Accepting your Grander Being

Started by Eduard, January 07, 2020, 10:48:08 AM

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We deny our Being the right for being
I looked over some related quotes from Seth around the subject (probably his whole books are about that) - pls feel free to contribute
It is worth looking inside on what we accept and what we deny, nothing is bad, is just a game

I appreciate myself that I am!

* Now you are "around yourself" all of the time. You are ever becoming yourself. In a manner of speaking you are "composed" of those patterns of yourself that are everywhere coming together. You cannot help but be yourself. Biologically, mentally, and spiritually you are marked as apart from all others, and no cloak of conventionality can ever hide that unutterable uniqueness. You cannot help but be yourself, then.
* It means that you use your strengths however; it means not only that you refuse to be a doormat, but that you accept yourself as a worthy personality, willing to give and to take, willing even to be used at times as you use, but not willing to be a doormat. It means that you must accept your worth and also the responsibility for it. It means that you say, "I come to this marriage as an individual, willing to give and take, with my own good points and failings—but, I do not come to this marriage as a worthless individual willing to take from you whatever you are willing to take and to give. But you must know yourself to do this, and you must be willing to look into yourself.
* gently remind yourself again: "I am an excellent person," adding: "It is good and safe for me to express my own abilities, for in doing so I express the energy of the universe itself.
* You must first of all realize that within you there is somewhere the miraculous knowledge that keeps your body alive and operating. This portion of yourself, despite all your problems, keeps you alive as a physical organism. Its knowledge is beyond the wisdom of any man or woman alive! If that portion of yourself can make all the scientific and biological deductions necessary to maintain your physical organism, then indeed it has the abilities to solve these other problems. When you fully realize this, and you can if you remind yourself of it often enough, you can draw upon this knowledge to solve your problems. If you accept answers from others, you will simply run into the same problem again and again, and you will have solved nothing.
* Let yourself go and do not be afraid of your feelings. Do not try to make yourself into a cold star from which you can observe the rest of humanity and be safe from it. The beliefs will come when you allow yourself to recognize all your feelings.
* Simply give yourself the suggestion that you will know. [...] Look at the dream and tell yourself the meaning will come to you.
* you trust yourself more you will naturally express your feelings, and their suppression will not bring about explosive reactions any more
* Love your neighbor as yourself." Turn this around and say, "Love yourself as you love your neighbor," for often you will recognize the goodness in another and ignore it in yourself. [...] True humility is based upon this affectionate regard for yourself, plus the recognition that you live in a universe in which all other beings also possess this undeniable individuality and self-worth.
* By accepting yourself and joyfully being what you are, you fulfill your own abilities, and your simple presence can make others happy. You cannot hate yourself and love anyone else. [...]
* trust yourself and throw yourself onto the graces of yourself, then from you will flow all that you need or desire

- Do not undervalue or overvalue yourself. And know that in your own uniqueness such judgments have no place.
- You cut yourself off from the fount of your own creativity and intuition. Allow yourself to feel the spontaneous nature of your being. [...]
- You meet your own denied power, you see, whenever you find yourself in a situation where you feel weak in comparison to another person or situation that frightens you.
- You are quarreling, and in so doing you cut yourself off from the joy and vitality that do make life worthwhile living.
- In denying life to yourself you end up by denying life to others. [...] You do not realize now, you do not let yourself realize, the beauty and the complicated reality of your being. You do not let yourself realize the spontaneity and joyful burst that is your inner self, that results in this present human personality that you call yourself.
- You must refuse, and absolutely refuse, to accept any more excuses from this superficial portion of yourself. You must imagine that within yourself—for this is the truth—there is a stronger and more powerful self, a larger self.
- You do not approve of yourself because you think you should be making money "on your own." You do not approve of yourself because you think you should be a better artist, or a better writer—but in any case, you do not let yourself appreciate the self that you are.



You are welcome.

Next, Affirmation - isn't it a pity that we forget who we really are?? the collective projection of reality seems so inflexible, not changing and very hypnotizing and makes you play by its rules, forgetting your magnificence? We don't need to deny this or fight against it, we acknowledge it and be Grand.

Quote"That affirmation means that you declare your individuality. Affirmation means that you embrace the life that is yours and flows through you. Your affirmation of yourself is one of your greatest strengths. You can at times quite properly deny certain portions of experience, while still confirming your own vitality. You do not have to say "yes" to people, issues, or to events with which you are deeply disturbed. Affirmation does not mean a bland wishy-washy acceptance of anything that comes your way, regardless of your feelings about it. Biologically, affirmation means health. You go along with your life, understanding that you form your experience, emphasizing your ability to do so.

