Hi All,
In session 586 of Seth Speaks, Seth talks about the "Second Coming". In this session he says, the following:
Now there will be several born before that time who in various ways will rearouse man's expectations. One such man has already been born in India, in a small providence near Calcutta, but his ministry will seem to remain comparatively local for his lifetime.
Another will be born in Africa, a black man whose main work will be done in Indonesia.
The expectations were set long ago in your terms, and will be fed by new prophets until the third personality of the Christ does indeed emerge.
Does anyone here have any thoughts about who this man from India is / was?
What about the Black man from Africa?
Hi All,
I use to think that the man that Seth referred to here, the man who has already been born in India and lived in a small providence near Calcutta, (which is in Eastern India, near Bangledesh), may have been Sathya Sai Baba. However, it turns out that Sathya Sai Baba lived near Puttaparthi which is in south central India and is not near Calcutta.
Then I though that perhaps Seth was referring to Paramahansa Yogananda, who did spend some time with his master in an ashram near Calcutta. However, Yogananda spent many years here in the US and furthermore, he died in 1952. This was about 10 years before Jane started Channeling Seth and so Yogananda, was not alive, when Seth said this.
Sometimes, I wonder if President Barack Obama, may have possibly been the man from Africa that Seth referred to here. While I think this is kind of a stretch, President Obama's father was from Africa and President Obama himself did spend many of his early school years in Indonesia.
Does anyone else have any thoughts on who these people might be???
My tip is Obama and Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8167#msg8167)Sometimes, I wonder if President Barack Obama, may have possibly been the man from Africa that Seth referred to here. While I think this is kind of a stretch, President Obama's father was from Africa and President Obama himself did spend many of his early school years in Indonesia.
If it is Obama, his mission may not be complete. There may be things he can now say or do, which he was not able to say or do as President.
Quote from: sethspeaks (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8218#msg8218)My tip is Obama and Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Hi sethspeaks
Can you tell us something about "Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada"?
I've never heard of him.
Hi jbseth,
Thanks for the snopes sethspeaks, I was having a hard time seeing Obama as the type to "rearouse man's expectations" in any type of spiritual way. Plus the insistence here that he was born in Hawaii, although I still don't understand why there has been certain information about his history hidden. But as Seth said another "born in Africa," I'm also willing to question Obama's birth place (considering all the speculation over the years).
Seth mentioned both were men: "one such man," "a black man." And all the Christ personalities were men as well. I wonder if any of the "several born" will be women. And if not, why? Not having read all the Seth books, I don't know if he ever mentioned women as prophets. Seth said we incarnate as both genders. Maybe it's because our planet is generally a male-dominated society?
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8228#msg8228)I wonder if any of the "several born" will be women. And if not, why?
Seth said explicitly that his statements were not to be taken as dogma.
I think that Christ's personality should be something like "Savior". Many men would have rejected "a woman saved a man" out of principle. But it is natural that a man saves a woman ...
The society since childhood exaggerates the differences between men and women, prevents men have feminine characteristics, and women from having male characteristics. So the system / So our camouflage pattern / does not allow a woman to save the population.
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8228#msg8228)
Thanks for the snopes sethspeaks, I was having a hard time seeing Obama as the type to "rearouse man's expectations" in any type of spiritual way. Plus the insistence here that he was born in Hawaii, although I still don't understand why there has been certain information about his history hidden. But as Seth said another "born in Africa," I'm also willing to question Obama's birth place (considering all the speculation over the years).
Seth mentioned both were men: "one such man," "a black man." And all the Christ personalities were men as well. I wonder if any of the "several born" will be women. And if not, why? Not having read all the Seth books, I don't know if he ever mentioned women as prophets. Seth said we incarnate as both genders. Maybe it's because our planet is generally a male-dominated society?
There are many books and ideas around now about Mary Magdalene and femal apostles, along with conspiracy stuff about the church suppressing such ideas.
most of it is new age speculation to sell books. And they are interesting reading, I like them.
