Pain Relief

Started by alanalittle, January 18, 2016, 08:14:05 PM

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Hi there,
I am a long time reader of Seth and would love feed back from anyone that feels inclined. As I write 'feedback' I recognise that the pain that I am experiencing is feedback , feedback that I could do without.
I would love to untangle the beliefs I am carrying around this . The pain is around  my hip ,on the left leg and it started 'out of the blue'. It has been an issue for well over three years , (maybe  five) and I'd love to have it all cleared up magically. I believe it can clear up and am willing to allow that happen. All healing energies welcomed .


Hi Alana, first off, welcome to the forum!

I have to tell you right off that I'm just going to speak from my own personal experiences with pain and dis-ease.

Yes, I have to agree that pain is feedback. I'm (obviously) a follower of Seth and while everything he's said makes sense to me, I still have trouble utilizing that knowledge... because of my beliefs, inexperience, being only human and here to learn. I also read a lot and have come across other authors/books that support what I'm learning from Seth. So... I have the idea that illness/pain/dis-ease can be metaphoric. So then my mind goes to what the location of the pain might be telling me, and end up researching symbolism in different parts of the body. Sometimes that will give me clues.

There are also current medical professionals, such as Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton, who embrace the Seth materials without coming out and saying as much, that may help. Doctors will tell you that pain, dis-ease, whatever, must be treated by them or drugs. Some conditions, they will say, are a one-way street, for instance arthritis. But I can tell you that I've had arthritis developing in my body, was told it does NOT go away... and it went away. I won't bore you with the details, but my body did what I was told it could not do. Because I realized what was causing the problem. It may not have happened instantly, but I swear one day I suddenly realized the pain and swelling was gone—I'd forgotten about it. And I'm not talking about a little bit of pain in one specific area. This was major. Complete recovery. I've never felt better! (Well, maybe, when I was 5... No, not even then. I feel great!)

As you know, Seth says that pain/feedback/dis-ease can be resolved temporarily, but if the root of the issue is not dealt with then it will come back in some other form. How wonderful (!) that we have more than one opportunity to fix things in this existence.

If you still have a trust in medicine, it would probably be a good idea to have your pain checked out by a doctor to "cover your bases." But please don't stop believing in yourself. Maybe also meditate for an answer as to what you body is trying to tell you, or plant a seed before sleeping that the answer will come to you in dreams.

In the meantime, I'm sending healing energy and much affection your way. I'm sure you'll get some other encouraging responses from others here. I believe you can overcome your pain.


Very well said Deb.

Welcome Alana.

I think many of our physical issues arise from our beliefs regarding what the body is 'supposed' to do.

'As we age our bodies break down'
'Serious injuries cant be healed'
'Youth is better, beautiful'
'I did sport when I was young and now am paying for it'...etc

Look into your belifs in these kind of general areas too, sometimes they will prevent you looking deeper into anymore specific beliefs that may influence your condition.



Quote from: LenKop on January 19, 2016, 06:10:29 PMI think many of our physical issues arise from our beliefs regarding what the body is 'supposed' to do.

Yes, that's it! We've been conditioned all of our lives to believe in the vulnerability of the human body and how we're supposed to *be* at any given age. It's hard to not buy into all of that, but easier to examine (and change the ones not serving us) once we realize that they are beliefs and not facts as we tend to view them.

I recently had the misfortune of witnessing someone reach a milestone birthday, the person apparently having the belief that she'd just turned the corner into *old age.* As a result, this person's complete demeanor: physical appearance, attitude, the way she moves, facial expressions, thought processes changed over night.

John Sorensen

I have a strong belief that as time passes I get stronger, fitter and younger.

Works pretty good so far.

I get people coming up to me telling I look younger than I am all the time.

Don't want to end up a Benjamin Button though, that would be awkward.

For an interesting book on the possibilities of quantum healing I recommend "Matrix Energetics" (I am not familiar with the workshops, just reading the book and applying ideas):


Quote from: John Sorensen on January 21, 2016, 06:53:02 PMI have a strong belief that as time passes I get stronger, fitter and younger.

Well you do look pretty young. But I have to say I've had the same belief (and results), at least with the *fitter* part. Recently I've had two different friends recently tell me I look younger, like I'm going backwards in age. They weren't trying to flatter me, they looked genuinely perplexed. I thought that was pretty funny since I'm not doing anything other than feeling great and adding to my list of *want to dos* (don't want to say bucket list here, that seems so gloomy and fatalistic). That, plus I've decided with this last birthday that I'm going to start counting backwards, lol.

Thanks for the new link. Anything with the word Matrix in it has my attention.


Thanks for the link John. It looks interesting and my instinct said buy it, so I ordered, should have it here in within a couple of weeks. Look forward to it. Cheers.

Personally, I've been applying fasting into my lifestyle. I've dropped over 20kg in the last 2 years, without excercise. My meditation is more focussed and I'm recalling more dreams than ever. I'm sure my change of beliefs regarding food has helped me find the techniques that work.

