Earth situation --- Past Orion conflicts still playing on Earth

Started by myststars, September 15, 2016, 02:47:31 AM

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I will put only the Earth parallel Orion past civilization.You can understand how Orion past wounds / conflicts are still present on Earth durring this months.

You can read the rest of months/years from this link.

July 2016
Card #108 | Orion Light (Future) | Emptiness
Once again, the energy of this card flows nicely from last month's card of the month (see #78, Seeing the One, June 2016). In last month's text we discussed a model that we use in workshops quite often -- an outer circle representing the One consciousness of the True Self, and an inner circle representing the realm in which humans are exploring the illusion of separation. As you go through your process of awakening (which is really a process of integrating the illusionary separate self back into the whole of the One), it can be as if the inner circle in the model slowly dissolves and becomes One again. In that nondual state of Oneness, paradox arises. The particular paradox we refer to here is the state of fullness (whereby all seemingly separate aspects have been integrated) and the state of emptiness, which is the absence of separation or polarity.

This card is the last card of the deck, representing the culmination of your journey from wholeness to separation, and integration to reunification. The species depicted, the Orion Light (the evolution of the physical Orion species), experienced this awakening through some intense inner work that helped to integrate the polarity within their society but most importantly, within themselves.

Metaphorically, Earth humans are the spiritual children of Orion. The unresolved seeds of polarity have been carried here for healing on the final frontier. As you look around your world, especially lately, you see what appears to be even further polarization. Good/evil, right/wrong -- these are simply labels that define unhealed and unintegrated energies that stubbornly refuse to open themselves to the natural process of integration. The addictive temptation is to cling to one side but it is time now to release that old pattern and rise above the need to empower one side and deny the other.

The human ego, being a microcosm of the macrocosmic struggle you see in the world, is also experiencing its own last attempt to resist integration. We must remind you here that the ego is neither positive nor negative; it simply serves the function of an anchor to keep a portion of your consciousness grounded here to experience separation. But over time, the ego becomes attached to its role and believes itself to be the king of its kingdom -- the physical realm. As the call to evolve gets louder, it resists even stronger. Thus, many of you are experiencing strange and intense things such as old emotional pain returning, anxiety, depression, illnesses with no cause, or just a general sense of something being "wrong." This is because the call to evolve and integrate is getting louder. As the ego resists and keeps the door of the kingdom tightly closed, the pressure builds until you feel the results in your physical reality. There is a fear to let go of control and relax into the unknown (symbolized by the concept of emptiness), so the ego holds on even tighter.

There will come a time when you cannot hold on any more. You will have to let go of trying to control and manage reality, for that behavior only reinforces the illusionary reality of separation in a vicious circle. You can do this willingly, or you will be forced to let go through intense experiences. It is your choice. We recommend that you begin letting go of control slowly and willingly, at your own pace, but with the surety that it is the essential next step in your evolution.

What happens when you let go of control? The process is quite miraculous, actually. The voice of your greater consciousness, the One, becomes much louder. The experience of being adrift in the cosmic waters of creation is enhanced -- but from a place of trust rather than panic. And returning to the diagram we mentioned above, the experience of the illusionary reality of separation begins dissolving. You begin to learn to navigate two worlds -- being in the physical but not of it. The perception of separation, stubbornly clung to by the ego, begins to fade away. At that point, you experience the paradox -- the fullness of the One and the emptiness (or lack) of separation. Perhaps that perception will be fleeting at the beginning and then be able to be experienced for longer and longer periods of time. You are not going anywhere. You are becoming your true nature. To evolve as a human, let yourself embrace the paradox, for as we have said many times ... the experience of paradox means that you are closest to the truth. Embracing the paradox and resting in the state of nonduality brings you to the state of emptiness that is the true nature of all consciousness as the One.

August 2016
Card #35 | Orion (1st Era, Past) | Deep Polarity
In the last few months we have been exploring the idea of polarity from the point of view of the One. (Please see the text for June and July, 2016). Now let us dive deeply into polarity from the point of view of the separated state of consciousness.

Metaphorically, humans have two eyes, two sides of the brain, masculine and feminine energy, mental and emotional bodies, and on it goes. Everywhere you look in physical reality, you are presented with yet another opportunity to take sides. Somehow, it is considered honorable to be firmly rooted in one side of an issue or experience. Without knowing it, humans root themselves in polarity more and more deeply with every conviction to which they cling.

Take a AA battery as an example. One side is "+" and one side is "-". Those labels simply refer to the kind of energy charge held by that side of the battery. It doesn't mean one is good and one is bad. Actually, you need both sides of that battery to generate an electrical charge. If you judge one side and resist using the energy from that side of the battery, what happens? You will not be able to access the energy you need to navigate. There is no electrical charge. Your devices remain still.

This is a wonderful metaphor for the nature of reality. In the One state that is your true nature (as explored in the text from the previous two months), there is not even a battery with two sides. Energy is completely at rest with no contrast or duality. But as soon as the state of polarity arises, the two opposing charges become active as a way to move energy -- that is simply the nature of polarity.

Now imagine that you insert a consciousness that is witness to this process, but this consciousness sees through a lens of polarity. Soon you have preference, judgment, avoidance, and a tremendous amount of fear about experiencing the 'side' you don't want to see. As a way to manage this fear, illusionary stories get created to make sense of your experience. Then, you believe those stories. Suddenly, this natural process of separation as a way to experience polarity becomes fraught with emotional content. The witnessing consciousness (you) loses the ability to see clearly and instead sees its own projections, fears, and belief systems and believes they are the ultimate truth. You then become lost the fun house mirrors, never able to see what the true reality looks like. And who is the caretaker of this distorted reality? The mechanism you call the human ego, who takes his job very seriously.