The basis for the ideas comes from the fragments discovered in the dead sea scrolls and the Nag HAmmadi, commonly referred to as Gnostic Gospels, but that term is somewhat erroneous.
There are a few interesting books easily read on the old Kindle, but I did pick up the books by Elaine Pagels and another one that have the actual texts (translatd into english) and commentaries about the possible interpretations and meanings, as good translators admit they understand only a portion of what the text may be talking about, considering that they were commonly in several ancient languages, who all had particular regional flavors and distinctions in their contexts, delivery and meanings, as do all modern languages.
I tend to read the "scholarly" stuff as well as the real out there mumbo-jumbo stuff, as it's all interesting reading, and stimulating ideas therein.
Quote from: sethspeaks (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8231#msg8231)The society since childhood exaggerates the differences between men and women, prevents men have feminine characteristics, and women from having male characteristics. So the system / So our camouflage pattern / does not allow a woman to save the population.
Yep sethspeaks, that's kind of where I was going with that. Mother Theresa, others, have been considered purely spiritual in their work, but have not have been able to reach the status of prophet or savior and so are made into saints. The time has not been right, but who knows what the future holds.
Quote from: Batfan007 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8235#msg8235)There are many books and ideas around now about Mary Magdalene and femal apostles
Interesting. When I was doing my religious research (just a little) about 15-20 years ago there was not much available on the apocryphal books, the Dead Sea Scrolls, etc. Maybe I need to look into that again. Nah. No time.
Hi sethspeaks,
Thanks for the Wikipedia site on Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Would you mind sharing with us some more about why you think that he might be the person from India, that Seth was referring to. I'm not disagreeing with you here, I'm just curious to find out more about him.
The reason that I thought that this person may have been Sathya Sai Baba, for example, is that many of his followers, as well as some others, claimed that he could and did occasionally materialize items (rings and such things) directly from his closed hands. If this was true, then that's pretty amazing to me.
hello jbseth,
I think that this is not entirely about a sleight of hand, but that there should be some thought. For example Prabhupada embodied the idea that enlightenment is very simple - singing the holy name - to me it does not seem a highlighting Krishna, something like Paul which failed, he had the highlight of our Self ..
Obama probably embodies the idea of equality of the races - the first black president of the US. Not quite all right is that Seth said in 1971 "will be born".
And something about Gnosticism:
"....Seth's account of the crucifixion is in accord with that contained in the Nag Hammadi gospel entitled the Second Treatise of the Great Seth: ......
.....For my death, which they think happened, happened to them in their error and blindness, since they nailed their man unto their death. For their Ennoias did not see me, for they were deaf and blind. But in doing these things, they condemn themselves. Yes, they saw me; they punished me. It was another, their father, who drank the gall and the vinegar; it was not I. They struck me with the reed; it was another, Simon, who bore the cross on his shoulder. ....."
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8238#msg8238)
Quote from: sethspeaks (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8231#msg8231)The society since childhood exaggerates the differences between men and women, prevents men have feminine characteristics, and women from having male characteristics. So the system / So our camouflage pattern / does not allow a woman to save the population.
Yep sethspeaks, that's kind of where I was going with that. Mother Theresa, others, have been considered purely spiritual in their work, but have not have been able to reach the status of prophet or savior and so are made into saints. The time has not been right, but who knows what the future holds.
Quote from: Batfan007 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8235#msg8235)There are many books and ideas around now about Mary Magdalene and femal apostles
Interesting. When I was doing my religious research (just a little) about 15-20 years ago there was not much available on the apocryphal books, the Dead Sea Scrolls, etc. Maybe I need to look into that again. Nah. No time.
"The system" (society, human culture) and our camouflage pattern /reality are two different things. My point is that the camouflage pattern is not stopping any societal changes,
human beings are. If it were we would have had no civil rights movement, no women's suffrage, no gay rights movement, no feminism and other post-modern integral world views where even the most ignorant of people are expected to fall in line, if not ethically, then legally, of course there are always those who refuse such mass collective raisings of consciousness, who hold on to old world energy of hatred, bigotry, racism, sexism etc etc. However, they are still somewhat aware of those mass changes, even if they don't agree with them.
