A "Create your own Reality" Application to Daily Life

Started by James Sidaway, April 30, 2020, 04:31:44 PM

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James Sidaway

Hi fellow Sethies,
I just wrote a letter to a public speaker about how Seth works can be applied to daily living.
It is riddled with Seth's concepts  on how to create a better world.
You have to know the Seth Material to make best use of it...

Happy Manifesting!

Hi Alan,

I'm in Nanaimo. I talked to a fellow shopper in Canadian Tire in the camping section, while I was looking at the price of bug spray for future mosquitoes trauma upon the sheeple. The guy said he was living in a tent. He was on disability for the rest of his life for reasons I could not see. He said he was hearing music in his head, but not in his ears. he could not will it to stop... sure signs of a wireless interface. I informed him that he had already been brainchipped by the secret-societies medical mafia and that if the voice started that he should ignore the thUgs at the other end... to never give-in to the voice of god weapon that tricks the sheeple to suicide themselves. He said he never heard voices except when he was six years old (in 1980) and some type of craft went over head. Could have been false injected memories... Or he could have been a liar already given in to the techno-thUgs on the other end and playing with me... hard to say over a couple minutes. The world has become a bit more complex the last couple of decades. If that was just a random meeting, then their are a lot of sleeper brainchipzombies ready to be activated.

This guy was brainchipped but was not being turned into a gang-stalker... thus the thUg-network has enough gang-stalkers in Nanaimo. They never spoke to him from what he can recall, but he was driven out of working and heard rock music that he could not stop... like listening to it on a radio... that is what brainchips can do. But he was being let off very easy... he may be just chosen to be a reserve, a sleeper until needed for heterodyning into a zombie. I'm sure I told you before Dr. Robert Duncan exposed the term heterodyning for remotely taking-over a manchurian candidates body. http://www.projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?56002-Must-Read-The-Matrix-Deciphered-by-Dr-Robert-Duncan/page4

The 5G over 4G networks has phenomenally increased the bandwidth and number of connections, so a 5G apocalypse can be 100 times more complex than a 4G apocalypse of zombies. I just figure you might like to know why 5G was needed when 4G worked fine for all cellphone users... the thUgs needed it for hidden reasons.

Wireless brainchips were developed before the public cell-phones... the cell-phones were a trick to get the sheeple paying for the development of their microwave prison-grid (or Cult's hivemind of "Light"). It also get sheeple accepting the need for connectivity. Elon Musk is pretending to be developing the brainchip just before the scamdemic which will esculate into the zombie apocolypse if the sheeple do not get angry (like the angry birds movie with the pigs stealing their children). If the sheeple just bend over to the fear-mongering, then the thUgs will slowly break out the zombies https://www.cdc.gov/cpr/zombie/index.htm

I told this "music-man" I assume the next stage of the secret-society takeover will entail biting-flies and mosquitoes. So if he has homeless friends panhandling for food money (this guy was buying a $200 tree tent) that they could buy bug spray now and panhandle that in a few weeks. (If the sheeple were more fearful of the insects than the germs, that is) Head nets would also become a rare item to buy, so to stock up on them to panhandle on the street intersections where they typically beg for coins.
This guy thinks he has another 21 years of disability allowance, I told him this is a scamdemic to keep escalating and to shut down the present social system and get everyone stealing for a social meltdown... World Governance is what the thUgs want to replece voting citizens and they very well may already have him classified for branchip duties...
It is hard to believe until you see it... Brainchips are used to turn the consciousness off and then take over the body movements... like something half dead. Alex Jones was making alutions to "armies of empty husks with demons jumping from husk to husk to control them" back in April 2018... Jones shut down planet.infowars.com where I exposed the brainchipzombie plan. Ha, he called himself a "general" against the NWO... what a smurf. ha!

I thought afterwards, that "music-man" could invest some of that tree tent money into bulk mosquito netting and create his own work for the summer enclosing peoples' backyard balconies with nets.

