energy beings are my parents

Started by eyelive4ever2, February 18, 2015, 05:14:07 PM

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I found Seth books because I had heard somebody guiding me as a child. Invisible playmates? This guidance answered my questions and tried to console me when that mother was raging. I have respect for this person that I call "that mother". After all, she is an eternal energy being deciding herself to be in this play. But in this life I never called her mom or mother or mommy or mama. She was so distant that I don't remember her at all except for the yelling and throwing and constant agitation.
What a plan. What a play. What is the point I wonder? Sometimes I feel guilty for upsetting her so much. I was the one that channeled these invisible beings which scared her so much. Was her life here better or worse because of me? When she finally picked up Edgar Cayce books way later on......that has to be a good thing. Sometimes I wonder if I am a walk in. I have read books about those of us that choose not to be born into baby's bodies, but walk right in to bodies others don't want. This has to explain why I was not racist when that mother was totally racist.
But according to Seth books, we all choose constantly, so I did nothing to her. I channeled invisible beings that caused me to believe in no death. If only that mother would have listened, her stress could have been lessened. But no, I was just a strange child NOT to be listened to. She called me stupid and ugly and good for nothing. And a liar. I was bullied by others for not being sad when Kennedy was shot. Apparently with all this channeling, I had enough knowledge to know that he did not die.
I was shunned by the teachers, too. So that means that I chose all this behavior so that I would not bond with the thoughts that most people have about death and disease and solidity. It is a play. Now that I realize that-- I can let go of the abused childhood. It no longer exists and each time I think that I am remembering it, I am just creating scenerios that mimic it. More movies that have to keep on moving forward and outward, fragments that others may pick up on and mimic.
I want to be the healer again that I have been before. I am on earth for nothing else it seems. Writing here is being my own therapist. After all, who am I going to talk to that knows death and dis-ease and germs are not for real? There's no such things as death and germs. Dis-ease is caused by the imagery we intertain then hold within our lives. We are totally 100% energy beings and act exactly like energy. Our thoughts that we hold on to dam up in our bodies just like a pinched electrical wire. We are energy that resonates. Our thoughts are images that resonate and flow. Hold on to a thought/image like revenge and the images of a tumor or accident or murder develops, which are just like pinched electrical wires---shorting out in the environment.
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Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 18, 2015, 05:14:07 PMWhat is the point I wonder?

Well Seth would say (as he did repeatedly) that you both chose that relationship knowingly, to learn something. I can say that my own mother taught me how NOT to be, which made me a better mother, a better person in general. I'm far enough away from my own childhood to look at it more objectively. I'm not sure what she got out of it, I imagine when she died and went on to where ever we end up (another dimension?) she must have had quite the life review.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 18, 2015, 05:14:07 PMSometimes I wonder if I am a walk in. I have read books about those of us that choose not to be born into baby's bodies, but walk right in to bodies others don't want.

Doesn't Seth talk about that somewhere? Or maybe I just read it in the Oversoul 7 books?

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 18, 2015, 05:14:07 PMI was bullied by others for not being sad when Kennedy was shot. Apparently with all this channeling, I had enough knowledge to know that he did not die.

Yep, there's a fine line there. All of us being raised to think we are born, live and then die and that's the end of the story. Then there's Seth's teachings, which I much prefer, that nothing really dies. But trying to explain that to someone who is so locked into the official line... whether it's religion or science... well, I don't need to add to that.

Quote from: eyelive4ever2 on February 18, 2015, 05:14:07 PMI want to be the healer again that I have been before. I am on earth for nothing else it seems. Writing here is being my own therapist. After all, who am I going to talk to that knows death and dis-ease and germs are not for real?

Do it!

I've been attracted to the healing arts for several years now and had mixed feelings about pursuing it further. I took some healer training classes from David Elliott, learned Reiki, have an interest in natural cures and of course illness as a metaphor, the result of some unresolved emotional conflict or damaging belief ala Seth. But I hung back because of my belief that I can't heal someone, they can only heal themselves. But... Seth said that the good healer is the one who helps his patient understand that they are in control of their own health. It makes me think there is a place for me. I love this quote, supposedly it came from a deleted session: "Miracles are nature unimpeded." Love it! All those cases of spontaneous recovery from critical illnesses, people returning from NDEs healed -- they changed their minds and changed their lives. That's it.


So true. I really enjoy reading/watching NDE accounts. They gave me more feeling about love, and lesson about life than Christianity could ever give.

But hey, we should learn to love, I love Christianity and love that my ex is still stuck there. I just don't like it, but I can love it.

"Miracles are nature unimpeded." is truly profound. Thank for sharing!
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