~Speaking of Seth~

BOOKS / REVIEWS / DOWNLOADS => Seth Books => Topic started by: Dandelion on December 13, 2016, 06:00:08 PM

Title: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: Dandelion on December 13, 2016, 06:00:08 PM
Written by Jane Roberts

Adventures in Consciousness: An Introduction to Aspect Psychology (c. 1975)

Psychic Politics: An Aspect Psychology Book (c. 1976)

The God of Jane: A Psychic Manifesto (c. 1981)

* * * * *

Reviews or other comments and opinions posted under this topic can be about this group of books in general or about a specific one.

Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: Monica on May 25, 2017, 03:36:08 AM
I bought Adventures in Consciousness: An Introduction to Aspect Psychology today. I think it must be the original print, since it says (c. 1975). My impulse 'suggested' a course home that meant I walked past a bookshop, that sells second-hand books, in the city, that I impulsively went into, thinking "I'll check and see if they've got any Jane Roberts books in as I've bought some here before". They had two copies of this book, 1975 for $11 and another, presumably later published copy, for $30.

I haven't started on it yet in full-serious-reading mode, but I've dipped in here and there and developed a sense of the pieces of the text I've had a read of, and how I may bring them to a combined pattern. 

Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: Deb on May 25, 2017, 06:10:50 AM
Quote from: Monica (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=9193#msg9193)My impulse 'suggested' a course home that meant I walked past a bookshop

I love when that happens! I too have a used copy of the book (© 1999), have only skipped through it at this point so am looking forward to what you have to say. I've been reading Unknown Reality 2 while traveling and the Adventures book is mentioned many times, to the point where I'd wished I'd brought that book with me as well.

Title: Psychic Politics
Post by: Deb on May 01, 2020, 07:19:17 PM
I started listening to Psychic Politics a few days ago and have been blown away by the book. I'd resisted reading it for a while because the title didn't sound interesting, but after having recently finished Nature of the Psyche I decided to get into this one. I've also started re-reading Conversations With Seth. I read this very early on, and I think I'll get a lot more out of it now that I have a lot more Seth under my belt. But that will be another topic.

So far not anything like the title sounds, better. Jane starts off writing about how she felt out of touch with her inner self, she asks her inner self to please get in touch... and is met with silence. Then one day she had a vision—the "library." She saw another version of herself in the library, and felt that the books represented the books she was meant to write or transcribe here in our existence. She started getting messages from her other self that Jane realized were intended to be this book.

She also started having altered consciousness experiences where she was able to see "more" in her surroundings and people, in that she could see beyond their 3D appearances into more of a multidimensional vision in that she could see both their F1 and F2 attributes. Things shimmered, people appeared "more" of themselves, she could sense her surroundings from a deeper and richer perspective. I wish I had the book in Kindle or PDF so I could copy her descriptions, they were far more interesting than what I'm writing here. I have a printed copy of the book, but typing all of it would take forever.

One great thing is that Seth explains some of what's going on in UR2, and Rob also added excerpts from the PP to UR2, and I can share them. It's also interesting to read Jane's account of what she went through with this supernatural vision, and then some things Rob added in UR about the experience from his perspective.

Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.

Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.

Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: T.M. on May 01, 2020, 10:26:22 PM
Hi All,

Hi Deb,

I read Psychic Politics years ago. I remember I enjoyed it :) 
Jane's abilities are amazing!

Thank you for The Spoiler from UR2. I'm starting to appreciate mythology much more these days. I also think it's literal history, veiled.
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: Sena on May 02, 2020, 03:58:35 AM
I read this review of Psychic Politics on Amazon. This reviewer has only given it three stars:

" Interesting, but it's no "Seth".

I am a huge fan of the Seth-dictated literature, but find Jane's own writings to be somewhat dithery, belabored and feminine (in the not-so-good sense of that word). Lovers of Seth's virile, direct prose will be disappointed, yet completists may want to read this."

