~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: sethspeaks on January 15, 2017, 03:06:32 AM

Title: Exercises
Post by: sethspeaks on January 15, 2017, 03:06:32 AM
Have you read this?

http://www.gestaltreality.com/downloads/Compilation%20of%20Exercises%20-%20Seth%20and%20Jane%20Roberts.pdf (http://www.gestaltreality.com/downloads/Compilation%20of%20Exercises%20-%20Seth%20and%20Jane%20Roberts.pdf)

Or are you doing other exercises?
Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: Deb on January 16, 2017, 07:23:38 PM
We actually have links to that in a couple of places on the forum, it's an amazing collection and whoever put it together did a great job and obviously took a lot of care.

Thanks for the reminder. I printed it out two years ago and have not done many of the exercises yet. I've done some while reading the Seth books. Definitely a great way to put what we read to work in our daily lives. No more excuses, I need to do my homework!

Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: sethspeaks on January 17, 2017, 12:47:21 PM
There is one exercise that covers cancer. Once I sent this quote to one doctor who deals with psychosomatic medicine. He wrote that it fully agrees with his beliefs and his worldview. All illness are only mental, including cancer.
Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: gitam2 on January 18, 2017, 06:17:17 PM
Someone gave me these exercises last year, they are great! Great to have them all in one place. Will keep you busy for a while!
Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: Deb on January 18, 2017, 09:13:29 PM
Quote from: sethspeaks (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8490#msg8490)All illness are only mental, including cancer.

I get that, and as I have a hefty head cold right now I have to wonder what that's about. Seth did say that illnesses do serve another purpose, the body adjusting or balancing itself I think, but I have no clue why I'm sick right now. I rarely get sick.

Seth also said that cancer and other physical dis-ease conditions can come and go without our even knowing about them.

Harvard psychologist and author (and artist) Ellen Langer, in her book, On Becoming An Artist, comments about how there can be one person who is diagnosed with cancer, makes a spontaneous recovery, but is labeled by modern medicine as a 'cancer victim' and is then stuck with that label forever, because according to medicine there are no spontaneous recoveries, only remissions. So the threat of it returning is forever looming overheard. I've experienced that myself and refuse to buy into it. On the other hand, another person could have had undetected cancer, it goes away, and the person is viewed as never having had cancer. I like Ellen, she's a very sharp lady and thinks outside the box. I picked up a lot of new insights from her.

One thing that crossed my mind: I am very attuned to nature, and have always looked to nature for its "purity" when trying to figure out human behavior and what's normal. So, I wonder why animals (non-domesticated) and even plants, develop illnesses? I was taught that animals and plants are unburdened by thoughts, beliefs and the mental chatter that humans suffer. So why do they get sick? Or is that just an illusion developed by humans?

Your thoughts on this?

Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: sethspeaks on January 20, 2017, 03:48:15 AM
I think that the disease occurs whenever there is any obstacle that limits development. Development of human, animal or plant. It does not matter. Development in one direction is muted and in the other direction should be strengthened.
For example, cancer is a result of the stereotype and the inability to develop or fear of it.
Healthy appetite for life cures all ills.
So animals and plants have their own lives, their thoughts, and they want to develop.
Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: Batfan007 on February 26, 2017, 01:19:00 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8493#msg8493)
Quote from: sethspeaks (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8490#msg8490)All illness are only mental, including cancer.

I get that, and as I have a hefty head cold right now I have to wonder what that's about. Seth did say that illnesses do serve another purpose, the body adjusting or balancing itself I think, but I have no clue why I'm sick right now. I rarely get sick.

Seth also said that cancer and other physical dis-ease conditions can come and go without our even knowing about them.

Harvard psychologist and author (and artist) Ellen Langer, in her book, On Becoming An Artist, comments about how there can be one person who is diagnosed with cancer, makes a spontaneous recovery, but is labeled by modern medicine as a 'cancer victim' and is then stuck with that label forever, because according to medicine there are no spontaneous recoveries, only remissions. So the threat of it returning is forever looming overheard. I've experienced that myself and refuse to buy into it. On the other hand, another person could have had undetected cancer, it goes away, and the person is viewed as never having had cancer. I like Ellen, she's a very sharp lady and thinks outside the box. I picked up a lot of new insights from her.

One thing that crossed my mind: I am very attuned to nature, and have always looked to nature for its "purity" when trying to figure out human behavior and what's normal. So, I wonder why animals (non-domesticated) and even plants, develop illnesses? I was taught that animals and plants are unburdened by thoughts, beliefs and the mental chatter that humans suffer. So why do they get sick? Or is that just an illusion developed by humans?

