Lost session: Jerusalem and its special spatial-time landscape conditions/Christ

Started by Mark M, October 12, 2023, 10:49:25 AM

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Mark M

I wrote the publ'r if he can do English for us especially since the sessions were in English:

Hi Mark

Thank you very much for your email.

We only own the rights for the German translation and publication of the "Multiverse" books. Therefore, we cannot publish an English edition. However, the sessions are wonderful, and I am sure they will be published in English sooner or later.

With best wishes from Switzerland,

Maurizio Vogrig, Seth-Verlag


Session 678, September 3, 1973, 11:55 p.m., Monday

Jerusalem and its special spatial-time landscape conditions as a prerequisite for the Christ drama

(This material followed the canceled session above. We received it as a result of an article about Jerusalem that Jane and I had read in a travel magazine. The article greatly intrigued us both and included a double-page aerial photograph of Jerusalem and the barren landscape surrounding the city .

(Because of the desolate surroundings of Jerusalem, we asked ourselves this afternoon what must have happened there in ancient times for it to become a place of forces and movements that we can still feel and react to today. The desert landscape looked disgustingly barren; Why, we asked ourselves, had many of our current religions emerged from such a barren area? Jane suggested asking Seth to say something about it after tonight's unscheduled meeting.

(I have placed the article in question in our files. Seth took a break at 11:43 p.m. When he asked if I wanted material about Jerusalem after the break this evening, I almost said no because I was so tired. Luckily we continued and received the following information.)

(Slowly:) Well. I'll at least start.

There are certain locations on your planet where the time and space coordinates differ to a degree that is physically unobservable under normal conditions. Jerusalem is one such place.

In this case, a particular area represents a kind of corridor through time, running forward and backward. In this area, all events are characterized by an extraordinary dynamic. Typically, the ordinary dimensionality of events is fairly well hidden, isolated in a single place and time, but in this area there is continuous leakage, and the open nature of time affects every physical event.

There is a kind of intensification, but only of time. Here, in any given present, events from both the future and the past show a high level of activity, so that in such a place, past and future events interact with one another to such a degree that each present is always highly charged and in a state of becoming located.

Such a situation could, at least theoretically, be proven mathematically, but -- as I said -- only theoretically, because an investigation of space or time would not reveal its effects.

The Christ personality was therefore intensified by the special space-time properties of this area. The same applies to all -- in your mind -- past or future events and personalities within this zone.

The area also evokes the activation of probabilities and is a rich source of paranormal and religious creativity. Due to the aforementioned intensification, symbols also acquire a multidimensional reality. This has something to do with the special physical characteristics. (Long pause.) In this barren landscape, all events stand out and appear significant against the background of the desolate area. Certain concentrations within the Earth itself result in a mineral composition that deflects cosmic rays and also disrupts the normal alignments of light spectra.

These in turn influence the dimensionality of events, and by the way, none of this can be physically observed, even if, as I said, these processes could be theoretically proven mathematically. Here, normal events occur in a slightly different space-time context. There is greater scope for probable events because the usual three-dimensional barriers that stand in the way of their realization are weaker.

(00:15 a.m.) Therefore, the prerequisites for very complex physical events are only immediately present due to the intensive interaction of the time sequences involved. This is also the reason why this area was chosen for the Christ Drama.

This area therefore represents a testing ground and a scene of great contrasts, where the past is literally as alive as the present. But it is also a place where the future -- within the framework of a certain sequence of events -- was known, long before the time in which Christ lived.

The prophecies had great distortions, but the unusual space-time properties, as I said, made it easier for probabilities to be perceived, because the probabilities were almost in the air.

So. That's enough for tonight. I'll continue with the material whenever you want.

My warmest wishes to you both.

(,,Gute Nacht, Seth." 00.23 Uhr.)

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Saving this post as a PDF to read when I can. I've been wondering about Seth's take on Israel. My first husband was Jewish, my first "real" family was his, and so I have that perspective.

BTW Maurizio is a wonderful person.