A few hundred years ago, it was socially acceptable to have slaves, stone women to death, rape children, taken young women as brides (slaves) etc.
Now not so much, it goes without saying there are some parts of the world that still think this is okay, based on the words/dogma/truth of "holy books" etc.
It's easy to look around and say oh the world is so violent and crazy, amoral etc. Factually we live in times of relative peace, with declining rates of violent crime, and more efficient law enforcement methods than we have had in recorded history.
People who insist "the sky is falling" will refuse to even consider these ideas let alone look at any evidence.
Again, perhaps this off topic, but I'm not saying anything new here, or anything that Seth has not talked about repeatedly. Your reality is what you make of it.
Quote from: Batfan007 (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8235#msg8235)There are many books and ideas around now about Mary Magdalene and femal apostles
Interesting. When I was doing my religious research (just a little) about 15-20 years ago there was not much available on the apocryphal books, the Dead Sea Scrolls, etc. Maybe I need to look into that again. Nah. No time.
Yes. for several reasons.
The translations of the old text (partial incomplete texts) took a long time, and were only open to verified scholars, officials etc. Then the issue of about 4 main common languages they were typically recorded in, and the multiple socio-cultural meanings of words and ideas that had fallen out of the popular vernacular.
So we had scholars (and their personal prejudices) taking a long time to translate some difficult stuff. Some of it was not released to the public in any way for quite a few decades. Then it was, (you can see this stuff on wikipedia, im not linking as its easy enough / public record to look up yourself) released to other people, and now we have more common language translations, alternate interpretations as well as purely scholarly translations, a smorgasbord if you will of possible reading options, that in my view really enrich the old teachings and ideas, and offer a more multidimensional view, rather than a narrow hardline single male dominated view of these old texts.
We also have people such as Greg Braden who have traveled in person to Egypt and Tibet and verified alternate sources of many of these same texts (dead sea scrolls, nag hammadi) that were commonly available in the ancient world, travelers /scribes /translators kept extensive libraries in different countries to keep these texts alive, lest any one spot was destroyed (usually from war etc).
When i say "commonly" I mean available to those who had permission to view them, and those who might understand them if they were part of a wisdom tradition that studied the texts, translated them, or carriers/runners who took portions long distances to be copied and/or translated at other ancient libraries.
Some of these libraries were quite secret, like the Essene ones, that were they known publicly, would have been destroyed by the ruling class - Sadducees, Pharisees etc as they would be considered not in line with the mainline Judaism and the beginnings of Christianity (or its ancient equivalent, the books of Abraham etc).
People caught traveling for example in Kumran with texts (copies) from say Egypt - teachings of Hathor, Egyptian book of the dead etc - would be executed for been seen to be promoting things that went against what we would think of as the state/church in our era.
Anyhow, fast forward to amazon and the multiple modern translations we have available to us - and that is a VERY modern thing, despite the translation project being begun over 50 years ago. Also, more verified fragments etc surfaced that were older than some of the first stuff they started translating, so we have more reliable stuff available to us now than even 20 years ago (that took a long time to be translated and become publicly available).
A lot of other versions are freely on the internet also of Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hammadi.
Good research means having more than one source. Several reputable people have said that the Vatican has been sitting on more complete versions of many of these texts for hundreds of years, that they dont want people to see or read, they were not happy with the dead sea scrolls, and the slipping of power, as many of these teachings go directly against their male dominated hierarchical "dogma".
I don't know if that is true, but it was common in the old world that most large churches / religious groups had texts from many traditions.
Whether they do have them here and now, they were lost, I don't know. But their silence on the matter does not inspire trust, anymore than moving around pedophiles and covering up those repeat criminals does.