
Started by myststars, February 05, 2017, 03:04:12 AM

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"At first glance, the theme of this card may seem simple and thus the content of this text would be expected. However, as many of you who are familiar with our communications know, we like to go deep below the surface of a topic in order to present a deeper point of view.

Since the card is sourced from Lyra, we can say that the surface level of this card is referring to one of the core characteristics of the Lyran species. In their beginnings, there was a very long period of time when they did not have mentors in the physical realms. They were committed to exploration and expansion of their colonies and empire, but they had no role models. They had to forge their path alone. This required a tremendous amount of courage and fortitude, but at times those characteristics turned into arrogance, pushiness, and a separation from their spiritual selves. Courageousness in the physical realms served them well, but only to a point.

As with any maturing species, there comes a time when it has to grow up. The old way of doing things no longer works, and a growing dissatisfaction cannot be ignored. These are signs that a species (or an individual) is not only ready to make a shift, but the universe is demanding it.

On your world now, as the human species is entering a tenuous phase of its own evolution, you are, in a sense, retracing the steps walked by your ancient forefathers. The pressure is building for not only evolution but REvolution -- a total shift in the foundation of your thoughts and emotions, and how they are channeled into your physical reality. While there are similarities in the evolutionary paths of you and your forefathers, each civilization does have its own traits and style of transformation. However, there is one characteristic that is universally necessary for a true shift in consciousness -- courageousness.

What do we mean by "courageousness?" Are we saying it requires putting your head down and pushing your way through an obstacle despite the fear? No! We are speaking of a much more profound manifestation of courageousness that has very little to do with mental fortitude or "mind over matter." The kind of courageousness we refer to is more primitive, intuitive, and profound. It has to do with willingly (and in some cases even joyfully) going into the realms inside of yourself where you really don't want to go and not only embracing but feeling the things you don't want to experience. Everyone has those dark caves within that are defined by fear. This is a journey into the unconscious, and it is often confusing. The ego will do anything it can to stop you from going there. But go there you must, if you truly wish to evolve. Thus the type of courageousness to which we refer is not really an action -- such as pushing yourself to face an issue. It has more to do with allowing your True Self to steer you in the direction that is best for your growth and opening yourself to fully experience reality without stories, judgment or avoidance. It has to do with willingly journeying into your own metaphorical underworld -- not to conquer the demons but to love them. Yes, to love them, because they are a part of you. This is the true process of integration.

This current time on your world will test everyone, but it is an essential growth opportunity for a species and individuals alike. You are being tasked with not succumbing to the distraction of external drama and to instead recognize that the drama of the external world is merely the drama of your own unloved and unhealed personal underworld. You have no ability to transform the external world, but you have every ability to transform the inner one through your courage and commitment. This was the key to the eventual awakening of your forefathers the Lyrans and it will be the key to your awakening as well. See yourselves truthfully and clearly without judgment as you willingly journey through your personal underworld. At first you may encounter the metaphorical demons, cobwebs, and labyrinths. But in the end, you will find the light, and you will remember it has been there all along."