Your thoughts on this?

I've noticed the beginnings of various illnesses and aches and pains in my body at times, some that come forth, and others that do not.
I try not to overly focus on whatever results, but just see what happens
Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: sethspeaks on February 27, 2017, 11:29:42 AM
I think that the disease have always a mental origin.
Give examples.
The child "accidentally" breaks his leg, because in the school was going to happen to assay period.
Jane had cancer, because people were calling for her psychic medium and by that her life was very limited, sought escape from that.
Ray Charles was blind because he wanted to develop on field of music and wanted to show that it does not need eyesight.
I was sick last week / I had a temperature / because I had some work problems and the weekend was not enough to restore power.
When I truly seek, then I'll find any mental problem.
Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: Batfan007 on March 01, 2017, 08:22:15 PM
Quote from: sethspeaks (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8676#msg8676)
I think that the disease have always a mental origin.
Give examples.
The child "accidentally" breaks his leg, because in the school was going to happen to assay period.
Jane had cancer, because people were calling for her psychic medium and by that her life was very limited, sought escape from that.
Ray Charles was blind because he wanted to develop on field of music and wanted to show that it does not need eyesight.
I was sick last week / I had a temperature / because I had some work problems and the weekend was not enough to restore power.
When I truly seek, then I'll find any mental problem.

I disagree. Some people are born with broken or missing limbs, a major degenerative condition, heart disorder, partial or full paralysis, missing organs, blood/bone/skin disorder, or any number of things. They may have chosen to arrive here that way for their own specific reasons perhaps related to their associations with the family there were born into, and other multidimensional themes themes they are playing out over several lives and various relationships.
Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: sethspeaks on March 02, 2017, 05:23:07 AM
These are after all the consequences of mental problems from past lives..
Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: Deb on March 02, 2017, 01:44:46 PM
Quote from: sethspeaks (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8693#msg8693)These are after all the consequences of mental problems from past lives..

Not necessarily:

NoPR Chapter 19: Session 667, May 30, 1973 (9:38):

• In your terms, birth defects of whatever kind are chosen before this life. This is done for many different reasons (just as people choose to be ill in this life, regardless of the duration involved). That is, a certain psychic framework is set up through which an individual decides "ahead of time" to experience an entire life situation. Some information on this has been given in my other writings.

• Often the successful activity represents a challenge on the part of the personality who set it in terms of psychological creativity, and the overall enrichment of experience. Those involved, such as family, will have acquiesced to the situation "earlier." Often, particularly in the case of mental or physical birth defects, the incapacitated person will be accepting that role not only because of personal reasons; he or she will also be choosing that part for the family as a whole.
Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: sethspeaks on March 02, 2017, 02:58:45 PM
Deb, I see there no contradiction.
Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: Batfan007 on March 05, 2017, 02:18:41 AM
Past lives are not past. They are forwards and backwards and sideways.

And last lives are not to be blamed  for every inconvenience we have chosen to experience in this present life that leads us to new learning, or as part of an agreement with another person eg a primary carer.

The past lives thing gets mixed up with erroneous ideas of karma, sin and punishment.
It is after all conscious living universe of free choice, not of fatalism and determinism or silly angels and demons deciding our lives for us, nor of selves in the future or past telling us what to do, or expecting us to solve their unique problems and challenges.
To me all life is ultimately co-operation whether it appears to be or not.
Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: sethspeaks on March 05, 2017, 09:00:24 AM
I do not blame any lives.
I argue that life as we live, we chose.
I can say that the same experience can be called a problem or a space to develop. It depends on the perspective, on approach.
Everything that happened to us, we have attracted by our thoughts.
We have a responsibility for our life. Completely.
I do not write about a blame and a punishment.
I write about seeking the source of experience through feeling and understanding.
Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: Batfan007 on March 11, 2017, 06:28:31 AM
Quote from: sethspeaks (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8736#msg8736)
I do not blame any lives.
I argue that life as we live, we chose.
I can say that the same experience can be called a problem or a space to develop. It depends on the perspective, on approach.
Everything that happened to us, we have attracted by our thoughts.
We have a responsibility for our life. Completely.
I do not write about a blame and a punishment.
I write about seeking the source of experience through feeling and understanding.

Yeah, I was talking in general about assumptions, not specifically about you, sorry I should have been clearer about that  :)
Title: Re: Exercises
Post by: sethspeaks on March 12, 2017, 10:35:31 AM
I know. :)