"You can't rely on
your eyes if your
preconceptions are
out of focus."
Mark Twain
Preparatory exercises
Here you will find the first exercises that promote intuition and subtle body perception.
Exercise 1
Identify the context of sentences from fragments of words. Take a random newspaper text you have not read, and generously paint over parts of words with some white correction fluid, e.g. Tippex. Practise grasping the content of these sentences while letting some time pass in between.
Exercise 2
While you are walking and thinking about nothing, take a quick glance at a street full of parked cars. Immediately ask yourself this question: How many cars are parked in this section of the road? Please don't count, just say a number. Then you can count. You will notice that over time you will become more accurate.
Exercise 3 - in pairs
Take two white A4 sheets of paper. On one of them draw a smiley face or a smiling sun with a thick fibre pen. Briefly visualise a situation from your life in which you feel this smiley smile in your heart.
Then stand in front of a table and close your eyes. A fellow player places these two sheets of paper directly in front of you on the table. You have both arms folded at right angles and look thoughtlessly with closed eyes at these two sheets. Your teammate should say clearly: 'Right hand on ... (three second pause) ... Smiley'.
Feel where your right arm moves with the hand at the first moment. To the right or to the left? Give in to the impulse and allow your hand to touch a sheet.
Then open your eyes and look at which sheet your hand landed on. During this exercise, pay close attention to the thoughts and feelings that come up. How quickly does your mind switch on, and what does it have to say?
With these exercises you can begin to train your subtle perception and thus your intuition.
Fact-checked out the Twain quote:
Quote"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus."
― Mark Twain, "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court"
Quote"You can't rely on your eyes if your preconceptions are out of focus."
@Sena https://zoboko.com/book/2g6qmm5n/seeing-without-eyes-unfold-intuition-perception-in-your-everyday-life (https://zoboko.com/book/2g6qmm5n/seeing-without-eyes-unfold-intuition-perception-in-your-everyday-life)
You can see with and without your eyes!
Our brain is a wonderful organ - sensitive, creative and flexible. There is still much to discover in it and with it.
Most people take seeing with their eyes for granted. Imagine you could see without your eyes. This becomes possible when you learn to perceive your inner ray of vision again. In this process, the information is received directly in the brain without the eye sensory organ, and then processed further.
With this knowledge and these abilities, you can navigate your everyday life with ease and joy, guided by your inner compass - your intuition. You enrich and focus your perception at the same time.
In this book, author and researcher Dr. oec. Katharina Friedrich describes her training experiences and the background to the 'Seeing Without Eyes' method. You can read reports of experiences with blind people and children, as well as share in the experiences of course participants.
The author broadens the horizon of science. You can picture it....
German term or phrase: Dr. oec.
English translation: Ph.D: Economics
Quote from: Katharina Friedrich's 'Seeing Without Eyes: Unfold intuition & perception in your everyday life'Intuition & perception
Johanna, 20 years old, wrote to me following the seminar for adults in Stuttgart 2016, part one:
'I missed the underground, so my transfer time to the S-Bahn [urban railway] was only one minute. I arrived at Stuttgart-Feuerbach station at 7.47am. The bus to Bremen leaves Kornwestheim at 8.05 am.
Now the deciding question: Call a taxi? Intuition says no, it takes too long. Run to the S-Bahn instead and try to reach it in a minute? Intuition says no again... Ok.
As learned, thigh first, it steers my legs into some street, far from the railway station to a construction site. There was only one car there – belonged to the construction planner – because the road was closed to public traffic due to extensive construction work. Meanwhile, the clock showed 7.51 am. A young man was standing at the construction site talking on the phone, and my intuition said, he's about to leave in the grey car! So I asked: Are you about to leave? ... Yes, why?... Then I told him briefly how it came to be that I was standing on this building site, and then, the success: he immediately offered me his help, and my intuition clearly said, 'You can trust him!' which is rather rare for me with men.
He was a good soul: warm, humane and totally committed. We arrived at 8.02 am, and now I'm sitting on the bus with the confirmation that neither the S-Sahn nor the taxi could have got me to the bus in time.
QuoteVision and visual acuity
This question often arises: 'Is it true that my eyes will see better if I learn this method?' The answer is yes and no. My experience shows that many wear their glasses less or not at all after learning this method because they no longer need them. The physical eyes have not changed in every case examined by the optician with a technical device. Nevertheless, they can see better. This suggests that the activated inner ray of vision works independently of the physical eyes and does not necessarily lead to a change in the eye's anatomy. Therefore we have another new field of research!
It is not yet possible to measure which part is due to the activated inner ray of vision and which is due to the applied eye exercises. Our experience shows that seeing without eyes is an alternative for people with impaired vision or blind people who want to find their way around better in everyday life with the help of intuitive seeing.
Visual ray activation with blind people
I am often asked whether it is possible for blind people to become sighted during the seminar. Is it possible? Yes, this has happened several times.
Maintaining such a wonderful result for a long time is the high art. In addition to the regeneration of the eye and the visual pathway, it makes sense to stabilise the long term functioning of other organs relevant to the eye.
In the chapter Experiences with blind people, I describe in detail the events of a 14-year-old boy from Bulgaria who has been blind since birth, and Marianne the 92-year-old from Vienna (Austria) who has been completely blind for four years.
Unfortunately, it is not yet a matter of course that we succeed every time with this method. The individual causes that lead to blindness are too different and too deep-rooted in the psyche and physis of the person.
Quote"I shut my eyes in order to see."
Paul Gauguin
Quote"Quite literally, you live in the body of your beliefs. You perceive through the body of your beliefs. Your beliefs can increase your vision or diminish it. They can increase or diminish your hearing, or any sense function."
—NoPR Part One: Chapter 6: Session 627, November 13, 1972