Looks like there is a scientific name for the "Lumanian" species

Started by James Sidaway, November 25, 2019, 06:37:09 PM

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James Sidaway

It would seem from Karen Hudes interview Here: shows that she had access to actual data.

Oh, wow, Homo capensis
has been kept hidden from the "sheeple" by the science-Cult.
  I just found this:    These would be the "Lumanians" that Seth exposes in his "Seth Speaks" chapter 15.
The following is a list of arguments made by Dr. Ed Spencer that he believes serve as data points to support the theory of Homo Capensis.

1-The world was mapped in the Ice Age. They were highly advanced even knowing spherical trigonometry. They must have been the Homo Capensis.
2-Cone Head skulls found all around the world suggest that there is another humanoid race on earth. Brien Forester's preliminary DNA work shows that they are not human.
3-Megalithic structures build all around the world must have been built by the Homo Capensis.
4-Ruins in South Africa were probably prison cells for humans kept in check by the Homo Capensis who enslaved us. "We're their pets..." as Dr. Ed Spencer puts it.
5-The brain cavity of a Homo Capensis is 30% larger than the average human, making their IQ much higher. This is based on the Boskop skulls found in the early 1900's, commentary on those findings by R. Broom (who Dr. Spencer feels has been deliberately covered up) and a recent book written by Lynch and Granger called Big Brain.

These "passive" Lumanians are the leaders of thUgtopia.  They do not want our species to excel ahead of their species so they are hindering and impeding our hybrid species because we are more connected to Nature, more intuitive, more loving.  So they have to twist our secret-society minions to obey them and commit their atrocities. 

So they have a scientific name... wow.... hidden by the science-Cult of wicked "deeds" that are justified by the "outcome."

I feel our species is about to clean out the Lumanians and identify all the traitors to our species...  Look out thUgtopians, we are catching up to you....   flee....  hide in your DUMB cities and build your terminator bots at full speed!   The "sheeple" are awakening!!!


Hi All,

Hi James,

"These "passive" Lumanians are the leaders of thUgtopia"   

I suspect the 1% elite that are causing so many problems are Lumanien/human hybrids