Signs, Synchronicity and Intention

Started by BethAnne, March 20, 2016, 10:33:04 AM

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Synchronicity is a concept, first explained by psychiatrist Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship, yetseem to be meaningfully related.[1] During his career, Jung furnished several slightly different definitions of it.[2]
Jung variously defined synchronicity as an "acausal connecting (togetherness) principle," "meaningful coincidence", and "acausal parallelism."
Jung's belief was that, just as events may be connected by causality, they may also be connected by meaning. Events connected by meaning need not have an explanation in terms of causality. This contradicts the Axiom of Causality in specific cases but not generally.
Jung used the concept to try to justify the paranormal.[6]A believer in the paranormal, Arthur Koestler wrote extensively on synchronicity in his 1972 book The Roots of Coincidence.[7]

I can remember  reading the Seth Material a long time ago where he said that we should treat our daily lives as if they were a dream and that significant things we encountered should be considered like interpreting a dream.  I took that to heart.
"Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" says Freud, but I've observed that where there is intention the Universe will respond with signs.  When I'm going through a transition  I will look for signs on my morning walk to the river.  Lately I've been getting green things....especially green circles.  Then I'll often make collages from the bits and pieces.[

If anyone can track down the Seth information on that I would appreciated.  Or if anyone has their own stories to add iI would be interested in hearing them.  How does this apply to your life?


I LOVE how the Universe responds!   ;)

So after starting this thread I pondered on a situation I have going on and gathered in my Guides for guidance.
I am in the middle of a pissing contest with 3 Very Powerful Men.  While jealousy is part of it, it is not sexual.  I sent them each the same text giving them an insight which I doubt they had considered and then outlined what would resolve this issue.

Gave it over to the Guides and went for my morning walk to the River and pondered some more.  Snow is gone now.
Above my head a pair of Eagles soared into view locking talons 3 times.  While this is a mating dance it also symbolized to me a locking of Power and union.
On the way back I found an orange Jolly Roger.  The Voice said "Orange Chakra issue with Pirates".  Then I saw a baseball and the Voice said "Play Ball!"
A Fairy Tale Life Living Along the River


So, I spent the weekend doing an Intensive Meditation/Ritual to jump start the next phase.
Toward the end I had a "vision" of myself singing in front of my apartment "singing" a silent song that as the energy rose gathered to form a Dove.

The next morning it looked like an Angel Crime Scene at the spot of my vision and about 20 feet on both sides.  White feathers ALL OVER.  Bit's of bird and feather sprinkled on my car.

I realize that a hawk probably was feeding on a pigeon above in the trees.....or more likely an owl since it was in the middle of the night.  It was still unnverving.

John Sorensen

Quote from: BethAnne on March 20, 2016, 10:33:04 AM
Synchronicity is a concept, first explained by psychiatrist Carl Jung, which holds that events are "meaningful coincidences" if they occur with no causal relationship, yetseem to be meaningfully related.[1] During his career, Jung furnished several slightly different definitions of it.[2]
Jung variously defined synchronicity as an "acausal connecting (togetherness) principle," "meaningful coincidence", and "acausal parallelism."
Jung's belief was that, just as events may be connected by causality, they may also be connected by meaning. Events connected by meaning need not have an explanation in terms of causality. This contradicts the Axiom of Causality in specific cases but not generally.
Jung used the concept to try to justify the paranormal.[6]A believer in the paranormal, Arthur Koestler wrote extensively on synchronicity in his 1972 book The Roots of Coincidence.[7]

I can remember  reading the Seth Material a long time ago where he said that we should treat our daily lives as if they were a dream and that significant things we encountered should be considered like interpreting a dream.  I took that to heart. "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" says Freud, but I've observed that where there is intention the Universe will respond with signs.  When I'm going through a transition  I will look for signs on my morning walk to the river.  Lately I've been getting green things....especially green circles.  Then I'll often make collages from the bits and pieces.[

If anyone can track down the Seth information on that I would appreciated.  Or if anyone has their own stories to add iI would be interested in hearing them.  How does this apply to your life?

Jung's words to me are a beautiful bridge between science, psychology, psyche and spirit (same difference).
In materialist terms, you get one definition of meaningful coincidences that is very secular and rational while also intuitive, but without any personal experience of the mystical or multidimensional reality.

However, in my experience their is not synchronicity that is not multidimensional, each moment in time is always and forever connected energetically with other like experiences, it happens so frequently in my life on a daily basis (as it does for anyone who pays attention to such things) that there is no place to me where synchronicity stops or begins, it's a seamless fabric of the universe, or a multidimensional web of interconnections, our ever shifting focus may follow a line, trail or node on that web, or jump about to seemingly unconnected points instantaneously, but it's all part of the larger whole.

Anyhow, my personal belief is that Jung was a mystic and lover of life at heart, and expressed with enthusiasm whatever he could get done to share with others etc. I also believe that many of his experiences are beyond language, and like Tesla or any other great visionary thinker, he was beyond the paradigms of his day, a forerunner who laid down tracks and pathways that would be used in the decades to come after his demise.

The more of a paradigm buster you are, the more you challenge others world view, the less accepted will be your ideas, so it's not uncommon for a concept such as "synchronicity" to be misunderstood or ignored during Jung's lifetime, but well known and frequently referenced in circles such as new thought movement, new age and post-modernism etc.

The incidences is synchronicity are too frequent in my life to really bother writing down.
Sometimes when I meditate, I imagine my life from my oversouls point of view, along with other lifetimes. The more frequently I meditate, the more often I see things that are about to happen sequentially in time, before they happen, I am not talking about other people's lives or world events, just my own life. I am not saying I can predict the future or anything like that (nor would I want to if I could) - it's more like a science, where you see particular patterns, and can make educated guessed about patterns or probabilities with a reasonable degree of accuracy.

Let's say there for arguments sake tomorrow there are 20 major probable actions I may or may take that will define that day. Focusing on narrowing them down, usually gets down to 5 or less simultaneous probable actions or events in my immediate future (tomorrow).
Whatever 1 or 2 actions I perform tomorrow, another probable self or selves will carry out the other 2-3 probable actions I did not perform on that day.

In this way no experience or possibility is lost, and of course that are infinite probabilities and line of action, I am only reducing them to a number here to communicated for an example as I have no wish to try and list infinite probable examples, it would be rather boring.


it's more like a science, where you see particular patterns, and can make educated guessed about patterns or probabilities with a reasonable degree of accuracy.

I've had several people lately talk about "following the string of patterns".  I wonder if that is just more intense these days or people are more aware of it.  ???