"psychic development should lead to overall personality development ..."

Started by inavalan, April 18, 2022, 03:49:49 PM

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From SESSION 359, AUGUST 7, 1967, TES8

"... Briefly however, psychic development should lead to overall personality development. It should not be used in order to make things easier in physical terms, though I understand indeed that this is a temptation, and an understandable one. Nevertheless, the fact remains that psychic development results in something else entirely. The person involved must then demand more of himself...

...It occurs to me that much of this may be new to you. Nevertheless, any physical benefits, any predictions that do occur in such sessions, come as a result of initial spiritual and psychic development. To expect the physical benefits first can indeed close off the very spiritual and psychic development."

"... This sort of session is not primarily to tell you what you should do, Stephen. It is not a means of helping you avoid decision, my good friend. The purpose of such a session is instead to help you develop, to grow in self-confidence and strength through making your own decisions.

Your particular personality is not helped if I should tell you what to do in the specific incidents that are requested. For you would not be strengthened, but you would be relying upon me; and any errors, dear friend, would also be laid to me.

You have been afraid, you see, for accepting the responsibility for your own decisions and actions, and I cannot help you continue in this direction. I say this in all good feeling."

"Any true success must come through your own efforts, for no other success has any meaning at all. When you have achieved reachable goals then you will have the strength and freedom to follow through, and ability to achieve goals that are more difficult. There is a dangerous tendency here that should be mentioned, and it is this: you must not blame others when you do not achieve your goals.

You must remember it is easy, and, again, quite understandable, that oftentimes others seem to be the source of defeats. But these defeats are always caused by inner spiritual or psychic problems that have not been faced or solved.

Lose any bitterness that you may have toward others, for this bitterness is holding you back. The impetuous part of your nature can lead you to joy, and to spontaneous and intuitive understanding. There is a tendency, again, to lash out at others, and this should be restrained. Live every day to its fullest, and do not be a slave to your hopes for the future. If you do not learn to enjoy today you will not enjoy the future no matter what it may bring.

"You want to be a jockey because it seems so difficult for you to become one, and because so many barriers lie in your path.

For many reasons this is not best for you, nor is it what you really want. But in working toward a goal that is very distant, a goal that will be extremely difficult for you to achieve, you feel subconsciously that you will be excused from failure; if you fail you can then say that it was because so many obstacles were in your way.

You are very afraid of failure—hardly any crime—many are afraid of failure. But this causes you to avoid goals that you have a good possibility of achieving. If a goal is attainable and you fail to attain it, you see, then you feel you would have to blame yourself—and again, you do not want to accept the consequences of your own action.

... You need not be afraid of failure, and this is your main difficulty. You have strength and ability that you do not realize you possess, and it will withstand you. You do not have to be afraid of testing yourself against attainable goals. You do not have to look for windfalls.

You have your own abilities, and properly used they will lead to your own development and happiness. Remember, no one owes you anything, but you owe everything to yourself. "

"I have explained how at certain times a definite future may be seen, and how at other times a probable future. On some occasions the totality of probabilities all point in one main direction. These tend to form a more or less definite future, all psychic forces rushing toward it. Even this however can be altered.

At other times the probabilities point in many or several directions. "
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.




"[... 6 paragraphs ...]

Now, again, after my cheery beginning, I offer you my fondest wishes, and I expect you to work hard for I do not give you pretty, easy phrases. And if you wanted pretty, easy phrases you would not be here. You must use your intellect and your intuitions and read some passages four times.
[... 4 paragraphs ...]

Now, I have been, in many ways, a sly and cunning teacher, for the material is given in such a way that as you read it and use your intellect and intuitions to understand it, you automatically develop both your intuitions and your intellect and expand the nature of your own consciousness, though part of the training of consciousness itself is in the body of the material as it exists. To the extent that you extend yourselves, your abilities will automatically be developed, as you read and study the material. There are many books and there are many teachers and there are many ways. Some of it is simple but they are quite necessary to those at a certain level of development. If those ways were sufficient to you, that is where you would be. You have become dissatisfied with those ways, but in becoming dissatisfied you must also extend yourselves to learn new methods of perceptions, and you must expand your consciousness.
[... 7 paragraphs ...]

