Frank Watts, why him?

Started by Mark M, May 29, 2023, 11:34:22 AM

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Mark M

"The [Ouija board] messages seemed to begin where Idea Construction left off, and later Seth said that my expansion of consciousness experience had represented his first attempt at contact."

Seth Speaks, Introduction

The subsequent earliest Ouija board messages were from Frank Watts and not Seth "proper."

Frank Watts was the "warm up act."

I wonder why.


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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.

Mark M

And there I have it.




At the end of TES2, session 85 Seth says:

QuoteNevertheless, much of the Watts material was valid. The distortions, too numerous to mention here, were the result of inexperience, not only on Ruburt's part, but also on the part of the personality who did live and was called Frank Watts.
      He was a personality from my entity, entirely independent from me and from my control, as I have explained that such personalities are. Ruburt's abilities were only beginning to show themselves, and had what we may refer to as a low-range frequency. There was an affinity to begin with, but Ruburt simply could not reach far enough, or within and through the inner senses enough, to contact me directly; and there are what you may call for simplicity's sake, conventions of conduct which I would not break.
      Had I attempted myself to contact Ruburt then, the contact would have amounted to a sort of psychic invasion, which I would find most unethical on my part.

I read somewhere (I can't find which session) the Seth "prepared" Jane long before the idea construction episode.

Mark M

"That has been done before. All of this has been done before. Through many ages, in one way or another, I have spoken. (Humorously:) I never shut up. And others have spoken ... And there is always the difficulty in maintaining the integrity of the material and keeping it free of distortion... I have worked very hard to help Ruburt condition himself to provide for the material's integrity and cut down on distortions (Smile:) I would be appalled at going through that all over again."

—Seth, The Early Sessions, Vol 9, Session 454, December 7, 1968


Quote from: wadihicham on May 29, 2023, 01:51:26 PM... I read somewhere (I can't find which session) the Seth "prepared" Jane long before the idea construction episode.,3125.msg24428.html#msg24428
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Yes, that was Seth Speaks, Session 584. The material was no Ouija board accident. 
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Quote from: Mark M on May 29, 2023, 01:27:35 PMAnd there I have it.

The Seth search engine is a beautiful thing. Nice to know more about the fathead, thanks!
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Frank is such a interesting topic. You can be an advanced entity but still have some requirement in terms of a negative aspect of self that needs transcending. In Seth's case it was a lack of humility that the Frank life was designed to address ie by living a life of someone lacking in intellect and capabilities. That Seth admits it failed to tackle his lack of humility is interesting because why does he not come back to earth again to 'fix' it?
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Quote from: Bora137 on June 01, 2023, 02:40:33 PMThat Seth admits it failed to tackle his lack of humility is interesting because why does he not come back to earth again to 'fix' it?

I think that what Seth means by "humility" may be different from what some people might think to mean. I believe it is more on the lines of the Icarus' myth.

Also, it seems that there are many "schools" an entity can choose from, besides the Earth, and there are various programs to advance on the infinite path towards value fulfillment.

I believe that many of us, who decided to attend the current (time, space, probability) Earth school, lack humility. We chose a tough "course", beyond our ability to handle it, and now we're suffering. School and learning aren't supposed to be painful. "Pain is no gain".
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


I'm not sure inavalan, I think pain is what we come here for. Tolle says it is the most valuable aspect of life here. You feel pain you are highly motivated to overcome it in so doing you expand. But I half take your point, we are here because we are slow learners. The other aspect is that we are bound to earth, we are responsible for it. That it has gone a bit wrong and is subsequently much harder here than it should be is kind of bad 'luck' but has to do with many variables, having opposing thumbs oddly being one of them says Ra. Such a design predisposes us to violence thus dropping the vibration of the planet shortening our lives and other unpleasant low vibration side effects.
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I see these somewhat differently, but I don't intend to convince you, as everybody has his own subjective perspective and his own subjective path.

This a Seth quote about the purpose of suffering:

"Illness and suffering are not thrust upon you by God, or by All That Is, or by an outside agency. They are by-products of the learning process, created by you, in themselves quite neutral. On the other hand, your existence itself, the reality and nature of your planet, the whole existence in which you have these experiences, are also created by you, using the abilities of which I have spoken.

Illness and suffering are the results of the misdirection of creative energy. They are a part of the creative force, however. They do not come from a different source than, say, health and vitality. Suffering is not good for the soul, unless it teaches you how to stop suffering. That is its purpose."

—SS Part Two: Chapter 20: Session 580, April 12, 1971
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Yes that last line I completely agree suffering is good if it teaches that is the purpose. Suffering in itself is not good it is the resultant expansion that is good. You could suffer and just drink self to oblivion which obv not good.
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