"your contemporaries do not all belong to the same probable system"

Started by inavalan, July 17, 2023, 01:52:13 AM

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Quote"(10:17.) Now give us a moment... As the cells operate with the knowledge of probable actions and still maintain the physical body in your chosen system, so the psyche, operating in the same way, "seeds" itself in many different probabilities. In this case specifically, I am speaking of other physical probabilities — alternates, in other words, of the world as you know it. Those alive with you, your contemporaries, do not all belong to the same probable system. You are at a meeting ground in that respect, where individuals from many probable realities mix and merge, agreeing momentarily to accept certain portions of the same space-time environment.
Because you focus upon the similarities in experience, and play down the variances, then the oftentimes greater dissimilarities4 in so-called experience escape you completely. You take it for granted that memory is faulty if you do not agree with another person on the events that happened at a certain place and time — say those in a recently experienced historical past. You take it for granted that interpretations of events change, but that certain definite events occurred that are beyond alteration. Instead, the events themselves are not nearly that concrete. You accept one probable event. Someone else may experience instead a version of that event, which then becomes that individual's felt reality.
These events may be quite different indeed, and the separate interpretations make quite valid explanations of separate variations. In your terms, one event can happen in many different ways.
All of this is fine theory, esoteric but hardly practical — unless you begin to question the nature of your own thoughts, and begin to explore the reality of those events that you seem to encounter.5"

—UR2 Section 6: Session 729 January 13, 1975
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Quote"Consciousness does not simply choose to be born at a certain place in space and time, but it also endows its physical organism ahead of time with certain inner triggers so that it will respond to those conditions in highly individualistic ways.
I am not even hinting at predestination or predetermination. Let us try another simple analogy. A seed "knows" that it will come to life in the middle of a pot in someone's living room. Say it is a tomato seed, and our house owner decides to start a plant from scratch. All cellular life is precognitive, in your terms. The seed then knows that the sun comes, say, from the west in this particular room. It begins to respond in that manner before the shoot emerges.
The shoot does not simply react to the direction from which the sun shines, but senses this far before, and the seed sensitizes itself "ahead of time" to those conditions. It could grow to the east just as well. The trigger is not the sun's direction on its own, but the plant's innate knowledge of that direction. The plant is not predestined to grow toward the west, for example.
(Very intently:) In the same manner, the self knows ahead of time the best conditions for its own development, in light of the time and the place of its chosen birth. It has, however, literally endless probabilities to choose from, to fulfill its abilities while maintaining a workable selfhood.6 Consciousness chooses the best overall conditions available for its own purposes of growth. It then preconditions its own organism to respond or not to respond to the time and place of birth, to exaggerate or minimize, to negate or accept."

—UR2 Section 6: Session 729 January 13, 1975
Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.