Choosing to die young due to beliefs about old age

Started by inavalan, June 09, 2022, 06:28:39 PM

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"Now: Dictation: Again, there are no accidents. No one dies under any circumstances who is not prepared to die. This applies to death through natural catastrophe as well as to any other situation.

Your own choice will dictate the way you die, as well as the time. We are dealing now with your beliefs as you know them in this life, and leaving for a later chapter any bleed-throughs of beliefs that may occur from other existences. But whatever beliefs you accept, for whatever reasons, your point of power is in the present.

It is far more important that you understand this than that you become overly concerned with labyrinthian "past reasons," for you can get so lost in a negative approach that you forget that these beliefs can be changed in the present. For various reasons, you hold beliefs that you can alter at any time. Many individuals die young, for example, because they believe so strongly that old age represents a degradation of the spirit and an insult to the body. They do not want to live under the conditions as they believe them to be. Some quite frankly prefer to die in what others would consider to be the most dire circumstances — swept away by the raging waves of an ocean, or crushed in an earthquake, or battered by the winds of a hurricane."

—NoPR Part Two: Chapter 18: Session 665, May 23, 1973
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Although I don't always write it explicitly, it should be inferred that everything I post is "my belief", "my opinion" on that subject, at that moment.


Rich Kendall died a week before his 70th birthday. Many people told me Richie did NOT want to get old, and his idea of old was 70. He died suddenly as far as I'm concerned. We had last contact on a Saturday in April 2020 and he died Monday, without warning.

I believe it.

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