Affirmation does not mean sitting back and saying "I can do nothing. It is all in Fate's hands, therefore whatever happens, happens." Affirmation is based upon the realization that no other consciousness is the same as your own, that your abilities are uniquely yours and like no other's. It is the acceptance of your individuality in flesh. Basically it is a spiritual, psychic, and biological necessity, and represents your appreciation of your singular integrity."

"Animals pick up the characteristics of their owners. Cells are highly influenced by your behavior and beliefs. If you affirm the rightness of your physical being, then you help the cells and organs in your body, and without knowing it treat them kindly. If you do not trust your physical nature you radiate this feeling also, regardless of what health procedures you may take. The cells and organs know that you do not trust them, even as animals do. In a way you set up antibodies against yourself, simply because you do not confirm the rightness of your physical being as it exists in space and time."

"A man or woman who knows hate also understands the difference between that emotion and love. The ambiguities, the contrasts, the similarities, the affirmation of the creature self, allows for the free flow of emotion. (Pause.) Many disavow the experience of feelings they consider negative. They try to "affirm" what they think of as positive emotions. They do not permit themselves the dimensions of their creaturehood, and by pretending not to feel what they feel, they deny the integrity of their own experience."

"Emotions simply are. They are elements of the power of consciousness, filled with energy. They merge into a powerful sea of being when left alone. You cannot affirm one emotion and deny another without setting up barriers. You try to hide what you think of as negative feelings in the closet of your mind, as in the past they closeted insane relatives. All of this because you do not trust the aspects of your individuality in flesh.

Affirmation means accepting your soul as it appears in your creaturehood. I said this earlier (in chapters Seven, Nine, etc.), but you cannot deny your creaturehood without denying your soul, and you cannot deny your soul without denying your creaturehood."

"Affirmation means acceptance of your own miraculous complexity. It means saying "yes" to your own being. It means acquiescing to your reality as a spirit in flesh. Within the framework of your own complexity, you have the right to say "no" to certain situations, to express your desires, to communicate your feelings."

"Affirmation is in the spontaneous motion of the body as it dances. Many churchgoers who consider themselves quite religious do not understand the nature of love or affirmation as much as some bar patrons, who celebrate the nature of their bodies and enjoy the spontaneous transcendence as they let themselves go with the motion of their beings."

"Affirmation then means the loving acceptance of your own unique individuality. It may involve denial, where you refuse to accept the visions or dogmas of others in order to more clearly perceive and form your own.

Such affirmation will lead you to your own inner discoveries, and attract from the deepest portions of your being the particular kind of information, experience, or perception that you need. The loving acceptance of yourself will allow you to ride through beliefs as you would through the changing characteristics of a countryside. The more a belief encourages you to use your abilities and vitality, then the more affirmative it is.

Ruburt's perception is highly altered this evening, and this is an example of certain kinds of both affirmation and denial. He has always emphasized his own unique creative and intuitive processes. In so doing, he denied many of the concepts believed in by others. He accepted the belief that any consciousness could be in some kind of direct intimate contact with experiences and realities usually not perceived, but ignored."

"A certain kind of affirmation of self allows the brain to tune into these more spacious methods of perception that are the natural characteristics of the mind. There are very good reasons why this type of assertion must first occur. The brain (and the entire physical system) is meant to insure your bodily survival and to follow your conscious beliefs about reality. There is always a harmonious unifying connection between your beliefs and activities. Some people feel utterly confident in certain areas and are timorous in others. Some aspects of life may be ignored or even refuted for a time while others are focused upon. The individual will very cleverly and shrewdly go ahead in those areas in which he or she feels safe, often when in the process of altering beliefs. You will not use your spacious mind until you affirm its reality within yourself, and until you are ready to handle the additional data which will then become consciously available to one extent or another. But the spacious mind operates through your creaturehood; in your terms it represents latent abilities of consciousness that can be more or less normal functions."
—NoPR Chapter 21: Session 675, July 4, 1973

"An individual can tune into spacious-mind operation two or three times in a lifetime without realizing it, and have experiences that he finds difficult to interpret later. The affirmation involved is one of transcendence, in which for a time a person affirms his reality in flesh and at the same time states his independence from it (smile) — and realizes that both of these conditions exist simultaneously. A dual perception takes place in which the spacious mind is activated. By "activated" I mean that the physical organism is suddenly aware of [the spacious mind's] existence."
—NoPR Chapter 21: Session 675, July 4, 1973