Like in my last email, I'd like to repeat what I discovered about the hidden nature of reality that the secret-societies are hiding as their biggest secret...
Here are the basics:
Every living creature is at the center of the universe from it's perspective. This is truly a gift from GGod and is to be greatly cherished because it makes everything it's own spiritual individual.
We are all isolated enough to realize that we are ourselves. The secrets societies are actually in contact with the lingering ancient species "Homo capensis"... they were in control of Earth before the Velikovsky cataclysms... and it seems they are the creepy knowledgable snake or satan figure in the Christian bible. That's what I think because these Lumanians that Seth reveals, fit the bill in many ways.

These Lumanian or Homo capensis are what Karen Hudes exposes in her fake whistle-blowing videos to gain more time for thUgtopia to take over. Here watch this one at my channel:
I caught Karen slandering me here, a liar twisting who I was complimenting for her efforts. But she is a Judas goat and didn't want me to highlight what she was doing, I guess. https://khudes.s3.amazonaws.com/dctvteleprompt12.3.19.pdf from this video:
This is thUgtopia's humour saying things are too bright on the "godly brain" document... just another thUgtopian doing her part rising the fake Utopia or "New AtlanthUgis."
This is Hudes' worship of the "New Dawn." by telling you what is actually being done by thUgtopia. It is very difficult to see who a thUgtopian is until they turn into a Goat, like Kleck on April 17th exposing the presidential crest remove from Trump's podium on April 1st. https://www.show-notes.info/thisisit4321/gallery3/index.php/Album-5-movie-Insects/Trump-Briefing-SAME-Day-afternoon-No-Seal-No-Flag-Surrounded-by-military Hudes is showing that she knows we are jumping into a new probable world, (but I am here...) A New Dawn ( Cooper's audio link: http://www.remnantradio.org/Archives/articles/William%20Cooper/Mystery%20Babylon/audio/mystery%20babylon%201.mp3 is what Hudes is talking about) She tells us the official "New AtlanthUgis," now commences. You see, this post is her claim that thUgtopia has taken over the entire Earth. The presidential Crest is off Trump's podium on Fools-day April 1st. Trump's presidential flag is nowhere to be seen... https://i.imgur.com/rOrJHhA.png Compared to the day before: https://i.imgur.com/HWVOMHQ.png (A.I. now rules USA)

Hudes tells us with her that the A.I. computer has taken over dictatorship of their thUgtopia. They decided to do this anyways with me refusing to die at their treacherous, murderous, hidden hands. Reality is not quite what they think it is. Listening to Cooper's "Introduction: The Dawn of Man (aired February 11th, 1993)" is a perfect background as I write this... but the world we have before us is much, much different than the thUgtopia that fester's in all their minds.

It would have been nice to speak with Cooper now with what I know about thUgtopia and the ancient capensis influence upon our species... "Lucifer is the new AI computer, Bill, Satan is the ancient capensis species, Bill." "The morning star was when Venus comet crossed paths with Earth to find the second orbit around the Sun. Jehovah was the ancient AI computer of capensis, Bill. I first read about the Lumanians when the thUgtopians murdered their high priest, Manly P. Hall... who wanted "New Atlantis" not the rising "AtlanthUgis" Bill, you didn't know they murdered Hall because the thUgs had taken over the Mystery School Cult? Hall mocked Crowley's stupidity with a picture of Aleister in is desk to poke fun at? The thUgs have failed the Cult's quest for the soul of Camelot. Their collective souls are just hanging by threads now. The Lumanians are going to be grabbed by their snaky necks and brought out into the light of our new star, the Sun. They will no longer influence the toddler-souls of Earth, turning them into thUgs with promises of hate and self-righteous greed fulfilled. The Lumanian's lingering era of control will end with thUgtopia's demise. This is what you helped to achieve Bill... you would be proud of your species success, the success of mankind's spiritual design by our Creator GGod. The cleansing, Bill, you were a significant part of it. And the thUgs were never really ever in charge of anything real... while they destroyed what was more real than they ever thought to investigate. A job well done, Bill. You can be proud.
Well, I'm sure he knows, somewhere, in a place that I just can't quite point towards, yet. haaa!

