Jet Li vs AI bio-robot

Started by James Sidaway, November 25, 2019, 02:26:58 PM

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James Sidaway

Jet Li's Thoughts vs AI-mini-Zombie Being Wirelessly Heterodyned

What thoughts are going through Jet Li's brain?

"This is artificial intelligence, right?" asks Jet Li.
"You think he has a chip?" she rebuttals.
"-- Yes..." is Jet Li's scrutinizing evaluation of the toddler.

This is the conversation they throw in your face.  It is called "in plain sight."

You can read about Dr. Duncan's whistle-blowing about heterodying another person's body via AI brainchips

Well, this is what happened to Vincent Li  Vince didn't eat the guy, the handler at central command did the eating.
Seth actually admonishes the thUgtopian science-Cult calling them "a tin-can caricature of itself, a prostituted handmaiden to an outworn technology"
—DEaVF2 Chapter 7: Session 914, May 7, 1980  That is the AI-brainchip technology Seth is referring to, but you will never figure that out until you know about the brainchips of the ancient past.

Seth was well aware of thUgtopia's redevelopment of the ancient nano-technology and used the latter parts of two of his books to reveal to the secret science-Cult why every past attempt or "rebirth"(as the Cult claims it to be) always ends up in their regrettable self-annihilation.  What happens is the entire species looses it's value-fulfillment... and guess what that causes.

Seth tells the good-willed people of Earth not to worry about the rising network of thUgs.  "Destruction begets destruction."  Haa!  This pathetic Cult of "elite-thinkers" hiding in the shadows thinks they can slink around, commit their atrocities and avoid All-That-Is.  They cannot...  cannot even think their way out of a wet paper-box designed by All-That-Is to contain their self-righteous greed and hate.  Seth called them the spiritually-retarded a couple times.
For example I just heard this double-speaking, thUgtopian conversations last night. { v=HtKlDXnmBoc }  They are both in glee that they can put this conversation in front of the "sheeple" and only thUgtopians can get their continuous referral over and over to their destructive rising fiery phoenix which Victor Hugo called the "Idea whos time has come."  They really think selling out their own will-power will take them down some high road to a technological godhood.  Once you know they are both in the Cult, it is not hard to decipher their seemingly empty ending statements.  They just play a game of mockery, they had really nothing to say... it was just a gloat session saying look how smart we all are and the "sheeple" will not notice a thing... what gloating twits!  And oh, how the thUgs love to gloat, wow.

(Dang, this was going to be a shorter post...)

They cannot even be told that they are, again, heading off to their self-annihilation due to their spiritually-repulsive and almost-unforgivable thUggish behavior.
But it is not to late for them yet, they can still awaken to their probable main-path.  Maybe Zhang the dancing toddler can help them open their own eyes wide-shut.  I still hold hope for them, surprising as that may sound.