This review is quite interesting because it seems to confirm that Seth was really a different person from Jane. Someone might say it was a case of multiple personality. I don't think so. This would be the first ever case of multiple personality where two of the personalities were able to write such coherent books. Also, Jane had a stable long-term relationship with Rob. Somebody with multiple personality would not be able to have such a relationship.
Title: Psychic Politics
Post by: Deb on May 02, 2020, 09:09:22 AM
Quote from: Sena (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15494#msg15494)
I am a huge fan of the Seth-dictated literature, but find Jane's own writings to be somewhat dithery, belabored and feminine (in the not-so-good sense of that word). Lovers of Seth's virile, direct prose will be disappointed, yet completists may want to read this.

Well it is definitely Jane's book, so someone only looking for more Seth would be disappointed.

While I never get enough Seth, I've always been curious about Jane. When I first came across the Seth materials I was leery of the channeling aspect and whether Seth was  real or if he was made up by Jane. I still feel she had issues with men, in that her father was absent (rejection), priests were her surrogate father by design, and during the time she was growing up men were looked up to as authorities (that hasn't changed that much). A few times I've heard or read her say things along where she was very conscious of the patriarchy of the time. I once read, and I don't know where it came from, that there was speculation she was "channeling" a "male" was because she thought people would have ignored a female. She struggled succeeding in the scifi writing field because it was male dominated.

I'm glad you mentioned the psychological aspect of MPD, as that's been tossed around as well. At this point it doesn't really matter to me whether Seth was a real separate consciousness, or a part of Jane's psyche, or another aspect of a greater oversoul or just an illusion. It's hard to imagine one person such as Jane could produce so many books, cover so many different topics (how much can one person know?), have so many sessions and continue to do it consistently for 25 years. And if you've ever listed to her speak, such as in the Village Voice interview, her personality was VERY different than the way she wrote.

I was going to ask Rich a lot of questions about how he viewed Seth/Jane and if he'd ever questioned it. I had planned to drive out to Elmira and New Haven in May, which of course won't happen now. My next hope is to drive out in the fall, but of course now Rich is gone.
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: T.M. on May 02, 2020, 11:25:37 AM
Hi All,

I know I have to shift my expectations when I read a Jane book. Some I really enjoy, Psychic Politics was one. Though I tried rereading it a few years after and just couldn't get into it.

I think it was around that time I read God of Jane, and enjoyed that one too. A few years later, I didn't enjoy trying to re-read.

I've never been fond of Oversoul 7 either. I had high hopes for the series, not an as extension of Seth either. I guess it just wasn't as sci-fi as I had hoped it would be. Seemed to me like a bridge between Jane and Seth, as where I was hoping for a straight imaginative venture from Jane. Maybe if I read it now I would enjoy it.

So yeah, I think it's a mindset kind of thing.
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: jbseth on May 02, 2020, 12:35:34 PM
Hi All,

I think that Jane must have been one of the most creative people who ever lived.

She was creative with her writing, (sci fi, poetry, Jane's books, the worldview books, the emir book, etc.) she was creative with her experiences (joining a scifi writing group, the ouija board, channeling, forming an ESP group, contacting survival personalities, table tipping, etc.) and she was creative with her imagination, (idea construction, the puddle being, Helper, Sumari, the Library, Cyprus, Oversoul 7).

She was creative in so many aspects of her life, its just amazing. Wow.

Here's an example of what I'm talking about.

Each morning I'd sit at least briefly at my desk - waiting. About a week and a half later, on October 25, 1974, I plunked myself down as usual. By then I'd nearly forgotten the poem itself. There wasn't an idea in my head. Then suddenly my next project was presented to me so clearly that I could have no doubts. All at once the image of a library was transposed over the southeast corner of the living room, and in it I saw my own image. At the same time, two paragraphs sprang to life within my mind. Excited, I wrote them down and then described the experience itself as it began to unfold. By then I knew that the notes themselves were the beginning of a new book.

These are my original notes. The first two paragraphs are arranged exactly as I saw them in my mental vision-I imagine that this was to set them off and let me know that new material was involved. Even later, that precise arrangement was significant to me.

"No man is an island to himself"
but each person contains an inner
civilization of the self which he
learns to govern with a psychic
politics that is the framework for
the outer world of government and

The ego rises from the civilization
of the psyche just as the ruler, king, queen,
president or dictator rises from the masses
of the people; appointed, chosen, or taking
control according to an inner politics first
existing within the greater inner mind.

