Entangled Minds - Science is catching up to Seth!

Started by Deb, May 06, 2015, 04:42:04 PM

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Here's a book I read years ago and just glanced through recently. I'm sure I'll find more quotes that I'll want to add to this, but for now I thought these were terrific examples of probable selves and reality creation (although they need to take this one a step further...). From Entangled Minds, Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum Reality, 2006, Dean Radin

Science is at its very earliest stages of understanding entanglement, and there is much to learn. But what we've seen so far provides a new way of thinking about psi. No longer are psi experiences regarded as rare human talents, divine gifts, or "powers" that magically transcend ordinary physical boundaries. Instead, psi becomes an unavoidable consequence of living in an interconnected, entangled physical reality. Psi is reframed from a bizarre anomaly that doesn't fit into the normal world... into a natural phenomenon of physics. Preface, pg. 3

Many Worlds

Proposed by physicist Hugh Everett, the many worlds interpretation suggests that when a quantum measurement is performed, every possible outcome actually manifests. This avoids the problem associated with the role of the observer, in that here we assume that is observer isn't important at all. Instead in the process of a quantum possibility manifesting into an actuality, the universe splits into two, or as many versions of itself as needed to accommodate all possible measurement outcomes.... Untold trillions of new universes are being created each instant, each similar to the others except that after splitting they enjoy their own separate evolutions. Many physicists are uncomfortable with this idea because it colossally violates the principal of parsimony, the preference in science for the simplest possible explanation. (Deb: Occam's Razor!) Chapter 12, pg. 223

Consciousness Creates Reality

Still another interpretation proposes that the act of observation literally creates physical reality. In its strong form, this interpretation assets that consciousness is the fundamental group state, more primary than master or energy. This position provides a special role for observation by becoming the active agent that collapses quantum possibilities into actualities. Many physicists are suspicious of this interpretation because it resembles ideas originating from Eastern philosophy and mystical lore. But a notable subset of prominent physicists, including Nobel laureate physicists Eugene Wigner and Brian Josephson, John Wheeler and John von Neumann have embraced concepts that are at least mildly sympathetic to this view. Physicist Amit Goswami, from the University of Oregon, has strongly promoted this view. Chapter 12, pg. 224

And then there's this:

Quantum theory and a vast body of supporting experiments tell us that something unaccounted for is connecting otherwise isolated objects. And this is precisely what psi experiences and experiments are telling us. The parallels are so striking that it suggests that psi is—literally—the human experience of quantum interconnectedness.