intensity creates

Started by eyelive4ever2, March 05, 2015, 05:21:06 PM

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Saturated in a field of waves, each of our thoughts collapsing these waves, which we call solidity. A collapsed wave is one that has been measured with observation. To observe is to measure, or judge, or desire for experience.
Intensity creates because we are already eternal beings of energy. We take this energy we always are and focus/concentrate with it. The more we concentrate, the more that these waves collapse. To concentrate with energy is to collapse it. Collapsed waves are called particles. Particles are actually wave packets.

With much intensity I image a man that I am married to--a wonderful, marvelous set of wave packets. He loves me so much that he comes upon this website looking for me. He writes me and says "come live with me upon my catamaran and we will travel this world. We will visit every port, sharing our happy lives, our vegetables and art. We will teach that all of us are magnificent powerful beings of light, eternal and totally cherished. We will share Seth books with the camouflage of these lives, knowing that we are actually fast vibrating illusions, hallucinations and holograms never to die, but to expand out upon the web of our mother and father, that holodeck called God, the Source and All That Is."