"The above two paragraphs affected me most strangely, with a force difficult to describe. I feel that they exist somewhere else and have for centuries, that they are inevitable, and that the book in which they appear has already been written, though I am just beginning to transcribe it. The book is a classic, known as such somewhere or in some other time. The two paragraphs above are just the beginning, yet they come to me with an impeccable sense of rightness. Suddenly I'm sure that I'm meant to write that book, that it represents my "path" and it is part of my destiny. I don't mean that I feel forced to do this, but that I recognize in some odd manner the utter rightness of this path, this book and what it represents, to me. The book is to be called, Pyschic Politics.

- from Chapter 1 of the book, "Psychic Politics"

Just how incredibly creative is all of that. First Jane "sees" a library in the corner of her living room. In addition to this, she also she sees herself in this library. Then, she mentally picks up 2 paragraphs. These 2 paragraphs come from a book located in this psychic library, that she then proceeds to write, called "Psychic Politics".

I rest my case.


Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: T.M. on May 02, 2020, 12:54:27 PM
Hi All,

Hi Jbseth,

"No man is an island to himself"
but each person contains an inner
civilization of the self which he
learns to govern with a psychic
politics that is the framework for
the outer world of government and

"The ego rises from the civilization
of the psyche just as the ruler, king, queen,
president or dictator rises from the masses
of the people; appointed, chosen, or taking
control according to an inner politics first
existing within the greater inner mind.

"The above two paragraphs affected me most strangely, with a force difficult to describe. I feel that they exist somewhere else and have for centuries, that they are inevitable, and that the book in which they appear has already been written, though I am just beginning to transcribe it."

That's just beautiful poetry!!
The next few sentences remind me, when I was very young, probably 12, or something around that age. I started having a series of recognition dreams. Nothing major or earth shattering, just small snippets of daily life. I really started wondering about time and events, still do today.
At that time, it really seemed to me that the events of our lives had already happened, like the next few days, and we in 3D are just catching up to those events.
It really confused me and I asked the dreams to stop. I still regret that. At the time, it was too much.

When I got older I studied much occult type literature. I think the time frame is 3 days, for the type of dreams I was having. That matches up for when the dreams events came true.

That's kind of why I find probable time lines fascinating!
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: jbseth on May 02, 2020, 01:01:04 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15488#msg15488)
I started listening to Psychic Politics a few days ago and have been blown away by the book. I'd resisted reading it for a while because the title didn't sound interesting, but after having recently finished Nature of the Psyche I decided to get into this one. I've also started re-reading Conversations With Seth. I read this very early on, and I think I'll get a lot more out of it now that I have a lot more Seth under my belt. But that will be another topic.

Hi Deb, Hi All,

I'm with you Deb. I really like Jane's books and the interesting insights that I get from them.

Jane's book are different than Seths. Seth is like the instructor, this is how things work. Jane on the other hand is like the person who tests Seth's concepts. This is what I discovered when using these ideas.

I also seem to get more and more from both Seth's and Jane's books, the more I read and reread them.
I'm continually amazed that the information that I find that I didn't pick up on, the first time through.

- jbseth

Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: jbseth on May 02, 2020, 01:19:18 PM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15498#msg15498)
That's just beautiful poetry!!The next few sentences remind me, when I was very young, probably 12, or something around that age. I started having a series of recognition dreams. Nothing major or earth shattering, just small snippets of daily life. I really started wondering about time and events, still do today.At that time, it really seemed to me that the events of our lives had already happened, like the next few days, and we in 3D are just catching up to those events.It really confused me and I asked the dreams to stop. I still regret that. At the time, it was too much. When I got older I studied much occult type literature. I think the time frame is 3 days, for the type of dreams I was having. That matches up for when the dreams events came true.That's kind of why I find probable time lines fascinating!   

Hi T.M.

Yes, I agree. That is beautiful poetry. :)

I like your comments about dream events and having them show up in physical reality. I find that over the years, I've had many dreams where some small portion of the dream, like an unusual object or image in the dream will later show up in physical reality. This has happened to me, I'd say maybe 10 to 15 times, over my life. It has happened enough times so that I do look for them and I'm always happily amazed when they show up. It's very interesting and kind of fun.   :)

I would say that for me, mostly they show up anywhere between 1 - 5 days after the dream, although some have showed up weeks later.

