Looking Within

Started by Deb, November 24, 2016, 11:32:04 AM

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"Some of you tell yourselves that you want to know the inner self. And yet, as soon as certain feelings and emotions come to you, rather than allowing them their mobility and trusting in them you immediately panic and close them down until finally they do, indeed, explode. And, you do not know how to handle it.

"Allowed their own mobility, they will lead you into other emotions and other feelings. They will wash through you and lead you to safety. But, when you do not trust them, then you do not feel secure in giving vent to them. And then, you are afraid even when you do display them. And, you are most afraid when you display them. And, you are forced, then, to look for others to set up the control. You are like a child then begging for a spanking."

1972.06.13 (ESP Classes, Audio 12)

(By the way this PDF list of sessions by Mary Dillman is a GREAT timeline!)

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"Many of the ideas given in this book can be used most advantageously to solve personal problems. If these concepts are understood, then the individual should realize the freedom he has to operate purposefully within the structure of physical life. Many of you are so used to looking outward - and accepting the physical world as the criterion for reality - that it has not occurred to you to look within. The entire framework of your existence, therefore, is constantly flowing from within outward and being projected into those physical symbols that you mistake, then, for reality.

"The interior drama, therefore, is always the important one. The "story of your life" is written by you, by each reader of this book. You are the author. There is no reason, therefore, for you to view the drama and feel trapped by it. The power to change your own condition is your own. You have only to exercise it."

Seth (Jane Roberts), 'Seth Speaks', appendix, session 1971.09.13. (Thanks to Lynda English)


love that.
thank you for posting that Deb!!


I couldn't stop myself to post this here...Is perfect fit for ... Looking whitin...

For the courageous of you and want something hardcore i recommend some horror games.The character have no weapons.Just running and hidding in the dark and sound are your allies.


"In Short: It's a shame it isn't a full remake, but The Dark Descent remains one of the most frightening and atmospheric video games ever made.

Pros: Nightmarish atmosphere is expertly constructed and perfectly utilised by the paranoia-inducing gameplay. Justine is great too, and it's good to have all the games in one package."

Here is a trailer showing parts of different games from the collection:

I finished personally all 3 games.IS REALLY HARDCORE HORROR.Playing in the night in dark room with nice headphones the experience will be very real.You will test your limits.You will transcend layers that you never know about them.It will take to dephts and new limits...Is many more powerfull than movies...You have to interact.The movies are not interactive.
If this stuff will be made with Virtual Reality in mind i am not how deep the experience can go...

I will let this girl make the presentations in a more ... Seth WAY


Quote from: myststarsI couldn't stop myself to post this here...Is perfect fit for ... Looking whitin...

I don't know about you, but looking within for me is not that scary, lol.

Growing up I'd been a fan of scifi and horror (I think it's genetic :) ). But for some reason, as I get older, I tend to have a hard time dealing with violence and blood, even if it is animated carnage. I'll have to ask my son if he's heard of this game. He used to have a Playstation...

When he was a kid we used to play American McGee's Alice and Silent Hill on the computer. I loved the soundtrack from Silent Hill. I used to get criticism from other moms that he would turn out to be a social misfit because of that. Turns out, he's just the opposite.


People are afraid of their dark side...If you go there and transcend somehow and get out the other side of this "dark side" of yourself then is easier to socialize actually.You are not so "scare" of trivial things..By this road through your own "darkness" you actually are upgraded to a whole level of wisdom and depht.
Of course the condition is to have the balls and will and understand the importance of this intangible trip without consider them weakness or freakiness or whatever...


 Looking within is a sort of an art that improves with time + concentration .

        I agree with Deb , violence + blood + gore become quite uninteresting + even boreing + not even scary anymore because when you've seen it once or twice then you know what to expect + it also is'nt that much fun to see it when there are much better things to do . Horror is for kids who don't understand much about themselves or just plain like to have a good fright occasionally but when one matures it becomes silly + does'nt have the same effect as it once did .
      Looking within is not scary unless scary things are what you have planted within yourself + what you go looking for + then you only do battle with yourself untill you get bored + decide on something more constructive + interesting .

       When i was younger i also liked horror movies but when one has seen many of them then one gets to realise that it is just a dark form of art + actually very limited within itself to situations that once they have scared one once , just won't have that sort of effect the next time . But i still love a good sci fi as long as it does'nt involve hollywood deciding that America has to save the poor helpless world all over again ,  yaaawn .

      Don't really know what you mean by a persons 'dark side'  myststars . Yes people have some dark + foreboding thoughts + feelings sometimes but just as in the quotes that Deb posted , they are only really dangerous if one tries to suppress them rather than letting them flow through one to be replaced by other thoughts + feelings .
And as Sena has said , screw psychoanlysis as the psychonalists are barking up the wrong tree anyway but maybe just a bit of behavioural therapy or a good party will lift the mood .   What is this so called dark side anyway ?

  peace , paul