love vibrates 570 trillion times a second

Started by eyelive4ever2, February 14, 2015, 04:29:17 PM

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The Hidden Messages in Water

Page 46

In an article in the March--April 1989 issue of the American scientific journal 21st Century Science and Technology, Warren J. Hamerman wrote that the organic matter that forms human beings generates a frequency that can be represented by sound at approximately forty-two octaves above middle C (the note near the center of the piano keyboard). The modern standard for the middle C is approximately 262 Hz, so this means that the sound reaches roughly 570 trillion Hz. Since Hz means vibrations per second, this indicates that human beings vibrate 570 trillion times a second, a number that exceeds the imagination and indicates incredible and wonderful hidden potential.
It is difficult to conceive forty-two octaves, but just realize that the frequency of the human being is immensely diverse and unparalleled. The human being holds a universe within, filled with overlapping frequencies, and the result is a symphony of cosmic proportions.
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It's all about energy, isn't it? Sound, light, matter... I've heard something about that middle C frequency being used to "tune up" people using sound therapy. Seth mentioned [somewhere] that the Egyptians used sound waves to build the pyramids. I also read a reference to that same thing in a book I read years ago, The Scole Experiment. I enjoyed his also saying that the word "ohm" repeated vocally or mentally would balance the body's energies.

I'm aware of a few people that have been experimenting with sound waves in healing, the first coming to mind was the late Bob Monroe who visited with Seth, Jane and Rob. I had the good fortune to be able to briefly visit his compound in Virginia last fall. They're still doing workshops and retreats centered around sound, OBEs and altered states. Hemi-Sync, HoloSync, others as well. Anyone who doesn't think of sound as a range of energy has never witnessed a glass breaking from a high, strong voice singing, or felt heavy bass on a stereo through their feet and bottoms. And people also don't realize how our own eyes and ears are limited to a small range of frequencies. I learned about that personally when I used to go ghost hunting. I recorded a lot of interesting voices that weren't audible at the time (EVPs). What was most interesting was that sometimes the voices were responding appropriately to our conversation--there would only be two of us in a location and then later in examination of the recording a third voice pipes in. EVPs were my favorite.

A lot of ghost hunters use infra red cameras hoping to get something out of our visible range. There are insects and animals that can see into the ultraviolet range (don't as me how they know that).

Energy, waves, particles, magnetic poles, phew!