"Affirmation always involves the acknowledgement of your power in the present. In greater terms, denial is the surrendering of that power. Affirmation then is the acquiescence to your ability, as a spirit within flesh, to form the physical reality of your creaturehood."
—NoPR Chapter 21: Session 675, July 4, 1973

"If you affirm the basic grace of your being, then this will automatically weaken the beliefs you have that are contrary to that principle. You will be able to hold equally within your experience the vision of an "ideal self" and all those natural deviations from it."
—NoPR Chapter 22: Session 677, July 11, 1973

"You will begin with where you are and joyfully start to expand those attributes that you have now, without expecting them to appear full-blown. You will love yourself and have no difficulty in loving your neighbor. That does not mean that you must be unaware of divergences from your ideal concept of the beloved. And again, it does not mean that you must smile constantly, but that you affirm your validity and grace within the dimensions of your creaturehood."
—NoPR Chapter 22: Session 677, July 11, 1973

"When you affirm your own rightness in the universe, then you cooperate with others easily and automatically as a part of your own nature. You, being yourself, help others be themselves. You are not jealous of talents you do not possess, and so you can openheartedly encourage them in others. Because you recognize your own uniqueness you will not need to dominate others, nor cringe before them."
—NoPR Chapter 22: Session 677, July 11, 1973

"Many who write want to develop and use the same abilities, yet it is obvious from their letters that their beliefs prevent them from trusting the inner self enough. You cannot fear your own being and expect to travel through it, to explore its dimensions. First you must take the simple step of affirming your identity. That affirmation will release those attributes that you have and open up new avenues of experience. They will and must be your own. When you ask others to interpret your dreams, for example, you are automatically putting the fulfillment of your own potentials a step away. When you ask another to tell you the direction of your life, then to some extent you keep from yourself the realization that you yourself possess it. Without that awareness no methods will help you."
—NoPR Chapter 22: Session 677, July 11, 1973


Quote from: Eduard
Next, Affirmation - isn't it a pity that we forget who we really are??

The million dollar question! Thank you for all the wonderful quotes. Yes, Seth's books certainly seem to be all about this. It's such a shame that humans struggle with this. It's drilled into our heads from the beginning that we are not good enough and will never be good enough, by parents, religions, schools, insecure peers. I love when Seth used examples of flowers (often) and squirrels not questioning their being, not admonishing or punishing themselves for not being flower enough, not being squirrel enough... that does put things into perspective. I guess that's one downside of critical thinking.

Quote from: Eduard
Next, Affirmation - isn't it a pity that we forget who we really are?? the collective projection of reality seems so inflexible, not changing and very hypnotizing and makes you play by its rules, forgetting your magnificence? We don't need to deny this or fight against it, we acknowledge it and be Grand.

So true! People who don't conform to that thinking are shamed and criticized as being egotistical, having illusions of grandeur, lacking humility. Certainly there could be some sort of balance! We've got it all backwards!

Right now I'm working on a post about a Helfrich essay I'm reading comparing Seth and Elias. I came across a recent Elias transcript that sort of addresses herd mentality and of all things, political correctness. It may be a couple of days before I post it through, I have to read all the way through the 55 page essay first.


I don't think there is such a thing as "denying / accepting your grander being". I prefer to formulate it as "forming a plausible hypothesis of what I am as part of the wider reality, and how it works".


QuoteRight now I'm working on a post about a Helfrich essay I'm reading comparing Seth and Elias. I came across a recent Elias transcript that sort of addresses herd mentality and of all things, political correctness. It may be a couple of days before I post it through, I have to read all the way through the 55 page essay first.
Nice, will wait for it. :D

Quote from: inavalan
I don't think there is such a thing as "denying / accepting your grander being". I prefer to formulate it as "forming a plausible hypothesis of what I am as part of the wider reality, and how it works".

It is good if it works for you.

I am speaking for me now. Knowledge and living the truth should bring 360 degrees abundance.
That tip of consciousness moving in space time and living certain detrimental beliefs it is not possible to be presented with greater truth - he will receive the truth as just a theory and will continue it's journey as it is (and what was passed on to him via generations).
I would have to label some things as good or bad to move my frequency tones from one concept to another in order to achieve my goal (and this can't be done until I stopped the momentum of old beliefs).

It is interesting the vision you present. Maybe you can share your theory on how you personally switch beliefs and your being?