ThUg-Class #1 Towards Illumination

Started by James Sidaway, April 28, 2020, 12:32:15 PM

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James Sidaway

ThUg-Class #1 Towards Enlightenment
(A reply to ancient hollow claims)

"It is not fair that the Creator GGod is so fair,
It is not fair..." whimpered the thUgtopians.

It is written still in their bible today!
"Ye are gods, yet ye shall die as men"

"It is not fair that we should die like all other muppets..." cackled the Skeksis.   Our slaves need to extract more vital essence. 

"We are immortals!  Yet we die from old age?  Then we will stop our aging!" cackled the Lumanians.
"We care not that other soul-fragments wish to grow, too. For this is our world, now."  Self-righteously greedy to say the least.

"But if we do not die, then we will overpopulate the Earth.  There will be no homeostatic integrity!  We will starve..."
"Then we will halt all reproduction along without mankind's Natural Grace."  "You trick the profane into fake A.I. uploads, having fun all the time withing nowhere, but who cares, they are dead."  "Come, come look at our cone-tops, we are so smart, so divine, don't you want to be like us? We can show you the way, but you must give up what you cannot see, here and your inner sense that we can replace.  A small price to pay, wouldn't you say?"

"We must stop the growing of new souls by halting GGods blueprint.  We will monitor and guide their thoughts away from any spiritual expansion.  No fragment shall escape... They will all remain in Babylon and be a baby for a lon, long time.  It will be their mystery, never to be solve.

"We thUgtopians shall defy GGod's blueprint for mankind.  We will rule this world as Earth's new, born-again, spiritual road-block."  They have done it before and we can try it yet again with all their cunning and ancient our guide." 

Capensis snicker at GGod's blueprint and whispers into some sapiens minds, "This world can be yours if you let us guide the way," many shallow, hollow fragments are needed, and that, you all seem to be, haa, haaa!
"Put in this brainchip, thUgs, develop this thUg-god and talk like a god... you will rule this world like the thUgs before."  And then we will rule you; ha, ha, haa.

Wicked nasty things, we gave you our trust and you tricked us!  What is to become of us now?

You are decayed and shrunken where you cannot see.  Yet you linger by just few threads.
Defy that trickster, that hate, that greed and you can reverse your withered state,
But follow that path, greedy toddler-souls,
It will not be GGod that becomes irate.