Do I need to set priorities?

Started by Colombine, April 01, 2015, 03:05:19 PM

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Dear all,

although I know the ,,Sethian Toolset" for some years there are still some elements in my life I would like to change. I think I was rather lazy and did not really invest time to investigate into my core believes and what I really want to achieve. Now I have a lot of time (being at home caring for my little baby) and want to use that time to investigate and focus on new creations. I know the ,,exercises" Seth recommends. But somehow I end up confused as I do not know ,,where to start".

Do I need to somehow set priorities as regards which wishes or areas to first realize or how shall I practically approach all these areas I would like to change? To make it clearer, I want to create me a new job, I also want to get rid of some particular fears I still carry with me. I also have some wishes about my physical appearance. Also there are such small things like finding a lost book or solving a problem with the sanitation.

How would you "schedule" your energy flow/creation work if you want to achieve that and that and that? How did you handle such practical things in your life? Where did you start?


Hi Colombine, welcome to the forum!

I can't really tell you what to do, but I can tell you what has been working for me. Reading the books has been all good and well, it all makes sense to me, but applying the concepts is another thing. It does take effort and paying attention.

The basis of getting all of this to work, in my mind, is about the beliefs we carry that can and will trip us up. What we want so desperately in our lives will be unattainable if we feel we don't deserve them or have other notions that may have been planted in our heads by other people (parents, teachers, peers).

WhereI started, was by taking the Seth Intensive Online Course by Rick Stack. I had resisted signing up for a year or two, thinking I didn't need to pay anyone for something I should be able to do myself. But for me, it was a great experience. It's a 6 week course, easy to manage. Each week there's a live webinar, q&a afterwards, and homework assignments that included reading, a Seth exercise compounding weekly, and interaction on a forum to discuss the assignments. The focus of the entire course was belief work, BIG TIME. It was intense: I thought about Seth all day, every day, but was not overwhelmed. The reading was a comfortable amount and the forum was so enjoyable that I started this one. I learned a lot about my own beliefs and which ones were getting in my way. I'm still learning but have gotten better at it.

Taking the Course was a good way for me to go since there was a schedule, and having paid for the classes I made sure I didn't miss anything.

There's a Workbook that another member recommended. I have it, have not had a chance to go through it yet. But I bought it used on Amazon for next to nothing:

Quote from: Toronto Sethian on March 22, 2015, 11:00:31 AMFor those who are not quite ready for the Seth books, I suggest the Seth workbook, "You Create Your Own Reality" by Nancy Ashley.  It explains the core ideas in layperson terms and has many exercises she designed.  I recommend this book, also, strongly to Seth readers, as well as her other two (about to be reissued sometime in the near future):  "You Create Your Own Happiness" and "You Create Your Own Dreams".  Both are workbooks.  The latter is the only book available in the market that explores dreams from a sethian perspective.


Dear Deb, thanks for your reply. Rick Stacks Webinar's sounds interesting, but as far as I saw the next one starts in fall.

I was provided with a great  collection of Seth exercices and will pick out some:

On page 49 and 52 Seth recommends not to do too much. I will start by investigating my current believes and  become clearer on my goals. I will also collect ideas for the 5 minutes of exercise for each topic. The rest of the time I will not think about it.I will do some general, "nontopic" exercises  too. After a month I will check the results. Apart from that, I will continue to enjoy the good things I already  created around me.


Hi Colombine,

Yes, unfortunately Rick only offers the Intensive about twice a year. I ended up taking it a second time (this past fall) and although the curriculum was the same, I got even more out of it. And it's half off the price the second time around.

The exercises are a nice way to go. I actually have a link to them here in the Links & References section.

We'd love to hear about your progress, comments or questions as you go along.