~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: sethspeaks on January 05, 2017, 02:51:14 PM

Title: Sumarians
Post by: sethspeaks on January 05, 2017, 02:51:14 PM
Hi All,
and what do you say to this?---

Session 605 /The Personal Session Book Two/:
"("I feel that a whole mass of people would visualize a pyramid in their imagination, ''Jane said, "then through their chanting, the use of certain vowels and pitches. they actually changed the air where that building was going to be. They made a boundary in the air, " she said, making angular gestures, "a cohesiveness, for this imaginary structure. Then they had certain kinds of tuning forks, then some kind of instrument. The noise of the chant was like something that you'd use to turn on this instrument—when the chant got to a certain pitch it turned on this instrument; and it somehow intensified and focused sound to what we would call an incredible degree —broke it down and then foctised it in certain directions. "
("You could move very heavy objects with it. The objects were levitated — raised up in the air, no matter how heavy. They only needed to be guided by people to some degree. Many men were used to guide them but not to lift or carry them. The sound instrument had a fantastic cohesive effect that bound atoms and molecules together.

http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/antigravityworldgrid/ciencia_antigravityworldgrid08.htm (http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/antigravityworldgrid/ciencia_antigravityworldgrid08.htm)
Title: Re: Sumarians
Post by: sethspeaks on January 05, 2017, 03:08:01 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSX-xHE-CqU (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSX-xHE-CqU)
Title: Re: Sumarians
Post by: sethspeaks on January 08, 2017, 08:32:24 AM
The most interesting quotes from s.605:

"The pyramids exist as other than physical matter, but it is only as physical matter that you perceive them. There are several important issues connected with the pyramids that are not as yet understood. The symbols upon them often were meant to be sounded, the sound setting up reverberations. Some of these would automatically open up many doors, leading to as yet undiscovered secrets—but only for those who understood the use of sound.
The Egyptians then were also helped, and told how to construct the pyramids.

(10:25. "And beside that the instruments also set up some kind of extra charge that we don't understand yet, around objects that were so constructed, like the pyramids," Jane continued. She was speaking faster now that she had in the session. "Doors andpassageways inside the pyramids will open through the correct sound messages and signals, and were designed only to open if those correct signals were given. "

(Then Seth returned at 10:45:)
Now. The information Ruburt gave is substantially correct.
You know that sound has an effect upon living things. It can help mend bone. It can also be used however to reinforce structures.
We are in the preliminary stages with the Sumari language—hopefully leading to some understanding of the nature of sound, though (humorously) you may not yet be able to build a pyramid in your backyard.

(10:56.) I want you to discover some of these things for yourself, which is why I used this particular format this evening. I will only tell you then that your feeling of the sound of a gong is quite legitimate.
I would like both of you at odd moments to look at objects, then try to hear their sound. This will be handy training for some other things to come. This also applies incidentally to various organs of the body, and to the body itself. Then let the sounds evoke whatever naturally comes from them. There is a strange interrelationship between sound and what you think of as time, but a binding one.
Time can then "appear" (in quotes) as sound. Sound can be used to set apart certain elements from others, to isolate them from others, and on the other hand to bind elements also. In that regard think of sound as a line perhaps that you sketch with.
(11:01.) Sounds properties are not understood. I want it specifically noted then that sound can be used as a binder or as a separator of elements. It can be used to open up pathways within dimensions, both microscopic and macroscopic.

(11:04. Jane said that while I had been getting my effects, she had been somewhat separatedfrom Seth after all. She saw groups of men "like pictures you'd see of Egyptians. I saw their dark skin—in color—against short robes. They were in groups chanting."   
(She saw a structure like a pyramid shape. She had the feeling that "heavier sounds were at the bottom. These formed the base of the pyramid. " She tried several times to explain this to me. It was all important, she said, that the heavier sounds were at the base of the structures. Like the musical scale, she felt that the sounds used in building the pyramids "made steps in the air that you couldnt see. Certain sounds went up—certain sounds bound things together—they all had purposes.... ")"
Title: Re: Sumarians
Post by: sethspeaks on January 08, 2017, 08:51:47 AM
Session 604:

(10:58. Jane's trance had again been very good. Now she talked more about what she had said at last break, concerning the carving done on stone that had been utflened by instruments employing sound. Only a very sophisticated instrument was used, she said, to soften the top layer of the stone so that it was "like frosting, which could then be easily carved. The instrument might have done both the softening and the carving. "

("But first of all, " she added as we continued to talk, "either that instrument or another one was used to isolate the top layer of the stone from the rest of it so that it wasn't weakened. We had been discussing the very intricate and extensive bas-relief carving pictured on the doorframes and lintels of the ruins at Baalbek in this instance —not say the in-the-round carving shown on columns, etc.

(ACK-A-SOND-A. This is my phonetic interpretation of a word Jane got re the instrument in question, whether from Seth or not she didn't know, as at last break. The sound wasn't audible to human ears. The instrument "sort of looked like —I can't really do it—the shape I'm getting is of a very rough pistol shape.... All you had to do was aim it. That was just for the small stuff.''

Title: Re: Sumarians
Post by: Deb on January 08, 2017, 05:58:46 PM
The use of sound is a really interesting topic for me. Years ago I read The Scole Experiment and that was my first exposure to the concept (see quote below from a topic that never got off the ground). When I found the Seth materials a few years ago and read THAT information about sound, it validated the whole concept to me.

Here's a link with more of Seth on sound, pyramids and some of the quotes you've already supplied. http://www.subtleenergies.com/ormus/tw/sethsound.htm

Quote from: Deb quoting Scole Exp (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=875#msg875)"In Egyptian times, they had a great knowledge of sound. They used it in healing, but also they had the knowledge of how to connect the sound vibrations with the art of building. This is something that has been totally lost over the centuries, so much so that it has disappeared in the main from the human consciousness.

...but what has been lost even more is the art of construction using sound. It is the knowledge of fusion with sound that has been lost, but I think that this is going to come round full circle again, like so many other things..."  Solomon, Grant (2006). The Scole Experiment: Scientific Evidence for Life After Death.  Campion Books