I too find probable time lines to be very interesting as well.

- jbseth


Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: Deb on May 02, 2020, 01:35:28 PM
jbseth it seems you have the book on Kindle? If so, could you copy and paste the thank you "letter" Jane wrote to her soul for answering her request for contact? I listened to that yesterday and really enjoyed it. It would be nice to be able to share. It's at the beginning of Chapter 3. I'd type it up but it's 4 pages worth so copy & paste would be a lot easier. :)
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: jbseth on May 02, 2020, 04:22:11 PM
Hi Deb, Hi All,

I'm sorry Deb, I don't have "Psychic Politics" in kindle form. I have a hardback book copy.

This poem is very beautiful however, and so with a lot of slow henpecking at my keyboard, here you go. I've also copied the two paragraphs before and the one paragraph that follows this poem so that others can understand what this poem is all about.

Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.


Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: Deb on May 02, 2020, 05:37:56 PM
OMG jbseth, you didn't have to do that! I'm a really fast typist, I could have done it, just thought I'd save myself some time if you had the book on Kindle. I have an old paperback (copyright says 1976), used, with a few underlines and notes from the previous owner (I love that kind of stuff).

So, thank you SO MUCH for doing that, it is greatly appreciated and above and beyond. I love this poem. I've never appreciated poetry in my life as it was taught, all the rhyming and tempo... but to me this is something different, more from the heart and soul.

Thanks again, this is perfect.
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: jbseth on May 02, 2020, 06:15:40 PM
Hi Deb,

That's a small thank you for your patience with me here over the years.

It is a very beautiful poem and I really like to too.

- jbseth
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: Sena on May 03, 2020, 02:57:21 AM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15503#msg15503)
I think
of the nerve ends of the universe,
crisscrossing in a cosmos
of interrelatedness
we can hardly understand.
jbseth, thanks for posting Jane's poem.
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: T.M. on May 03, 2020, 11:42:28 AM
Hi All,

Hi Jbseth,

Thank you for Chp 3 :)
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: jbseth on May 03, 2020, 03:58:46 PM
Hi All,

In her book, "Psychic Politics", after Jane had her initial, what I'll call, "Library of the psyche" experience, and then after she wrote her thank you poem to her soul, Jane then proceeded to say some very interesting things about this "Library of the psyche".

The spoiler below, contains some of her comments about this "Library of the psyche".

Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.

Jane, who was a poet and writer, tapped into "the Library", a library of the psyche.

Given this then, do you suppose that there is something similar, for example, for artists, who can perhaps likewise tap into "the Art Gallery", an art gallery of the psyche.

If so, then what about musicians, conductors, actors, playwrights, magicians, etc.

What does this say about the nature of the psyche and the nature of creativity?

Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: T.M. on May 03, 2020, 05:46:05 PM
Hi All,

Hi Jbseth,

I've no doubt there's inner libraries for musicians and artists as well. Any pursuit really. I've been reading more of NOPR. I think I'm getting it a little more.  Every act is initially a mental one. Therefore it's possibilities are endless as its beginning isn't anchored in 3D reality, per se.

I wonder where we are? Is our Entity in all dimensions at once, while we are incarnated? Do we have selves experiencing a "life" in all dimensions. If so, I see how Jane could have seen an aspect of herself in the library.

How many dimensions are there?

I think I'm getting ready to jump down a new rabbit hole. How much are our lives related to electricity? I remember Seth said , electricity is a by product of forces we don't yet understand. A ghost type image.

I came across session 608 on the Seth search engine. In it he was talking about reincarnation being related to matter. That we will have a hard time understanding reincarnation till we understand better the properties of matter. I'm betting that's somehow related to the properties of electricity as well. So I bought TPS2 yesterday :)
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: Deb on May 03, 2020, 06:58:01 PM
Quote from: jbseth (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15514#msg15514)
Given this then, do you suppose that there is something similar, for example, for artists, who can perhaps likewise tap into "the Art Gallery", an art gallery of the psyche.

If so, then what about musicians, conductors, actors, playwrights, magicians, etc.