There is another point I want to make. Now, as I told you, you have experiences in the dream state and in the waking state of which you are not even physically aware. Now, you also often develop abilities in the dreaming and sleep state and perform work and creative activities of which you are not aware. Now, if you really learn to keep track of your dreams and record them over a period of time, you may get a clue as to what these activities are. There are other ways of obtaining clues in psychological time, for example, but if I were you, I would be much more curious about what I do in my dreams for you can utilize these abilities in the waking state.
[... 2 paragraphs ...]"

—ECS2 ESP Class Session, August 11, 1970
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.




We have not yet finished our consideration of the nature of dreams, which will be given more or less in bulk.

Dream interpretation will be an occasional but continuing proposition, and the general discussion of dreams will then serve as a guidepost.

The dream world is indeed a natural by-product of the relationship of the inner self and the physical being. Not a reflection, therefore, but a by-product involving not only a chemical reaction but the transformation of energy from one state to another.

In some respects all planes or fields of existence are indeed by-products of others. For example, without the peculiar spark set off through the interrelationship existing between the inner self and the physical being, the dream world would not exist. But conversely, the dream world is a necessity for the continued existence of the physical individual.

This point is extremely important. As you know, animals dream. What you do not know is that all consciousnesses dream. We have said that to some degree even atoms and molecules have consciousness, and this minute consciousness nevertheless forms its own dreams, even as on the other hand it forms its own physical image.

Now, as in the physical field atoms combine for their own benefit and individually into more complicated structure gestalts, so do they also combine to form such gestalts, though of a somewhat different nature, in the dream world.

I have said that the dream world has its own sort of form and permanence. It is physically oriented, though not to the degree inherent in your ordinary universe. In the same manner that the physical image is built up of an individual, so is the dream image built up. You can refer to our previous discussion on matter if it will help you here, but the dream world is not a formless, haphazard, semi-construction.

It does not exist in bulk, but it does exist in form. This is not a contradiction nor a distortion. The true complexity and importance of the dream world as an independent field of existence has not yet been impressed upon you. Yet while your world and the dream world are basically independent, they still exert pressures and influences, one upon the other.

I will expand this discussion because an understanding of the dream world will bring you closer to understanding other fields of existence with which you are not so familiar.

[... 2 paragraphs ...]

It is important that you realize that the dream world is a by-product of your own existence. And because it is connected to you through chemical reactions this leaves open the entryway of interactions, in animals as well as men. Since dreams are a by-product of any consciousness involved with matter, this leads us to the correct conclusion—that trees have their dreams, that all physical matter, being formed about individualized units of consciousness of varying degrees, also participates in the involuntary construction of the dream universe.

[... 16 paragraphs ...]"

—TES3 Session 97 October 14, 1964
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


"I have several points along these lines to discuss with you this evening. There is one point however, an important side issue, that I want to mention first. It is this: your ideas of the daily amount of time being limited—these ideas are limiting you and your work far more than time is. This attitude automatically suggests that progression in your work takes a certain amount of time, and limits your intuitional insights, confining them to your idea of time.

You can, in other words, intuitively progress within an hour a year's work, if you allow it. I am not saying here that you should not set aside specific hours for yourself. I am saying be cautious, for while certain periods of time seem necessary within your system for the development of your work, that the ideas of limited time on a daily or weekly basis can slow down the intuitional qualities of your work and growth.

You deal then with a single-line type of within-physical-time development, and tend to ignore the value fulfillment kind of development which is entirely independent of a time structure. To be fearful for time is to neglect its full use.

