Interesting: Ruburt strongly intuitive, relied on Joseph's logic and strength

Started by inavalan, November 02, 2022, 01:08:31 AM

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Quote from: TES1 #27Ruburt is strongly intuitive, but basically in this life relies upon your logic and strength, and you have a good degree of both. I hope that this material will free you to use these abilities.
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


This is quite an interesting exchange. It shows a high degree of oversight and cooperation of what each one of us is doing here, why, what was planned, ... from our entities and guides.

Quote from: TES1 #27I am now in contact with your parent's entity and he tells me that subconsciously even his present personality, that is your father, appreciates this fact and loves you deeply. He himself, that is your father's entity, feels no pain because of the present personality's problems, since he is working out so many necessary kinks.

("What is the name of my father's entity?)

Your father's entity's name is Arruhk, A-r-r-u-h-k. I cannot go into all the problems of his present personality. They are definite challenges that he had to face, and the overall entity is facing the majority of these in one fell swoop, for his own reasons.

But you are to feel free from any rebuffs, realizing that the present personality of your father is choosing to face many hurdles at once. And in this life his failings are more apparent simply because they represent old leftover problem remnants; and you have had a lot to do with your father's ability to face these problems all at once, so to speak.

It was thought that you had the ability to escape relatively unscathed. None of your other brothers this time could have endured being the first born, and you have done well.

 Now, it is true that Ruburt possesses strong psychic energy, as you do. But your unjustified sense of inferiority has held you back to some degree, though I believe that this is lessening now. I am sure it is lessening. In any case Ruburt's psychic energy becomes at times undisciplined. For reasons that I will consider later he should not feel pent in.
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


This too:

Quote from: TES1 #27Ruburt's grandfather says that you are both two fine kiddos, and I heartily agree. My dear friends, I am with you more often than you know.

You are both making many advancements, and tonight's material will help both of you in many ways. I dislike leaving you, but know that you must be tired. One small word to Ruburt: he will stop smoking and he knows it. I have not pressed this issue.

And now most devoted friends, a fond good evening. I will always help you to the best of my ability, and as far as I know I will be accessible for your present lifetimes. And dear Joseph, if you whacked me many times, I got my blows in too. And I made Ruburt one lovely wife—so there, my lovelies.
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.