Fiat Money Makers Actually Pull Funds From Secret Credit Accounts

Started by James Sidaway, November 07, 2019, 09:59:13 PM

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James Sidaway

Australia Court Battles Reveal New Secrets!

When I included "The Money Masters" on my distribution disks... back 17 years ago:

I thought the bank fabricated money out of nothing thus creating debt or fiat money out of thin air.  But, apparently, the deception goes much deeper.

But Romley Stewart of Australia has discovered the fake-trust trap that the Vatican (It's hard to believe Vatican translates to "Divining Serpent" but it does... its the Vault of the Cult.) has created for the non-initiates to "pay-again", the "profane" are the pagans in the Cult's eyes:
(Is it not amazing that the masons worship the Aeye on top of that old pyramid on the dollar and are recreating a similar computer to rule Earth again?)

When you use your credit card or take out a bank loan, the funds are not fabricated out of thin air like Bill Still claims in "The Money Masters."
The credit is taken out of your hidden account attached to your birth certificate.

Romely went through the "courts" where initiates plays symbolic matches or games.  Eventually he and buddy Rohm deciphered the deception.  So, he calls their discovery the "Justinian Deception" descriptive of Emperor Justin who's masterminds devise the surname trust system of Administrator, Creditor and Debtor.

The "profane"( as the initiates call all non-initiates unaware of this hidden trust-system) are tricked from realizing that they are actually the Creditor of the trust.  Tricked into becoming the Debtor and paying their birthrights back to the Administrator of the trust system.  They "pay-again."

It is all paperwork tactics from the Vatican, but they use the fake paperwork to steal every country's national wealth, and in a few years they will steal the countries from the "profane" people who don't know of the paperwork nor the deceptive facade even exists.

I've included the link to the Youtube video list that helps make sense out of what the Justinian deception really amounts to.   Oh great!  I see Romley made two more education/entertainment videos to educate the masses.

{ v=8F7IjcOlIew }Two Birth Certificates
{v=e5Hoq3Rmkbk } Hidden System
{v=jwNfi94tGD0 } Hyphen-Glitch

So, as a result of the deception, Debtors pay taxes rather than being Creditors receiving dividends.   You are all rich according to Romley if you are not an administrator in the trust pretending to be something else.