Every civilization that experiences physicality goes through this aspect of evolution. And every civilization has its darkest time, when it is so mired in polarity that it cannot see beyond it. This card represents the deepest, darkest, most separated time of your forefathers' history within the Orion civilization. Though the Orions eventually healed this polarity and awakened themselves, humans carry the residual energy of the galactic family's polarity in order that it can be healed once and for all.

This card is coming up now because both humanity as a whole and humans as individuals are coming to a precipice whereby they must take steps to exit the fun house and begin to see reality from a less polarized perspective without distortion. It isn't easy, because judging, labeling, and projecting (even while telling yourself that you don't do it) are habits that are very hard to release. For the purpose of this text, let us simply focus on the personal level.

The intense energy affecting humans now is forcing everyone to take a truthful look at themselves to see just where and how they have polarized their experience of reality. Once it is seen, the hardest task begins -- can you resist the temptation to fall into the old habit of polarized thoughts and emotions, and then not judge yourself if you do so? Once you start this process with conviction, the journey takes a life of its own and shows you what you need to see, if you are willing to see it. It is also a wonderful opportunity to watch how the ego will try to convince you that you are not polarized. Humor is a key here! Simply know that this challenge with polarity is part of why you are here and ultimately the One you, your true nature, is watching the show with great enjoyment and fulfillment. Let yourself lighten up, smile at the ego's antics, and move on. Being willing to see beyond the illusion of polarity with a lightness in your heart will help the whole process move more smoothly. Many of your forefathers have walked this road and left the room of fun house mirrors, so you have much assistance in this regard. Ask for help with clear seeing when you need it, and embrace the adventure!

September 2016
Card #57 | Orion (2nd Era, Present) | Leap of Faith

For the third month in a row, a card that is sourced from Orion energy has presented itself as card of the month. This is because of the very significant -- yet volatile -- time in Earth's evolutionary process that is happening now. As we have shared in the previous months, the temptation during a time such as this is to move into deep polarity by clinging to one viewpoint and demonizing it's opposite. You see this on your planet playing out in a myriad of ways such as in politics, religion, human rights, and even in personal relationships. As long as humans continue to cling to the belief that their position is the only "right" one, the more firmly entrenched in the grip of polarity they become. Taken to the extreme, this cycle can bring humans to do anything to insure their point of view is adopted and validated, offering an illusionary sense of security.

So how do you release yourself from the seduction of polarized viewpoints and choices? We use the term "seduction" because the incessant need to cling to polarized beliefs is a black hole that continually sucks you into its magnetic pull. The only way to release yourself actually feels counter-intuitive. Releasing yourself means stepping back, and letting go of the need to control outcomes. We say this is counter-intuitive because it feels like the exact opposite of what you should do. The ego craves more control and grips harder in times of deep polarity. Yet the increased grip only mires you more deeply in polarity. What eventually happens? Eventually, you become so exhausted by continuing to try to control the situation (or the beliefs of others), that you collapse. That collapse can be mental, emotional, physical, or it can be a collapse on a greater planetary scale. During the collapse you regroup, regain your energy, and then begin gripping polarity again until the next collapse. It is a cycle that never ends until you consciously make new choices.

This card speaks to the need to let go and trust that the universe knows exactly what it is doing. This universe managed to create itself from the sub-atomic and molecular to the galactic levels - it surely is intelligently guided! Yet humans insist that they know better, and try to manage the details as if, without them, the universe would cease to exist. But the truth is that it is the ego doing the illusionary controlling, which is demonstrating a complete lack of trust in the wisdom of the universe. For all the attempts to control by the ego, the universe will do what it does regardless. The tiny ego cannot change the organic workings of the universe. All the ego does is create more pain for itself when it refuses to let go.

Earth is at a crucial time in its evolution now. In order to make the leap into a new era of spiritual awareness, it must take a leap of faith and finally let go of the need to control. This is the message of this card. But what does a "leap of faith" really mean?

Because the human mind tends to define things in polarized ways, the assumption is that "letting go" or taking a "leap of faith" is the opposite of control or action. The mind/ego fears that it means a complete lack of control and apathy, or a state of supreme disempowerment. This is why the ego fights this idea so much. But we are talking about nonpolarized states of consciousness, not polarized ones. A true leap of faith means that you become ever-vigilant for the universe to move through you. As the universe moves through you, you learn when to act (without ego) and when to remain still. You learn what it feels like to act without a conscious or unconscious agenda, and that sometimes what is called for is simple observation and stillness rather than action. You learn the subtleties of what is being asked of you and you honor the true non-egoic states of movement and rest that represent the core Taoist principles of creation. From this place, you become one with the fundamental energy of creation and can rise above the limited egoic motivations that keep you polarized.

This is how the Orion civilization eventually transformed itself, but not without a lot of pain before the realization dawned. You can facilitate this transformation more easily by learning to let go now. Begin to accept that you cannot control outcomes or the beliefs of others, no matter how much the ego tries to fool you that it can (in order to keep itself feeling secure). This state of awareness is not disempowerment, but profound freedom from the tyranny of the ego. Let go. Have faith in the wisdom and workings of the universe, and yet be available at all times for the universe to work through you. The result may not be a manifestation the ego wants to see, but it will always be what the universe, and you, needs to experience.