A major aspect of my life has been the mutability of time.
    In the first situation, I often intentionally bend it to accomplish task in very short periods of time such as driving 4 hours in two and a half with only moderate speeding.
   Other times I have something that I don't realize is important to do immediately in a short order of time.
      I may get busy doing 30 or 40 minutes worth of something only to realize that only three or four minutes have passed. If that occurs I have learned to search my memory for something important that I need to be doing. Almost always I realize that I'm missing a deadline, or need to pick someone up somewhere, such as the airport, that I have forgotten.
      To be honest in the second situation I have occasionally wondered if it's my advisor that is actually bending the time to help me out. I wonder this because I'm not doing anything to intentionally be or do something somewhere at a specific time, like in the first situation. Maybe it's the advisor that is always doing it. And it's not really me at all.
    Or, somehow, the future me, that meets the deadline or picks up the person is somehow bending it in the prior history - - - but what I believe is most likely is that it's my subconscious that is doing it.
    You can also remember things from the past or the future. That's another form of time mutability.
     Anyway you look at it - time mutability is not just location specific.
     Being on time, and not being late, is really important to me. So I think this is why the ability to bend time came to be part of my life.
      I also learned in my life that ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE. So barriers like time immutability are completely irrelevant. (I have never gone backwards in time with my body, but I assume that's possible too.)
     Like all people have psychic abilities, I assume all people can bend time as well.
     Time is an illusion created for man. And that means far far more than just bending time.

(Joy and) Happiness,

Mark M

In this podcast, the "time travel" mention is rather fleeting. I think it's toward the beginning.


If he had an appt on Tues, he could flip his "hamster wheel," make it appt time on Tues, and go to the appt.

Mentioned early in this:

 The Science Of Synesthesia And Super Sensors : 1A


"You could (underlined twice) walk into "yesterday" as well as tomorrow at that point of birth — if you could walk — and indeed your perception brings you events both in and out of time sequence. Responses to out-of-time events do not bring the infant recognition, approval, or action, however. It immediately begins to learn to accept certain neurological pulses which bring results, and not others, and so neurological patterns are early learned. This can be a frightening process, though it is accompanied by reassurances. The infant sees, out of context, both present and future without discrimination, and (intently) I am speaking of images physically perceived."

—Seth, UR1 Section 2: Session 688 March 6, 1974

Walking seems important here...


Mark, I'm not sure what you're trying to say to me, if it is to me.

It's true I was bending time before Sam kicked open my psychic and spiritual doors at 18. I wrote these time bending events off as impossible, and I refused to look closely, or analyze them, because I didn't believe they could be true; even though they patently were true.

Also from an early age I had psychic precognition, and other psychic events that I wrote off as coincidence, or again as unbelievable so not worth analyzing.

Only after a friend riding with me on a four and a half hour trip pointed out we had done it in two and a half hours did I begin to believe I could do time bending on purpose. Which I did learn how to do.

I've been very lucky in that I've had many witnesses to the things that I can/could do: thereby making it easier for me to believe that I can do these things. Learning that 'anything is possible', I think, was a major purpose in all the things that I could do, or did, to help develop my mystical spirituality abilities.

Had I not grown to believe that I could do anything (if I put my mind to it) I'm not sure I would have been able to develop my spiritual side so successfully.

I did shut down my psychic abilities at about 29 years of age.  I had already started relying solely on my spiritual advisors and/or my Universal access to information. My psychic abilities, that I honed to a strong degree, we're no longer required for my path of learning.

It does seem you were saying it is possible to actually take my body back in time. I've never actually had need to do that, but if that day ever comes I may give it a try.

 I have to wonder if it is similar to the technique of bending time or is it a completely different technique. Or it may simply be a decision to do it and believe it possible. Some things are that simple.

(Joy and) Happiness,

P.S. Walking was never part of bending time. But it may be essential in traveling through time, which I assume is quite different to bending it, or, different to remembering the future or other pasts. (But I really don't know.)