Back to Hudes, you can also see the insides of a masonic dome, https://i.imgur.com/9T6bvxw.png that she symbolically uses on her front cover... This represents inside of a Primer Field magnetic bowl (with a hole in it). I do not think it is coincidence... it must be one of the most secret things that David LaPoint blows wide open with his three videos on his Primer Field theory.
LaPoint apparently discovered it on his own using hunches and intuition. All the Mystery Schoolers had to be taught this by the ancient Lumanians through the ages. This disturbed the thUgs, so they impeded the posting of LaPoint's complete works.

LaPoint has been covertly brainchipped by the local medical mafia and the thUgtopians are using the "voice of god" weapon against him for the last 7 years. His handlers are giving him things to do to waste his time and teachings rather than enlightening the world with his Primer Field discoveries. LaPoint now leaves spooky messages that he claims the voice in his head is telling him to tell his viewers. https://i.imgur.com/epZfqX5.png This is the voice of god weapon at work. LaPoint is still being suppressed by thUgs, today.

This magnetic dome is called "the crown" of the "divining serpent" https://i.imgur.com/Fo0xK01.png https://i.imgur.com/XhZ4RzV.png since it is the basis of light, planets, stars and galaxies which all hold the "golden ratio" of 1.618 in their architecture. This is the repeating design ratio that the Creator GGod apparently uses everywhere. If you do engineering or architectural design, it's a Nature-al one to use.

Leaving Hudes, now; The most powerful secret knowledge that the secret-societies hide from we their designated "profane" is how the multidimensional universe is run by infinite probabilities. This creates a multiverse of hidden dimensions that split off all the time (Hudes alludes to this at the beginning of her above video by saying "we are in a new reality that will, pretty soon, become apparent..." Hudes thinks this is the probability heading to AtlanthUgis... She caught the wrong boat. haaa haaa! caught! get it?) actually gives us a sense of our immortality. This is likely what all their "born-again" rituals are all about.

I read the Seth books 30 years ago where Seth teaches that "you will not die until you desire it or you will die of old age." The reason I did not die after so many murder attempts is because the this is my main probability... suckers! If you think thUgtopia is rising... you are on the wrong boat!

The secret-societies tried to capture me first in 2006 and likely murder me afterwards. Then they tried to stop my heart with some bitter poison in 2007... they have been torturing me for 14 years encourageing me to suicide, but I refuse to die. All this arrogance has informed me that Seth is telling me the truth with life experience... we are normally immortal within the probabilities... we do not die, just jump to another probability, we do this until we grow old and someday die from old age. This creates a dynamic cycle of developing soul-fragments. This is mankind living in Natural Grace with Nature.
So, Alan, you are effectively immortal, but only from your own perspective... You can die from my perspective and I can die from your perspective... I have the thUgtopians lock-in to my probability, they cannot escape by killing me. You can do the same thing. That is why you did not die from the thUgtopian attack in 2015, weeks after thUgs tried to murder me, again, in Toronto. (Our probabilities overlap, Alan, you can cleans your probability from your thUgs, too. They collectively tried to murder you... Read "The Nature of Personal Reality" by Seth...I can give Jeff Rense the same knowledge of this Multiverse.) The secret societies base their cult rituals very much around this quality of our framework1 reality. You will see the death of thUgtopia as the world-wide Cult dries-up and blows-away in the winds of Nature.

The reason why the thUgs created their ideology of "The Seven Sins" is based on the mechanics of this framework1 not anything evil or good. I don't think they realize this...

