Suggestions before sleep?

Started by Linakeke, August 26, 2020, 02:02:35 PM

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Hello all! I wonder if anyone has come across any specific suggestions given by Seth in regards to what to "tell" your mind/body prior to sleeping? In session 532, he says, "two periods of three hours apiece would be quite sufficient for most people, if the proper suggestions were given before sleep--suggestions that would insure the body's complete recuperation," however, I have yet to come across what these suggestions might be. Thank you!!


Hi Linakeke,

I'm not sure if you're new here or not and so, just in case you are new here, let me first of all say to you, welcome you to the forum.  :)

Seth didn't always tell us what specific words to use or say for some auto-suggestion or self-suggestion, and I suspect that this is what was going on here in Session 532.

I was curious about this and so that thought I'd take a look at what Seth had to say about dreams in the book, "Seth, Dreams and Projections of Consciousness".

In Chapter 14 of this book, Seth talks about therapeutic dreams. In this chapter he tells us that we can use self-suggestion to initiate these therapeutic dreams. These words of his came from Session 198.  However, he never does give us any specific words to use for this purpose. Then, on the next page, Jane mentions that recently (at that time in her life, in the 1960's) she had been feeling depressed. Then she mentions that, that afternoon she decided to take a nap, but before doing so, she tell us that she gave herself a suggestion that she after her nap, she's feel much better or something similar to this.

Next, Jane reports that she did feel better after taking this nap. Then following this, still in Chapter 14, Jane tells us that in the next Seth session, Session 199, Seth mentions that he was glad that Jane tried out his suggestions on therapeutic dreams.

In Chapter 14 of this "Dreams" book, Seth never did specify what words to use during an auto-suggestion for a therapeutic dream and because of this, I suspect, that this is also what was going on in Session 532 as well.

Given this then, I would think that some suggestion such as the one below, probably would work.

"When I awake after this sleep period, I'll feel completely rested and refreshed."



Hi Linakeke, welcome to the forum!

In addition to jbseth's excellent response, there are a couple of resources for the Seth materials. It's not always easy to give direct answers to some questions because Seth talked about just about any subject you can imagine (that are still incredibly pertinent ), but the information was given in bits and pieces throughout the books so sometimes it's hard for people to pull all that together from memory.

So... one great resource is a search engine that pulls that information together, For instance, I just typed in "sleep suggestions" and came up with four results. That seems kind of low to me, so you may try searching on different word combinations to get more specific results.'sleep+suggestions'/

Another thing that might be helpful is a PDF that someone spent an incredible amount of time and effort to compile—a document full of Seth's recommended exercises. Not sure about sleep suggestions being in it, but you can find and download it here:

Pre-sleep suggestions would be personal/subjective, and so I don't think you could go wrong with coming up with your own.

We're looking forward to hearing more from you! We love to discuss the Seth materials, learn new things all the time, and will most likely contribute to this topic. Thanks!


Thank you, jbseth, thank you, Deb! I am new to the forum! After reading the Law of One (aka the Ra Contact) and Carla Rueckert's corresponding "The Choice," followed by several books by Dolores Cannon (and I had also read a couple of books by Brian Weiss!), I wondered if there might be any other fantastic channeled material in the world that I may have missed out on! Then, the electromagnetic energy of my though, I suppose, drew my attention to a review of some book I was thinking about buying online, mentioning that books covering the trance-channeled info of "Seth" were a lot better (than the book I was considering buying). My eyes lit up! There WAS indeed another series of books containing trance-channeled info! I took that reviewer's advice (in their review) and purchased The Nature of Personal Reality. I'm about halfway through it, and I'm trying out this whole sleep thing. The Ra also talked about how humans better benefit from shorter sleep sessions, aka naps, throughout the day, as has "Abraham-Hicks," as have others. It isn't going so well for me, though! I'm incredibly lethargic and brain-dead, and I'm hoping that if I begin giving my mind & body the right "suggestions," that I'll feel better! Thank you so much for your responses, and wow! That PDF *is* incredible! How kind of that person/people to take the time to compile all of that! I'm going to print it out for sure. I'm also definitely going to suggest to myself that I dream more therapeutic dreams, as I tend to have a lot of dreams with the theme of struggling, and I wake up with some tenseness. Thank you both! I'm excited this site exists and look forward to exploring the various topics! :)


The Nature of Personal Reality is one of my favorite Seth books, Mass Events too. If you take a look at the Seth books on Amazon you'll see that they almost always get a full 5 star rating.

As far as the sleep cycles, I haven't formally tried them because I really enjoy a long night's sleep. I think as far as Seth's suggestions that would be the hardest for me. Although I do tend to wake up in the middle of the night and read for a couple of hours, then finish up with another hour or so of sleep. I do feel really refreshed most of the times that happens.

Glad you like the PDF. I did print it out a few years ago and have it in a 3 ring binder. It's quite long and at the time I didn't have a printer that could print on both sides so it's almost an inch thick!