This came from Ejay on FB this week and it caught my imagination. I think I'll try to gather some information on what Framework 2 is about, if that's what Seth is talking about here. If I'm jumping the gun on F2, let me know. I just ordered this book.
"The next plane of existence will involve further training in energy use and manipulation, since the energy of which the entity is composed is self-generating and always seeking more complicated form and awareness. Each material particle is an idea construction formed by the individualized bits of energy that compose it. Each entity perceives only his own constructions on a physical level. Because all constructions are more or less faithful reproductions in matter of the same basic ideas (since all individuals are, generally speaking, on the same level in this plane), then they agree sufficiently in space, time and degree so that the world of appearances has coherence and relative predictability."
Roberts, Jane (2011-06-30). Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness (Kindle Locations 684-686). New Awareness Network Inc. Kindle Edition.
Quote from: Deb (
This came from Ejay on FB this week and it caught my imagination. I think I'll try to gather some information on what Framework 2 is about, if that's what Seth is talking about here. If I'm jumping the gun on F2, let me know. I just ordered this book.
"The next plane of existence will involve further training in energy use and manipulation, since the energy of which the entity is composed is self-generating and always seeking more complicated form and awareness. Each material particle is an idea construction formed by the individualized bits of energy that compose it. Each entity perceives only his own constructions on a physical level. Because all constructions are more or less faithful reproductions in matter of the same basic ideas (since all individuals are, generally speaking, on the same level in this plane), then they agree sufficiently in space, time and degree so that the world of appearances has coherence and relative predictability."
Roberts, Jane (2011-06-30). Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness (Kindle Locations 684-686). New Awareness Network Inc. Kindle Edition.
To me seth here is saying that while here on earth, we have some basic root assumptions that cause us to let our experience have a general "agreement" for example pigs down fly, water runs downhill in the material reality, we have gravity, light, heat, cold etc etc.
A different "plane" may have a different "rule set" at Tom (big toe) talks about. So a different plane would have different root assumptions, giving a coherence and rule set to that plane in which people focus and develop themselves and their abilities.
Generally speaking there are an infinite number of planes, having some agreements (via root assumptions / rule set) means those interacting on that plane are not all going off in different directions.
That's my guess anyhow. Could be way off, I'd need to see more examples of Seth using the term plane, but he generally didn't like to be nailed down to the symbolic language we use as we often make religions and erroneous nonsense out of such terms, mistaking the descriptive term for the actual.