Changing the world for the better

Started by Deb, January 14, 2016, 10:38:43 PM

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To change the world for the better, you must begin by changing your own life. There is no other way.

You begin by accepting your own worth as a part of the universe, and by granting every other being that same recognition. You begin by honoring life it all of its forms. You begin by changing your thoughts towards your contemporaries, your country, your family, your working companions. If the idea of loving your neighbor like yourself seems remote, you will at least absolutely refrain from killing your neighbor – and your neighbor is any other person on the face of the planet.

You cannot love your neighbor, in fact, until you love yourself, and if you believe that it is wrong to love yourself, then you are indeed unable to love anyone else.

Roberts, Jane. The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events. San Rafael: Amber-Allen Publishing, 1981
Session 870, 10:10+ pm

John Sorensen

I'm still surprised by the vitriol (some) people have for their neighbors, especially when those neighbors are people we basically don't even know.

Having said that I have been abusive to but also gotten drunk with my old neighbors, one of whom was a terrible drug addict, criminal, but also a really nice guy when he wasn't on something.

I guess it was a love/hate thing?  8)

But yeah, so true what Seth says here and how often do the mainstream religions forget this very basic idea?

I also like to stop and talk to homeless people rather than ignoring them or pretending they don't exist. I don't usually carry money on me, but a friendly smile and conversation costs nothing.

My girlfriend actually got into a fight with me one day on this topic, she told me I should stop this sort of thing, that i am "too trusting". Which is frankly one of the most bizarre criticisms I have ever heard about anything.

Another time she yelled at me because I bought lunch for some guy I did a day of casual work with???

It's a tricky thing not getting too caught in someones else's energies. But whether it is someone I love or a stranger, I'm happy to help whoever, but I don't have to agree with overly negative or judgmental attitudes when that sort of attention is aimed at me you just shrug your shoulders and think "well that is about YOU, not about me".