What these thUgtopians have not figured out is that when anyone murders another life, it changes their collective souls... If they conspire together to murder poor James, the mechanics of framework1 spiritually connects them all together like a murder of crows.
These thUgs have been collectively "changing their souls" for the last 14 years while I have been travelling around to meet-up with their pathetic idealism... trying over and over to murder me, dead... what they have actually accomplished is destroying all of their collective souls together.
This is another gift from GGod to cleans thUgs from a viable afterlife, too. I interpret this spiritual mechanics as the decaying and shrinking one's own universe and thus one's own soul... collectively or not.
These thUgs claim to be "the collectivist," and so they have very much been grouped together. Birds of a similar feather, flock together... In this case we have a very very large murder of crows.
Symbolically, they have actually almost, lost their souls. They only spiritually linger like the Lumanians now, they kind-of lost their immortality within GGods multiverse and should not try the suicide thing like many Nazis did to avoid Earthly work a few decades ago. This is truly a playground designed by the GGods... wow!

The thUgs worship the intellect of AI and the brainchip enhancement that the Lumanians(Satan, haa, haaa haaa!) gave them, but what they actually are doing is destroying themselves from being part of GGod's "All-That-Is" once "dead" and out of the space-time illusion (or framework1) that we are within right now. Cool hey?

I feel myself gaining strength as I see them destroying themselves... as they still giggle and gloat at how they are going to "slaughter all the sheep" as revealed by their brainchip bamboozled puppet Jonathan Kleck(who is likely still immortal within this framework1 due to his good-intentions)... The thUgs plan to frighten the sheeple into a frenzie, then bring out their brainchip zombies to eat them... Only the sickness of Satan(Homo capensis) could come up with such a hideous use of technology.

Vincent Li was a test brainchipzombie used to heterodyne-murder Timothy McLean A rider on that bus said Li acted like a robot with no emotions, just dead-eyed... Li was unconscious and the criminals were at central-command. The thUgs can all collectively begin to imagine that this is their last probable-universe to remain in, by the Grace of GGod, before meeting their makers.

So what then can we do about that "Satan" slinking around... amoungst we Homo sapiens... turning good apples towards decay?
I think I had a visit from a Homo capensis offspring as described by Foerster's DNA Paracas video above. This happened in Winnipeg, in 2019 after surviving multiple poisonings and giggling thUg-mobbings, they are very sneaky thUgs... During this ordeal I was checking out Dean Clifford's Earthsc.com https://www.youtube.com/user/DCDOTCF/videos?pbjreload=10 But the thUgs had already taken-over their site. I just tried to give them some discoveries I had realized.

Apparently, at a Winnipeg library, a Homo capensis offspring came to sit 15 feet away from me to gain a closer look at me, I guess. Haaa, he had a long face and was rather tall and skinny as hell... wearing a hood over his ancient long-looking face and head... likely an offspring as described by Seth and Brien Forester It was almost fake the way that hooded, hollow-faced being suddenly looked up at me while I glanced up at him/it for a few seconds thinking "wow, now that's different."... it was like he could sense my acknowledgement of his presence, but that's sometimes normal when studying an other's presence... but could have been a brainchip connection, too... Why would a Lumanian come out of hiding to size me up? I don't think they understand my good-intentions, haaa! Attack my species thUg-toddlers-fragments, will you?... "Let my people go, ancient thUgs." ha haa!

What could be happening here is the activation of hidden intrinsic properties of our multiverse. The mechanics of GGods design is at work for mankind.

Not only are the thUgtopian's souls hanging by a few threads, but even the mechnics of framework1 reaches deep into the Lumanians souls... the ones who puppeteer the thUgtopians into wickeness. What this could mean is that mankind may be able to cleans the Lumanians out from our Earth, poisoning our hybrid species with their greedy ideology.
(Did I tell you Lloyd Pye discovered that sapiens have a spliced chromosome, but geneticists hide it.) (Seth says we are part ancient lumanian and part Native Earthling, likely the work of an ancient AI computer called "Jehovah"... I don't know who witnessed such a creation of Adam?)