Great question and I agree with T.M., that would just make sense. Jane wrote books that came from her ego/conscious mind, but the Seth books seemed to have come from from a higher place. Does all inspiration come from non-physical? It feels that way to me, especially since I've been reading Seth... I'm more aware of my own "divine inspiration" as being separate from creation by knowledge and experience. I remember thinking back in 1998 that the Harry Potter books were channeled, and that was before I found Seth. They just had the feel to them that they went way beyond human imagination.

Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15515#msg15515)
I remember Seth said , electricity is a by product of forces we don't yet understand. A ghost type image.

T.M. you ask a lot of great questions! I didn't remember Seth saying that, but I did read in my past that we still don't really know what electricity is, and I was stunned. I thought science knew all of that stuff, but apparently there are lots of theories that are presented as knowledge and truth.

I think I found the quote you alluded to... Session 131 has a few paragraphs about electricity. I have the book, I need to look into it. I've been stockpiling Seth books during the Christmas sales on Rick Stack's site, just in case we had a pandemic in the future. Just kidding. I've been preparing for retirement and more free time to read.

"I mentioned that the electrical universe is composed of electricity that is far different from your idea of it. Electricity as you perceive it within your field, is merely an echo emanation, or a sort of shadow image of these infinite varieties of pulsations, which give reality and actuality to many phenomena with which you are familiar, but which do not appear as tangible objects within the physical system."
—TES3 Session 131 February 10, 1965

If you decide to share what you learn from TPS2, you could put them in the topic related to TPS in this board (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?board=46.0). Or wherever you want. But I thought it was really nice of Dandelion to take the time to make topics for all of the Seth books in this Book Reviews board. I've started reading Conversations With Seth again. It was probably the second Seth-related book I read many years ago, but now that I have so much Seth under my belt and know some of the players, it's much more meaningful for me. Lots of "oh wow" moments.

Take me with you down the rabbit hole !
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: T.M. on May 03, 2020, 09:20:36 PM
Hi All,

Hi Deb,

Yes that's the quote, TES3. I really thought that was in a different book though. I think I have  TES3.

It's going to be fun! There's not much on the web I'm aware of that's going where I want to go with this.
Other than 1 video on one of my channels that got me started on the idea. I think it's going to be like assembling
a jigsaw puzzle!

It will tie together aspects of science, psychology and religion, alien appearances/effects in our realm
Of course Seth!!  And hopefully put in an easy to understand explanation of reincarnation, per Seth.
When I get going on it, I will post a separate thread :)

Thank you for reminding me of Dandelion's correlations on the Seth books. I think I'm going to need them :)
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: Sena on May 04, 2020, 07:36:09 AM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15518#msg15518)
It will tie together aspects of science, psychology and religion, alien appearances/effects in our realm
Of course Seth!!  And hopefully put in an easy to understand explanation of reincarnation, per Seth.
When I get going on it, I will post a separate thread
T.M., I look forward to your new thread!
Seth did not say much about alien contact, except for this:

"Telepathy will be proven without a doubt, and utilized, sadly enough in the beginning, for purposes of war and intrigue. Nevertheless telepathy will enable your race to make its first contact with alien intelligence. It will not at first be recognized as such.

[... 1 paragraph ...]

There is nothing any more strange in such contact than there is in my contact with you. But because you are so involved with camouflage apparent reality, contact with such intelligence will be a startling discovery. The contact made will be from one male to another, although the alien male, from another camouflage galaxy, will be more involved than you consider possible.

The actual telepathy contact with this alien intelligence will occur, your time I believe, not too far distant, perhaps by the year 2001. However, for reasons that I will not go into, a hitch will develop of which your scientists will not be aware, at least in your terms. The intelligence that you contact will no longer inhabit that same universe by the time that the contact is made."

—The Early Sessions Book 2 Session 45 April 20, 1964
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: jbseth on May 04, 2020, 07:58:08 AM
Hi T.M., Hi Deb, Hi All,

Yes, TES3, has some great information from Seth on what he refers to as the "electric" reality, and he talks about it extensively in that book.

I particularly find what Seth has to say about the electric reality fascinating in Session 122, page 219; Session 123, page 223; and Session 126, page 233.

