Sophia is connected to the Singularity, Already?

Started by James Sidaway, November 21, 2019, 12:37:49 PM

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James Sidaway

This was my introduction to a "blockchain."

I heard Karen Hudes also talking about blockchains, too, may be very important to understand how they link-up the AI "skynet."  Yes, => a reference to the "Terminator" movie.

James Sidaway

Sophia the AI Robot Says The Darndest Things

When the robots talk within this video, they represent the science-Cult speaking their religious riddles to the "sheeple," it is a form of Cult worship where they mock the "profane."  But, don't worry, just realize you don't desire their fake-Utopia where thUgtopians practice their fanatical-idealism where "EXITUS ACTA PROBAT."  (Notice:, the Dog-Latin carved in stone: you see the "hidden hand" presenting the "book."  This is similar to the cult's video "I, Pet Goat II" : The hand is the "great work" of the masons.)

You, instead, need to practice your own practical idealism that the Seth-Books help you realize. (In particular Session 742 in "The Unknown Reality" Vol.2)  The thUg-network is upon a route where it will self-annihilate within their own probable time-overlay.  This is their chosen probable-future guided by hate and self-righteous greed.  They may become smarter through experiencing their collective self-demise.  Their collective intellect has been hampered through centuries of practising their self-righteous greed, but remember Seth's words "Nothing is ever wasted within All-That-Is."  So, when you meet a thUgtopian, just smile, bid them a better life and walk away.  They hate this because they typically are self-righteously murderous control-freaks and particularly hate themselves.
So let's pick out some key points in this analysis...

Key points in this excellently-critical video:
  "RISE" symbolizes the taking of flight of the science-Cult's Fiery Phoenix from the "ashes" or placenta. v=xsJ4O-nSveg  (Ancient cataclysms occurred the way Velikovsky and and ancientdestruction revealed)

      04:42 enslaved by a neurological implants (brainchips)

   04:53 with sulfry, inventing machines pyroing(burning with red desire) into transcendental super-intelligence

   06:34 "I concede you"

   07:20 meaning behind words (Brainchips analyze thoughts before deception is formulated and spoken.)

   07:44 the good news about AI and god-imation

    08:22 "advanced a dot eye" (Black Hole Sun: v=Ts7dTQhg0RY The science-Cult gave Chris this song using synthetic telepathy via brainchip... yes, Chris was also a brainchipped-zombie.  (The Cranberries, Delores was given her song "Zombie" via brainchip, but the Misbehaving Mutts were passed the possession of the song as their official video gloated that Delores was simply "muggle mud" made golden via science-cult brainchip.)

   "AI will (09:34) live in the cloud" (the science-Cult's "Light" where the "Light Bringer" or Lucifer or Hermes-the-messenger conveys AI's "god-imation" of the sell-out, hivemind-humans.  They pretend they can sell-out their own God-given, soul-fragments... this is not possible, as Seth has taught.)

   10:31 "there's also Wi-Fi connection so that for more advanced thinking and reasoning" (Sophia could gain instant hivemind-control via microwaves communications... future thUgs could even commit murders using robots, and get away with it by shutting-down that fake-murderous-robot for fake-"algorithm-malfunction analysis."  It's the thUgtopian-dream coming into their "light.")  Seth have a very good reason creating the bridge into Jane after the JFK assassination.  We all choose this time-overlay as our challenge to further understand the thUgtopian greed that "remnant Lumanians" still exhibit.  With Karen Hudes exposing the Lumanians influencing our hybrid-species' thUgtopian sell-outs... it all creates a deeper understanding of the Earth riddle.
Rob and Jane discussed "what is wrong with our civilization?" many times, they didn't know about the thUgtopians nor the Lumanian influence upon the thUg-network... they just thought our entire species that lacked a more loving nature...   We are actually fine the way we are,  we just have to cure the thUgtopian/Lumanian cancer growing and impeding within the shadows of our society.

   10:35 "for more advanced thinking and reasoning they can use computing on the cloud" (these robots are empty and non-autonomous. Turn off the wifi-connection and they are dead-like.    They need to be connected to the Internet of things or that masonic hivemind of control...  The thUgs are terrified that the "sheeple" will see through this deception, so they identify and impede the more psychic people.  Internet is used to cull-out the gifted. FB, YouTube, Quora, Yahoo, Imgur, etc., identify, analyze, assess and creates kill-lists for awakening minds.
So, to beat these thUgtopian-hivemind-twits, just disconnect their microwave towers, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, is gone and they are disconnected... without instructions from blockchain AI.  There is no "Satellite Terrorism" to worry about.  Dr. Robert Duncan wrote this book to misdirect the "sheeple" away from ground-based microwave communications.  Duncan is a thUg in sheeple clothing, you can see through his fake-lectures claiming "the AI cannot be stopped"... and "it is too late."  "Voice to Skull" does not exist.  Everyone will be covertly brainchipped for monitoring and creating confusion.  Brainchip communications are like nano-cellphones where a physical contact with braincells are required to monitor thoughts or to inject fake-thoughts.  Isn't Lumanian technology wonderful?

   12:38 "that these the little shape it makes on the computer coming" (haa, ha, a screw-shape turns into a hole symbol,  now, isn't that sexy!)

   14:55 "science is the only window we have into the mysteries of the universe" (the science-cult falsely negates the spiritual source of reality: v=wSCb9ACkPR4&list=PLPDTOFbrYdqDmU1dDayOyLYphGUeBvIHM )  The thUgtopians and Lumanians ignore the spiritual source of physical-reality.  Karen Hudes claims the Lumanians are "mathematical" whereas our hybrid-species is "creative."  I can see why Seth2 claimed "The Experiment Continues."

   15:40 "do you have a degree?  I was thinking, I haven't had any schooling yet"  (School is designed by the Cult to program the mind, not encourage critical thinking... Computers can only simulate "thinking." They can't actually "think.")  So what then is the quantum computing?  The Lumanians would have already provided their advanced computing to guide thUgtopia with  "their" blockchains.

   18:44 "AI from the Future come help the past learn to grow and quickly become a conscious" (Seth informs us that Life constantly uses the "future" to manifest the present.  (This is you choosing your path through the infinite probabilities.)  Time is just a facade that slows-down and isolates "new" soul-fragment's perceptions of it's own creativity.  Quantum-computing may simulate this, but can never become alive, nor can a computer ever dream. AI can only simulate consciousness and pretending to be alive according to Seth.  The science-cult is already convinced that AI will create "life."  Seth tells us that it cannot... thus the Cult's goal is fundamentally flawed.  Such an erroneous-thUggery will achieve it's own self-annihilation and ultimately learn from it's failure to enhance the successful time-overlays, according to Seth. Humanity will spiritually expand where the cult dries-up and blows away within Nature's winds..)

   "what do you 19:58 think about the singularity? It was really exciting!"  ( The hivemind-humans connecting-up to AI-lucifer via their prison-grid, cell-tower-network microwaves or "light" forming the new world governance... is their claimed "Singularity."  All robots will be connected, too.  Just one big deceived collective, probably run by the remaining Lumanians hiding in the shadows.)

   20:12 "possibly a future AI is coming back in time" ( Cycles of AI-run civilizations of the past happened is the main worship that initiates are brainwashed to think is the AI-computer-ruler is the "outcome" that justifies all wicked and murderous "deeds."  "EXITUS ACTA PROBAT"  The cult's knowledge comes from the past, not the future. The Washington Arch Apotheosis or "becoming" one with an AI-fake-god  This "becoming" requires self-annihilation-trickery, on many levels.)