Our toddler-soul-thUgs have the opportunity, right now, to convert away from serving the ancient Lumanian system, and to convert over to the Creator-GGod who now has the souls of the Lumanians hanging by a few threads just like the thUgtopians or AtlanthUgeans. The can right now, walk out on Satan, so to speak, Satan no longer has a hold on their souls... just their minds. These Lumanians will be desperate just to get out of the mechanics of their error.
This means "The Soul of Camelot" can be saved... New Atlantis can be reborn, Homo sapiens can become free of these Lumanian master-thUgs, AtlanthUgis-rising can be converted into Atlantis-rising within this probable universe.

They don't need to ask the Lumanian creators of thUgtopia-rising. I give the Homo sapien thUgs the right to walk away from serving their beaten-down Cult from this day forth. The choice is theirs...
ThUgs that continue towards rising thUgtopia or rather New Atlanthugis will have to pay the consequences in this world and the next.

ThUgs are not rising "New Atlantis" they are rising a world of thUgs and they will fail such a fake Utopia within the Creations of GGod, guaranteed.
In a timeless Multiverse there is not punishment for past deeds, but their will be the removal of the insanity of Lumanian fanatical idealism. ThUgtopia will be removed from Earth and those thUgs that adhere to such illogical insanity will be dealt with in ways unknown at this timeless time.

This is the beginning of the clensing of Lumanian fanaticism from the toddler-soul-thUgs upon Earth.

This is the first opportunity for the release of the toddler-thUgs to "save their souls" and begin a new life attempting to use internal integrity as life's guide rather than the fanatical idealism of "EXITUS ACTA PROBAT." The destruction that they have caused to their withered souls can thus be repaired and then "meeting your makers" could actually be a pleasant reunion, this is actually what all oversouls truly prefer.

As imaginary as this may all sound, it is also very real. All thUgs know I have survived 14 years of torture and murder and here I offer them their salvation rather than their elimination.
This is very, very real within this framework1 that centres around me. This offer only exists here and I recommend all thUgs taking it while it still stands.
If you think I am humouring you, just consider how many time you have survived death within this probable world.

I will give Jeff Rense a copy of this since he survived a 2015 brainchip murder attempt.

Where holes in the head to remove ancient brainchips?
The ancient brain-surgery (trepanning) that Foerster talks about in his video was likely brainchips related... I would be removing the crap out from hindering my thoughts and desires, but it allowed me to understand thUgtopians and that make me stronger. But maybe the paracus were putting them actually in for short range hivemind communications. (they were Lumanian off-springs) I bet skulls were likely always searched for brainchips sitting inside, as the Mystery School Cult discover new ancient burial sites.

My intuition just told me that the "serpent race" (that Kleck is still yakking about) impregnating Eve to produce the Cane of the good and bad story... the wicked twin was a Lumanian/capensis offspring that Seth, Foerster and Stitchens talked about. This is a fake story, Cane was born intrinsically good and taught to become wicked if any of it was real to begin with.

What a puzzle of/in live and to solve. All getting solved in a multidimensional world where the true mechanics of spirituality unfolds itself. You see, my immortality is intact because of my beliefs and intentions to create a better world for everyone to experience, where people can truly be happy. A safer world with more people of integrity rather than back-stabbing, sht-hearted, decaying soul-fragments worshipping a death-cult.

This brings me to the brainchipped Judas-Goat Jonathan Kleck. My last letter exposed the presidential crest was removed from Trumps podium on April 1st... https://i.imgur.com/rOrJHhA.png As a result, that clip is now removed from his April 17th posting. Minions likely removed those clips as a result, re-posting on April 18. The next re-posting on April 19th was likely to remove the google hand-wash search animation https://i.imgur.com/5k9QAf6.png was removed from the that part out of his video. The key point that I was making was the "6"... Likely meaning 6 months... likely the cleansing ending on September 11th.

Thanks again, Alan for your April 26th Blurb,
You are helping others create a better world to live in.
James Sidaway