You may take your break and we shall continue. The last on time is connected, incidentally, with what we have been speaking of, for it can lead to an insistence upon outer realities, and result in a lack of inner intuitional development, which alone is the fountainhead of true art."

—TPS1 Session 377 (Deleted) November 6, 1967
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


from SESSION 473 (DELETED), APRIL 7, 1969, TPS1

"Now. No personality chooses a life situation of illness. It chooses the best method it can to aid in overall development.

(This data is apropos of what Jane and I had been discussing before the session.)

It uses illness as a teaching method, and discards the method when the lesson is learned. In entire life situations—I am speaking in terms of a lifelong illness now—the illness is not predetermined by the personality to last the length of the life. Many severe illnesses disappear miraculously, it would seem, though an individual has been plagued since birth.

Here the lesson has been learned and the illness as a method discarded.

The ego's desire for health and the organism's impetus toward health, are constant balances, and are always present. The illness is not to be regarded as a natural (underlined) event, but the reason for it sought. The reason is often a lack of a quality. The realization of the lack and the mental, emotional and psychic acquisition of the quality, brings the illness to a close.

Now this is highly simplified, but the problems set are open problems. There are usually several different solutions or contexts within which the personality can find the solution. The individual does not set himself problems for which no answers exist.

I will try however to give you this as an example. A personality is born in a particular environment that is not clear and straight but crooked, as in a maze. The angles, corners and curves of the maze he has cleverly formed himself, before this existence. To get out of the maze automatically means that he has developed the abilities necessary. The flexibility, spontaneity, persistence, what have you, none of which he may have acquired had the "road" in quotes been absolutely straight from start to finish.

Obviously he must forget that he constructed the maze to begin with. This does not prevent the unmazed portion of the self from watching, giving helpful hints of a kind to ward off discouragement. The helpful hints are themselves lessons, reminding the personality that only a portion of it is involved in the maze.

Has this generally cleared the matter for you?

("Yes. But what about the cases where the personality does die from its illness; the illness never clearing up....")

In those cases the personality has done one of two things. It has solved one problem and decided to use the method to solve another, or it has decided that from its particular vantage point it would rather close the books and begin anew.

Death is not nearly as disagreeable, you see, as you think it is. Illness is far more disagreeable in many cases.

("That's about what I meant.")

In other circumstances, though the problem is solved, the physical body, being physical, is in such poor condition that the personality decides it much better to discard it completely.

("Does error enter in here on the part of the personality, or the inner self?")

Now in many cases of coma, the personality simply leaves before the body's actual death. Errors can be made, but in the overall they amount to little."
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Thank you for all of this! I have some reading to do. Been preoccupied with other Seth work.  ;D


Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


"The inner mechanisms that happen prior to your experience will take place in the vast mental studio of Framework 2. There, all the details will be arranged, the seemingly chance encounters, for example, the unexplained coincidences that might have to occur before a given physical event takes place.
[... 5 paragraphs ...]
Such events occur as a result of individual beliefs, desires, and intents. There is no such thing as a chance encounter. No death occurs by chance, nor any birth. In the creative atmosphere of Framework 2, intents are known. In a manner of speaking, no act is private. Your communication systems bring to your living room notices of events that occur throughout the world. Yet that larger inner system of communications is far more powerful in scope, and each mental act is imprinted in the multidimensional screen of Framework 2. That screen is available to all, and in other levels of consciousness, particularly in the sleep and dreaming stages, the events of that inner reality are as ever-present and easily accessible as physical events are when you are awake."
—NoME Part One: Chapter 2: Session 815, December 17, 1977

"What part, for example, does chance play in your life? Is it chance if you arrive too late to board a plane, for example — to find later that the plane crashed? Perhaps your late arrival was caused by "a chance meeting" with a friend at the last moment, or by a misplaced ticket, or by a traffic jam that seemingly had nothing to do with you at all.

