~Speaking of Seth~

BOOKS / REVIEWS / DOWNLOADS => Books/Articles by Other Authors => Topic started by: DylansDad on June 30, 2021, 05:51:27 PM

Title: What Are We to Make of Mark Frost Claiming to Channel SETH?
Post by: DylansDad on June 30, 2021, 05:51:27 PM
Is this guy an opportunist, using Jane Roberts' contributions (I almost wrote "using Jane Roberts' grave) as a springboard to his own writing career?

Mark Frost has been around awhile. He claims that he is now the all powerful channel for Jane's SETH.  He has written a string of books that take some of the Jane Roberts material and then extend or modify it.

Mark's SETH becomes angry at times and chastises the reader. Mark's SETH has no sense of humor. Mark's SETH seems a real diminishment of the Jane Roberts SETH.

SETH often said he would speak through no other but Jane. But the inference I got from these words were that while Jane was alive as his channeler, there would be no other. But with Jane gone, perhaps he might connect with someone else. But I just do not think that person is Mark Frost.

I came upon Mark Frost when I put "channeled books" into the search criteria on AMAZON.  A long list of sewage came up with people supposedly channeling fairies, aliens from various planetary systems, angels, Deep Space entities. Sheer madness! Then there was Mark Frost with over 13 books he wrote with good old SETH.  Discerning readers in the comments section claim this is fraud and that Mark's SETH sounds like a cranky old man who comes to the door and yells "You kids get off my lawn!"

What do you think?
Title: Re: What Are We to Make of Mark Frost Claiming to Channel SETH?
Post by: LarryH on June 30, 2021, 07:29:23 PM
Quote from: DylansDad (https://speakingofseth.com/index.php?msg=19455#msg19455)
SETH often said he would speak through no other but Jane. But the inference I got from these words were that while Jane was alive as his channeler, there would be no other. But with Jane gone, perhaps he might connect with someone else.
No, given Seth's reason to say he would not speak through anyone but Jane was to protect the integrity of the material. The material's integrity is not protected if Seth were to come through another channel. He did not qualify his frequent comment with "while Jane is alive". He is very clear. And the many people who now claim to channel Seth are all frauds or delusional, plain and simple.
Title: Re: What Are We to Make of Mark Frost Claiming to Channel SETH?
Post by: usmaak on June 30, 2021, 08:20:56 PM
In the book Seth Material Q & A:The Spiritual Inner Journeys of Self Awareness, written by Barrie Gellis, he has an entire chapter dedicated to this.  The chapter is called: SETH SAID HE WOULD ONLY COMMUNICATE VIA JANE ROBERTS.  I've found Barrie's book to be great at explaining various Seth concepts in terms that I can understand and this book is well worth reading.
Title: Re: What Are We to Make of Mark Frost Claiming to Channel SETH?
Post by: strangerthings on October 21, 2021, 09:32:50 PM


(dont get me started on Seth channelers especially Mark Allen Frost or Jane channelers!!! lmao... St be gentle!)
Title: Re: What Are We to Make of Mark Frost Claiming to Channel SETH?
Post by: strangerthings on October 21, 2021, 09:39:02 PM
Quote from: DylansDad on June 30, 2021, 05:51:27 PMA long list of sewage came up with people supposedly channeling fairies, aliens from various planetary systems, angels, Deep Space entities. Sheer madness! Then there was Mark Frost with over 13 books he wrote with good old SETH.  Discerning readers in the comments section claim this is fraud and that Mark's SETH sounds like a cranky old man who comes to the door and yells "You kids get off my lawn!"

Title: Re: What Are We to Make of Mark Frost Claiming to Channel SETH?
Post by: Deb on October 22, 2021, 05:42:30 PM
Quote from: strangerthings on October 21, 2021, 09:32:50 PM(dont get me started on Seth channelers especially Mark Allen Frost or Jane channelers!!! lmao... St be gentle!)

You just jogged my memory. Recently I'd heard that someone professing to channel Seth, channeled Seth saying he refuted everything he'd said in the Seth materials. I was going to look into who that was, I wonder if it was Mark Allen Frost. Now I'm thinking I heard it in the older (2016) @barrie interview that I finished a couple of days ago. Which was stellar, BTW. Boy, I've been going in so many directions with Seth stuff lately that I can't keep it straight.

Title: Re: What Are We to Make of Mark Frost Claiming to Channel SETH?
Post by: strangerthings on October 23, 2021, 03:18:18 AM
Seems like we are always protecting the integrity of the cool stuff  :P

I say forget dodging bullets we are gonna be dodging stones.

The Jane stuff either goes all froo froo lovy dovy and/or nothing Jane hasnt already said (or Seth) they just word it differently  and the Seth stuff is just " ::) "
