~Speaking of Seth~

Seth/Jane Roberts Public Boards: All posts are visible to the www => Seth-Related Discussions => Topic started by: Deb on March 01, 2017, 12:24:57 AM

Title: Non-local consciousness
Post by: Deb on March 01, 2017, 12:24:57 AM
Fascinating article for me. Along the line of thought that consciousness is non-local:

From IFLSCIENCE (http://www.iflscience.com/brain/man-missing-most-of-his-brain-challenges-everything-we-thought-we-knew-about-consciousness/all/?inf_contact_key=159e5a34a4f8ac30917a6b7b5054f5a7f72320b90187376876f721757d3f7aaf):

"Back in 2007, scientists reported (http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(07)61127-1/fulltext) that a French man in his mid-40s had walked into a clinic complaining of a pain in his leg. As a child, he'd had this same problem as a result of the ventricles in his brain filling with cerebrospinal fluid, so the doctors decided to scan his brain to see if this was again causing his limb-related lamentations. To their astonishment, they found that his ventricles had become so swollen with fluid that they'd replaced virtually his entire brain, leaving just a thin cortical layer of neurons."

He has an IQ of 75: his verbal IQ was 84, and his performance IQ 70. He has a wife and children, a job and had no idea the majority of his brain was missing (see attachment, the dark areas are fluid, grey areas are brain tissue).

I tried to find some specific Seth quotes that would be fitting, stating that consciousness is nonlocal, but have not had any luck so far. If anyone has an idea where to find some quotes, please let me know.
Title: Re: Non-local consciousness
Post by: Sena on March 01, 2017, 07:38:32 AM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8679#msg8679)I tried to find some specific Seth quotes that would be fitting, stating that consciousness is nonlocal, but have not had any luck so far.
Deb, I don't think Seth used the term nonlocal, just as he did not explicitly mention quantum physics. He does of course say a lot about telepathy, and I think telepathy implies nonlocality. We imagine telepathy as "transmitting" information from one brain to another, but I think it is actually two consciousnesses having the same thought at the same time (nonlocality).
A good book about nonlocality is "Science and the Akashic Field" by Ervin Laszlo.

Title: Re: Non-local consciousness
Post by: Batfan007 on March 01, 2017, 07:47:59 PM
Quote from: Deb (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=8679#msg8679)
Fascinating article for me. Along the line of thought that consciousness is non-local:

From IFLSCIENCE (http://www.iflscience.com/brain/man-missing-most-of-his-brain-challenges-everything-we-thought-we-knew-about-consciousness/all/?inf_contact_key=159e5a34a4f8ac30917a6b7b5054f5a7f72320b90187376876f721757d3f7aaf):

"Back in 2007, scientists reported (http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(07)61127-1/fulltext) that a French man in his mid-40s had walked into a clinic complaining of a pain in his leg. As a child, he'd had this same problem as a result of the ventricles in his brain filling with cerebrospinal fluid, so the doctors decided to scan his brain to see if this was again causing his limb-related lamentations. To their astonishment, they found that his ventricles had become so swollen with fluid that they'd replaced virtually his entire brain, leaving just a thin cortical layer of neurons."

He has an IQ of 75: his verbal IQ was 84, and his performance IQ 70. He has a wife and children, a job and had no idea the majority of his brain was missing (see attachment, the dark areas are fluid, grey areas are brain tissue).

I tried to find some specific Seth quotes that would be fitting, stating that consciousness is nonlocal, but have not had any luck so far. If anyone has an idea where to find some quotes, please let me know.

I don't think Seth used the term "non-local" as that is more a modern term. I frequently use it as as shorthand for conveniece, even though it has its own limitations.

Remember in those (big toe) Tom talks, he talks about the virtual brain and the virtual body, and Tom and Bruce Lipton talked about mars rovers, how do you go to planet, without going to a planet, you send a remote controlled rover that can survive in the mars environment, and that rover sends you back pictures, audio etc.

If our bodies upload data to our higher self, consciousness is here, there, everywhere and nowhere. The whole field of the material reality, is a consciousness field, no (mass) consciousness, no material reality, at least nothing we could experience without a body, it would just be unmanifest potential, the blueprint of a reality.

Then we have the intelligence of our DNA, our cells, our entire body is consciousness, or "bundles of organised intelligence" as Deepak is fond of saying.
We associate consciousness with some sort of self, of self awareness etc - at least in humans, yet everything we touch, hear, feel, see and experience - ultimately is consciousness. It's talked about in more poetic terms in various classical texts, particularly in (from thing's I've read a bit of, or about) in the Indian spiritual classics, some of which go back an estimated five thousand years in the concepts, ideas and "states" of consciousness laid out.

--To my way of thinking (NOT quotes)  Seth *might* me more likely to say something like, or use terms such as consciousness is not just limited to your body, or your "soul" , there are no artificial divisions where you end and another begins..........ETC.--

So reality, if anything, is overlapping fields of consciousness, individual and mass consciousness, and in terms of the hologram idea, every part contains the whole, and the whole contains the part.
As a hologram can recreate the whole from ANY part, and we assume that consciousness is not only self aware, but self evolving, and self-replicating (that is All That Is spawns offshoots of itself) then the obvious thing is that systems and consciousness can only evolve into higher and higher orders of complexity, expression and value fulfillment, and nothing can ever truly be destroyed, as everything gets copied, over and over again as part of the whole.

I'm using words playfully here as the symbols they are, so please don't take anything overly literally in what I am saying, as I'm just guessing with my current experiences and those views and experiences are always expanding.