You may have become a part of the drama of a natural disaster, or avoided it as a result of other seemingly chance occurrences. What appears to you as chance or coincidence, however, is actually the result of the amazing organizations and communications active in the psychological reality of Framework 2. Again, you form your reality — but how? And how do private existences touch each other, resulting in world events? Before we go any further, then, we must look into the nature of Framework 2."
—NoME Part Two: Chapter 3: Session 823, February 27, 1978

"The coincidences that seem to happen, the chance encounters, the unexpected events — all of these come into your experience because in one way or another you have attracted them, even though their occurrences might seem to have insurmountable odds against them. Those odds — those impediments — do not exist in Framework 2."
—NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 825, March 6, 1978

"Those with other intents will find excuses to leave such areas. There will be, perhaps, a chance meeting that will result in a hasty trip. On a hunch someone else might suddenly leave the area to find a new job, or decide to visit a friend in another state. Those whose experiences do not merge with nature's in that regard will not be part of that mass event. They will act on information that comes to them from Framework 2. Those who stay also act on the same information, by choosing to participate."
—NoME Part Two: Chapter 4: Session 826, March 8, 1978

"You have occasional epidemics that flare up, with victims left dead. Partially, these are also victims of beliefs, for you believe that the natural body is the natural prey of viruses and diseases over which you have no personal control, except as it is medically provided. In the medical profession, the overall suggestion that operates is one that emphasizes and exaggerates the body's vulnerability, and plays down its natural healing abilities. People die when they are ready to die, for reasons that are their own. No person dies without a reason. You are not taught that, however, so people do not recognize their own reasons for dying, and they are not taught to recognize their own reasons for living — because you are told that life itself is an accident in a cosmic game of chance."
—NoME Part Three: Chapter 6: Session 835, February 7, 1979
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


You must remember it is easy, and, again, quite understandable, that oftentimes others seem to be the source of defeats. But these defeats are always caused by inner spiritual or psychic problems that have not been faced or solved.

Live every day to its fullest, and do not be a slave to your hopes for the future. If you do not learn to enjoy today you will not enjoy the future no matter what it may bring.

For many reasons this is not best for you, nor is it what you really want.
But in working toward a goal that is very distant, a goal that will be extremely difficult for you to achieve, you feel subconsciously that you will be excused from failure; if you fail you can then say that it was because so many obstacles were in your way.

You are very afraid of failure—hardly any crime—many are afraid of failure. But this causes you to avoid goals that you have a good possibility of achieving. If a goal is attainable and you fail to attain it, you see, then you feel you would have to blame yourself—and again, you do not want to accept the consequences of your own action.

... You need not be afraid of failure, and this is your main difficulty. You have strength and ability that you do not realize you possess, and it will withstand you. You do not have to be afraid of testing yourself against attainable goals. You do not have to look for windfalls.

You have your own abilities, and properly used they will lead to your own development and happiness. Remember, no one owes you anything, but you owe everything to yourself. "

"I have explained how at certain times a definite future may be seen, and how at other times a probable future. On some occasions the totality of probabilities all point in one main direction. These tend to form a more or less definite future, all psychic forces rushing toward it. Even this however can be altered.

At other times the probabilities point in many or several directions. "


Remembering that" it is easy "is quite something! It's true though that I - in retrospect - often had the feeling that it was me all by myself who made it difficult. And I asked myself why I perceived it in that way...

So ofc it's OK to be afraid of failure even if we didn't need to. And he's talking about achievable goals! This is a little tricky to understand bc a fundamental truth is also that I am capable of achieving everything. I mean in the context of what I really like and I've been drawn to do/achieve. Even if it is a wish, a dream I want to fulfill in my life. And a dream has in itself the idea of being not in a close range of achieving.
One the other hand one would say that this goal is far too high and likely not reachable. And now I'm asking myself : do I avoid achievable goals? And I guess I'll go and meditate on that question.

I love it to read : no one owes you anything but you owe everything to yourself!

I have to work again through this whole post, thank you for sharing it 💫🙏 :)