Seth on "Compassion"

Started by jbseth, June 11, 2020, 12:46:35 PM

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Quote from: Sena
Quote from: pyromancy
Camouflage to me means veiled in a misleading way in the way Seth uses it. Does this sound accurate?
pyromancy, my understaynding of Seth's use of the word camouflage goes like this:
"Physical reality is NOT the hard nuts-and-bolts kind of reality that classical physics (as opposed to quantum physics) describes. That kind of reality cannot explain consciousness. In Seth's view consciousness is primary, and therefore if we change our beliefs, we can change our reality."

I see.

I think from looking in the area on maps around the Seth house I think two things I noticed immediately were of interest. The funeral home nearby, and the fact that a river runs through. Bodies of water and hydromancy have been very interesting to me for the past several years as a place to meditate upon. And a funeral home just makes me think it's a place where the lines between the world of living and dead people is pretty thin.

I also read recently on one of these pages where they are told that the house they live in was once something else special like there were once energetic structures of some sort or some community that made the zone especially creative that existed which the house was built upon. The Seth house looks impressive enough to me like it's some sort of castle in the sky but to read those comments by Seth makes you wonder what the space was before it was an apartment--it was a mansion--but maybe hundreds of years ago it was some kind of native American ritual space. Elmira looks like a place very full of enormous trees and Seth talks about how trees are a protective community of intelligent beings. It's interesting Mark Twain another prolific author lived in Elmira I wonder where in Elmira he lived. It may just be lost to history but it really makes you wonder. When I see that enormous tree out front I imagine how it must be energized with a tremendous mental energy and if in a way a segment of Seth lives in it in a very partial way.

I'm kind of tired right now but it was an early page of this section of the site I think it was on


Quote from: jbseth on June 11, 2020, 12:46:35 PMHi All,

I've noticed with many of the negative news stories that are hitting the internet, (George Floyd, JK Rowling's comment about transwomen, etc.) that many of these issues seem to occur because people seem to have a lack of "compassion" for others.

And yet, it may very well be this lack of "compassion" that's part of the problem here.

I suspect that many of these issues would never occur, if these people had seriously came from a place of asking the question, "What would love do?" before they ever responded?

I did a search on the word, "compassion" on the Seth Search Engine, and discovered that there were only 57 entries for this word.  Surprisingly, when Seth used this word, there was quite a bit of variation, in what he had to say about it. The spoiler below contains a list pf some of the many things that Seth had to say about compassion. By the way, I attempted to group these comments together where possible.

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What is the " Seth search engine" ?



its really awesome. the dev recently updated it and made it even more awesomer.

also, its the first link in the "Useful Links" at the top of the page here.
its called "Seth Quotes Search Engine".
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Thanks for the answer Chasman. You also just reminded me that I need to change the link at the top of the page, because Chris changed the domain name from findingseth to nowdictation when he updated the search engine. Right now it forwards, but I may as well make it right. Thanks for that too!
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