Seth Student Lawrence Davidson

Started by Deb, May 19, 2016, 10:24:24 PM

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I just thought I'd mention, for those of you not on Facebook, that on May 18 Lawrence Davidson passed away. He'd been in the hospital for quite some time, on a respirator the last of his days. Happy travels Lawrence!

I'm attaching a photo of Barrie and Lawrence from back in the "Seth" days and a photo from the 2015 Seth Conference in California. Lawrence is up front and in the middle, wearing the orange vest.

Here are a couple of interesting videos, something I've been curious about: what it was like to be at a Seth meeting for the first time. It's something I'd like to ask Barrie about. Maryanne and Wade Alexander in one video about their first meeting of Seth (sound quality is not very good, Lawrence shown at about 2 minutes in) and the second is Sumari music performed by Wade.

Someone had a very nice short video of Lawrence talking at the conference but I couldn't link to it and it's not on Youtube. I'm trying to contact him (if he accepts my friend request) to see if there's a way I can get the video to add to this little collection.


Thanks for sharing Deb, I will watch those videos later.
It's a shame there is no connection between the older generation of those who knew/met  Seth/Jane/Rob, classes etc, and the generations who have come after. Other than a few tidbits here and there online.
It's a shame that those who are wise in Seth knowledge and wisdom mainly talk and share with those of their same age and generation (which makes sense, I don't mean it in a negative way) while people new to the Seth material, really have no teachers, nobody to help them, other than other "beginners".

I've thought about this many times, the gap from old hat to new hat. But there will be their own private reasons for such, reincarnational soul-groups, dramas etc.
When I heard how you contacted Rick Stack and he was overly guarded about the material and negative even about a public msg board /site such as this, it really drove that point home to me.

When these elders have left this realm, who will be left to teach and disseminate the materials? Who will market the books? Who will keep them in print (or digital). Without that relationship, the Seth material could easily disappear inside of one generation. It would be a shame.