Where he talks about the electric reality as it relates to identity, thoughts, emotions, the mind, the brain, the body and inspiration.


Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: jbseth on May 04, 2020, 08:39:14 AM
Hi T.M., Hi Deb, Hi All,

Lately, as a result of this particular topic, I've been stewing over this idea that Jane had of writing a poem to her soul, and then later getting a reply in terms of her "library" experience. Then, in response to this, she wrote a "Thank You" poem to her soul.  In this process, it seems to me that Jane was seeking out inspiration.

It seems to me that intuitive people, should be able to think about a question that they may have for their soul. Then physically write the question down. And then, tune into themselves and see what they pick up intuitively.

I know that on more than 1 occasion, when I'm taking a shower for example, as I'm relaxed and thinking about some issue, some very insightful and intuitive ideas just seem to pop into my mind, in response to the thoughts that I was having.

I suspect that this is a form of communication, not unlike automatic writing or channeling and I believe that basically this is what Neale Donald Walsch did in his, "Conversation with God" books.

Furthermore, it seems to me that a person should be able to sit down at their computer, type in a question, tune-into themselves and then type up any response that intuitively pops into their mind. A person could them go back and forth like this, in a way, not unlike having a conversation with another person. It would seem to me that this direct line of communication is probably available to each and every one of us, if we were just open to it.

Maybe this down time, this time where we're all social isolating from each other, is a good time to give this a try. Maybe this is a great time to have a conversation with our souls. Maybe I'll give this a try today and see what I come up with.

What a great day for this idea to occur to me, May 4th; "May the Force, be with you".  :)

- jbseth

Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: T.M. on May 04, 2020, 08:45:21 AM
Hi All,

Hi Jbseth,

I like that! A lot, and am going to give it a try. Thank You!
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: LarryH on May 04, 2020, 09:06:39 AM
Quote from: Sena (quoting Seth) (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15519#msg15519)
"Telepathy will be proven without a doubt, and utilized, sadly enough in the beginning, for purposes of war and intrigue."
This 1964 quote is 7 or 8 years before the government-funded Stanford Research Institute program to develop and use Remote Viewing as a supplement to conventional information-gathering, largely directed against U.S. adversaries.
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: Sena on May 04, 2020, 09:24:28 AM
Quote from: LarryH (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15523#msg15523)
Quote from: Sena (quoting Seth) (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15519#msg15519)
"Telepathy will be proven without a doubt, and utilized, sadly enough in the beginning, for purposes of war and intrigue."
This 1964 quote is 7 or 8 years before the government-funded Stanford Research Institute program to develop and use Remote Viewing as a supplement to conventional information-gathering, largely directed against U.S. adversaries.
Larry, I was thinking more on the lines of telepathy between Seth readers but, as you say, it may have been used for intrigue 30 or 40 years ago.
Title: Re: The "Aspect Psychology" Series (c. 1975 - 1981)
Post by: pyromancy on May 29, 2020, 06:16:00 AM
Quote from: T.M. (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=15515#msg15515)
st (or highlight some text for a PARTIAL quote)
                        Hi All,Hi Jbseth,I've no doubt there's inner libraries for musicians and artists as well. Any pursuit really. I've been reading more of NOPR. I think I'm getting it a little more.  Every act is initially a mental one. Therefore it's possibilities are endless as its beginning isn't anchored in 3D reality, per se.I wonder where we are? Is our Entity in

I'll share something interesting with you. There are excerpts about copper sheets and incense being used because of the ionization.


copper conducts electricity. it is used in electrical wiring. Pathogens also cannot survive on copper due to oligodynamism.

The medium Edgar Cayce was also very fascinated in secondary copper minerals such as azurite (a molecule of which contains 3 copper ions) and malachite along with lapis lazuli [lapis isn't conductive as far as I know but the Sumerians valued it tremendously]

Copper is very affordable and can be found at hardware or home improvement stores.

There also appear to be scant references to silver, which is an even better conductor of electricity.


Stories of Moses and Egyptian healers with brass staffs I have little doubt had to do with people noticing the benefits of holding these items. To kill viruses and conduct electricity. Amplifying an individuals energy.


also see eilat stone which contains many varieties of copper and secondary copper along with turquoise which contains iron
