~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Favorite Quotes => Topic started by: LenKop on November 07, 2016, 12:10:45 AM

Title: Ego Action
Post by: LenKop on November 07, 2016, 12:10:45 AM
i haven't posted a good quote in a while, I came across this on FB.

"The ego structure remains, of course. The responsibility of dealing with physical reality remains, but in some respects the nature of this manipulation changes. It becomes more direct. Physical properties are manipulated more and more at a mental level. The ego becomes more like the inner ego and less like its old self, comparatively speaking. It accepts large portions of reality that it previously denied. Structurally, it remains intact, yet it has changed chemically and electromagnetically. Now it is far more open to inner data. Once this freedom is achieved, the ego can never return to its old state.
I have told you that the ego is self-conscious action that attempts to set itself apart from action and to consider action as an object. Now this altered ego retains its highly specialized self-consciousness, and yet it can now experience itself as an identity within and as a part of action.
This is the cornerstone of consciousness and for personality. It is only a first step, however. Without it, no further development of consciousness can occur. It is not attained by all within your system. You are at that point now.
The next step is taken when identity is able to include within itself the knowledge of all incarnations. Yet in this state, the independence of the various reincarnated selves is not diminished. Each of these steps of consciousness involve identity with the inner recognition of its unity with All That Is.
As each separate identity then seeks to know and experience its other portions, then All That Is learns Who and What It Is. It never ceases its exploration of itself. All That Is can never know itself completely, since action must always act and each action creates a new unknown. Action must travel through itself from every conceivable point, and yet the journey, being itself action, will create new paths."
"Probable Selves and Multi-Dimensional Personality"
(Excerpts from Session 309)

Dreams and Projections of Consciousness
Chapter 18

Title: Re: Ego Action
Post by: LenKop on November 07, 2016, 12:11:18 AM
thanks Phil Allen from FB Friends

Title: Re: Ego Action
Post by: Sena on November 07, 2016, 05:53:49 AM
Quote from: LenKop (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7691#msg7691)As each separate identity then seeks to know and experience its other portions, then All That Is learns Who and What It Is.
LenKop, thanks for this post. Do you think the passage I have highlighted implies that All That Is depends on us to learn Who and What It Is?
Title: Re: Ego Action
Post by: LenKop on November 07, 2016, 06:47:58 AM
Hi Sena,

Unless there was a distortion in the channel, I don't think there is any implication required. It is clearly stated that All That Is is dependent upon us to learn of Itself.

I think there are a few points, as usual, that can be debated, though.

The biggest is the fact that we are here trying define what 'learning' means via our conditioned beliefs. It's illogical to say All That Is is learning anything, because if It had something to learn then It wouldn't be 'All' That Is, but rather a Portion of. Now, if we follow that rabbit hole, the well versed Seth readers will bring up the 'agony' passage where Seth discusses the initial release of ATI's creations, and the possibility of a Primal Energy pre-ATI.

Again, if there is a pre-ATI, then did that energy act in the same way, and release portions of itself, etc, etc.....and we get back to the same problem at hand.

(Although, it might only be a problem because of our small scope of wisdom and experience. And it just might be one of the greatest puzzles we are blessed to attempt to comprehend...but I digress.)

The problem of time also rears its head in such discussions. When we learn, there is a time-frame, we start with ABC and we eventually read and write. If time is simultaneous, then our concepts of learning are at pre-school levels to say the least.

In line with 'learning', is the concept of creativity. How can anything be created 'new', to ATI. The logic is flawed. In the same way ATI would only be Portions of Itself if there was something yet undiscovered.   

But Seth's biggest teaching is 'You Create Your Own Reality'. It's so well known that the acronym is used more often these days than the full text.

I don't have the answers, but my intuition and spiritual logic tells me that the multitudinous lifeforms created, the various Frameworks of existence, the emotions, all the probabilities in all the dimensions in all the frequencies of existence that have been created, and are still in the process of being created, are not just there to be experienced and 'zap' back it goes into the soup, just for the sake of it.

To me it seems rather pointless.

I believe every molecule is creating, as is every man. I believe there is 'New' in everything, going forwards and backwards in 'time'. In fact, the only 'real' thing i can prove to myself is that there is 'Creativity'.

"Action must travel through itself from every conceivable point, and yet the journey, being itself action, will create new paths."


Title: Re: Ego Action
Post by: Sena on November 07, 2016, 09:06:34 AM
LK, thanks for your comprehensive reply. I agree with you in general terms. One could look at it as a matter of emphasis. Christian theology emphasizes the dependence of mere humans on God, from which follows the dependence of humans on the Church. Seth emphasizes the divine spark in each human, and consequently the ability to create reality.
Title: Re: Ego Action
Post by: Batfan007 on November 08, 2016, 06:16:08 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=7697#msg7697)
LK, thanks for your comprehensive reply. I agree with you in general terms. One could look at it as a matter of emphasis. Christian theology emphasizes the dependence of mere humans on God, from which follows the dependence of humans on the Church. Seth emphasizes the divine spark in each human, and consequently the ability to create reality.

The main diff I see there is that theology/religion makes distinctions about what is/is not divine.
In the Seth material, everything in existence and non-existence is divine. nothing is left out, or excluded, or divided and labeled in the ultimate sense. The emphasis is on the interconnectivity of all existence, and holons within holons that are our reality frames, perceptions, ideas etc.