that emotions also possess an electrical reality. Thoughts formed and sent out within the impulse range of emotion often succeed because of the peculiar nature of emotional electrical impulses themselves. They have a particularly strong electrical mass." (The Early Sessions, Book 3, Session 136)
From <>
"The effect of any thought is quite precise and definite and set into motion because of the nature of its own electromagnetic identity."
You do not understand the dimensions into which your own thoughts drop, for they continue their own existence, and others look up to them and view them like stars. I am telling you that your own thoughts and mental actions appear to inhabitants of other systems like the stars and planets within your own; and those inhabitants do not perceive what lies within and behind the stars in their own heavens."
• The Seth Material, p. 312
This contradicts what neuroscientists tell us, that thoughts are merely electrical activity in the brain. Our thoughts are transmitted to the stars, according to Seth!
Regarding the question as to whether person A on Earth can become aware of a particular thought of person B, it depends on the emotional connection between the two, which may be either in the physical dimension or in another dimension. On the few occasions on which I appear to have made a telepathic connection with another individual, there were strong emotions involved.
Quote from: sethspeaks (
I think alien contact in Australia from Early Session2.
....The actual telepathy contact with this alien intelligence will occur, your time I believe, not too far distant, perhaps by the year 2001.... The contact will be made, I believe, in Australia."
• Session 45, Page 21
Hi All,
I'm not sure if this is what Seth was referring to here, but there is a woman, Blossom Goodchild, who lives in Australia, and she "channels" a group of personalities/beings called, "the Federation of Light". The Federation of Light, claim to be from another planet/universe/spacetimecontinuum. My understanding is that she started channeling the Federation of Light in 2005.
For anyone who is curious, her website is:
Hi Sena ,
you said ; Paul, this brings us to the question of what is a thought. I don't think telepathy is like sending a mental telegram. We may need to make a distinction between a thought and the mental verbalization of a thought. If I say to myself mentally, let's have lunch at 1 o'clock, I don't think that will be transmitted to my wife unless I say it out aloud.
paul ;
yes indeed , what is a thought .
I would disagree , i think telep' is exactly like sending a mental telegram, as any mental event is not restricted in terms of time or space + so can be sent as you said to anyone in any part of the universe , in fact a thought is a mental or psychological event + therefore a part of the electricl univ' (out of which or upon which all + any phys' reality is built) ie, the elec' univ' is prior to the phys' univ' .
When you said , ''We may need to make a distinction between a thought and the mental verbalization of a thought'' then you are (in mentally verbalising the initial thought) , at the level of the brains interpretation of the thought .
If the thought is allowed to remain untranslated in this manner (via the brain) then it still, more or less exists within the electrical field + is automatically sent to whomever it may concern , without your having to intentionally send it + without your consent , so indeed it will transmitted to your wife without any need of verbalisation at all . Wether or not she picks up the thought is as you said down to the intensity or emotional 'charge' behind it . Also it depends on your wife's psychic ability + the importance of the message to her .
Thoughts, feelings or any mental events in their 'purer' form exist within the electrical field + it is not until they are passed on to the brain that they become physicalised or actualised.
Even within the brain thoughts as we know them 1st exist as temperature pictures which have more powerful emotional associations , these are then broken down into images which are then translated into thoughts . see ES 8 , sess 341 .
Seth says that in fact we are all continually bombarded with telep' thoughts + images but we have a mechanism called the ego which conveniently blocks out most (99%) of it.
As Seth says that inspiration allways comes from beyond the egotistical self , so it is true to say that all of our thoughts are waterd down versions of the true reality , which would completely blow our minds in its purer form .
Seth also says that it is in dreams that we work out + choose from innumerable prob' the specific events that will make up the following day + goes on to say that even dreams come from a much ''greater'' inner source which we cannot comprehend at our present level of cons' .
What nueroscience knows as the electrical values of the brain is, an increadibly weak brew in comparison to the electrical univ' from which our thoughts arise + it is from this level + deeper, in what Seth terms ''initial'' exp' that the true potentials of a thought are known for as he says , even our whole phys' univ' + all that is within it in all its pasts + futures , is the product of one single thought (at this most basic level) .
Thoughts are not what science thinks they are + they are much much more than we can presently imagine , even in cosmological terms .
i hope this helps, peace, paul
If I understand Seth correctly, telepathy is the basis of communication between physical and non-physical conscious beings in Framework 2:
"(10:40.) It is as if Framework 2 contains an infinite information
service, that instantly puts you in contact with whatever knowledge you
require, that sets up circuits between you and others, that computes
probabilities with blinding speed. Not with the impersonality of a
computer, however, but with a loving intent that has your best purposes
in mind — yours and also those of each other individual.
You cannot gain what you want at someone else's detriment, then.
You cannot use Framework 2 to force an event upon another person.
Certain prerequisites must be met, you see, before a desired end can
become physically experienced." (The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events, a Seth book)
I wonder whether Framework 2 corresponds to the Akashic Field descibed by scientist Ervin Lászlo
Hi Sena ,
i'd say you have that completely correct . I would also add to that , that telep' is the basis for comm' not only between F1 + F2 but on our phys' level as well as all other levels of reality in which indiv' beings exist (which is all of reality).
Again this goes back to the fact that all indiv' beings create their own realities not just theoretically but actually , you + i on a subcons' level create all of the atoms + molec's that go into the production of our indiv' worlds + no one being's reality is the same as any others . Because of the sometimes great differences that exist between one man's reality + another , we could never reach agreement upon a shared reality if telepathy did not exist . This is how important + essential telep' is , our individually created worlds would never meet without the aid of telepathy , it literally holds all of reality together , without exception , on all levels .
peace , paul