Cassie Jaye: How Feminism Harmed My Relationship To My Boyfriend

Started by myststars, June 01, 2017, 12:52:43 AM

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Well ... this is nice stuff to get out from the very low level survival mentality as a woman to a more balanced state and not picking extreme sides.
Another thing she is still in a survival mentality.I think the woman with tiny house is much freer and got out from survival mentality ... She is beyond now imo.

It would have been a tremendous impact if this two womans would meet and share and learn from each other...


Feminism is a catch-all term that encompasses a large range of perspectives. In a historical, linear sense feminism achieved a lot in terms of consciousness raising and cultural change that benefited both men and women; like other forms of civil rights, it demonstrates its success to the extent that it is no longer required.

It seems to be pretty trendy at the moment, especially in the UK and USA, to bash feminism, as a general concept, by associating feminism in its entirety with the most puerile forms of its expression. Maybe this individual picked up on, and practised, a harmful or combative strand of feminism (perhaps one that confuses misandry with female liberation), but that does not mean feminism, in its most encompassing sense, is at fault for her poor relationship with her boyfriend.


I saw the full documentary "The Red Pill" and i can say that in the MRA (the male rights movement) there were very wounded persons and in a state of vitctimhood.My channeling background gave me the advantage of bigger perspective over this..The "conflict" between feminists and male rights advocates is very similar like in politics...Cassey at least after the documentary dropped the feminist badge..She had a hard time until she done that..All i can say is that in a world of polarity picking sides is the blind spot of humanity...If you pick sides you have been "blinded"..The key is to keep yourself in-between polarity.To keep in neutral..This is hardly teached in human society in schools..
Also what i saw that law of atraction was not defied in any way...There were some cases of manipulated males by the females with children.Imo this documentaries are mainstream but the solution is to transcend polarity...When looking at people involved if most that were looking at this documentary would have known about law of atraction in place there would have been a different kind of learning from this documentaries...I found this documentary kinda an imature.People in very survival mode acting out of their emotional wounds under either feminist or maleist flag...This game of throwing the ball from one court to another is really tiresome, nerve breaking and divide society.
Now the only material that gave me a way to float in this big humanity chaos was the channeling material..The mainstream stuff just keep this sides and battles in place.The transceding of polarity is not teached in schools...The HOW you do it, WHY you do it...One needs a big shift in conscioness to experience this polarity transcending...And is not about man and womans really, is not about politics , is not about sides...This documentary neutralized the femininst tendencie in me and i can look from a middle point and much clear at this subject.For me is very simple now...
The reality reflects to you persons, events at the level where you are in that moment...If you want something better one has to clean up inside and then the better comes..All those people in maleist and femininst they blame the others and this is lost time and change nothing and this conflict keeps going, money, stress and nerves...
A male wouldn't be atracted to an abusive female if it was not abused in some way in his history...Vice versa the same...So the universe doesn't care about genders, laws and stuff..I can say that learned this from my personal experience...I wouldn't date the same girls now as i've done 5-10 years ago..

For example i wouldn't date Cassie even if it's beautifull.We wouldn't understand each other even if we would talk english...


Quote from: myststars
All i can say is that in a world of polarity picking sides is the blind spot of humanity...If you pick sides you have been "blinded"..The key is to keep yourself in-between polarity.

Very well said! All of it, actually.