And thats another thing to remember. I've been guilty of thinking that there's some magic part of me that will rise and vanquish old beliefs, but quite often that magic me is just guiding me to techniques that I haven't been aware of before, or simply wasn't ready for.


John Sorensen

I don't need fasting to lose weight, but I have other uses and have used short fasts here and there for various reasons. And yeah it can be great for recalling dreams and stuff like that.

There are a few people who are very experienced in lucid dreaming, astral travel etc who are big on fasting, Robert Bruce who runs the Astral Dynamics Forum for example does regular fasting.

Intermittent fasting is basically how we all used to live. That is you would eat when food was around, probably as much as you could, and then you might not eat again for several days. Due to lack of available food, having to hunt an animal before we could eat, or just being dirt poor.

Which is why from a survival point of view we can store bodyfat, fat being the greatest source of energy.
Also pregnant women need to store extra bodyfat also

Also, if you are looking for any other books on healing / energy medicine etc, let me know. I've read a bunch of them over the last couple years.


Hi Deb and All, Thanks for the warm welcome and great 'feedback' . Love the affirmation of 'as times passes I get stronger , fitter and younger' and the preface of 'strong belief' reminds me that in order to weaken one belief ,it is essential to take  attention away from what I don't want and apply it to what i'd prefer . I had a lovely insight during the week , the gist of it was that basically; our  human essences is  good and as an extension our bodies  work perfectly when left 'alone' . I had 'allowed ' outside values undermine my core belief in the basic value of each human being. Affirming it doesn't have to be 'a pain 'to be stronger ,fitter and younger.Thanks again for the feedback, Sumari good wishes.


Because I realised what was causing the problem. It may not have happened instantly, but I swear one day I suddenly realised the pain and swelling was gone—I'd forgotten about it. And I'm not talking about a little bit of pain in one specific area. This was major. Complete recovery. I've never felt better! (Well, maybe, when I was 5... No, not even then. I feel great!)
Thank you for taking the time to share your personal experience Deb,  reading your experience shows  me that I had  'lost faith' and as a consequence lowered expectation of relief in this area. Singing in my heart  for the shift of that doubt. Thanks again.

John Sorensen

Quote from: Deb on January 21, 2016, 10:03:05 PM
Quote from: John Sorensen on January 21, 2016, 06:53:02 PMI have a strong belief that as time passes I get stronger, fitter and younger.

That, plus I've decided with this last birthday that I'm going to start counting backwards, lol.

Thanks for the new link. Anything with the word Matrix in it has my attention.

I was reading a Superman comic the other day and it mentioned a jellyfish that ages backwards.
Sure enough, it's a real thing.

Some more interesting stuff under the article:

[size=inherit]The majority of jellies do not have what we would consider a brain.  Rather, they simply have a network of nerves which allow them to respond to various things in their environment.  However, it should be noted some not only possess a brain, but actually have multiple brains.  For instance, the Box jelly has four brains that act in parallel with one another.  They also have 24 eyes, including two eyes that have a cornea and a retina and which are able to see colors.[/size][/color][/font]


There you go.....anything is possible  :)



Quote from: John Sorensen on January 24, 2016, 07:23:13 PMI was reading a Superman comic the other day and it mentioned a jellyfish that ages backwards.
Sure enough, it's a real thing.

"They can grow old like every other living thing, but then have the unique ability to reverse this process and grow young again." [from your link]

Wow, that's pretty amazing. I love the idea that something we consider impossible in this existence because we're so hooked into linear time, is actually possible. Makes the mind wander to possibilities.

I'm sure it won't be long before I start seeing commercials for dietary supplements made from this jellyfish. And a jellyfish with brains: who knew? I wonder if they think. Seth said everything has consciousness even rocks and cells and trees, so why not?


Quote from: alanalittle on January 24, 2016, 09:48:01 AMI had a lovely insight during the week , the gist of it was that basically; our  human essences is  good and as an extension our bodies  work perfectly when left 'alone' .

One of my two absolute favorite Seth quotes is this one:

Quote from: Deb on October 24, 2015, 11:44:05 AM"Miracles are nature unimpeded."

Kind of puts things into perspective.


Much of the Seth material resonates with a deep logic for me. But I have to admit that the health advice is problematic, empirically speaking. It seems as if the create your own reality psychology, or the "get out of the way and let your body do its own thing" idea doesn't match up with historical health trends or what we witness or experience generally.

For one thing, he does little to account for the inevitability of death. In other words, the aging process. Most of us don't just drop dead, it's a process. In what I've seen, he does little to acknowledge any processes not connected to "thoughts, beliefs, emotions", etc. But we all die, eventually, regardless of our state of mind. He even seems to suggest that the age-related deteriorations we all see---vision, hearing, general agility---are really about state of mind. This doesn't seem logical.

His psychology also lends very little significance to lifestyle choices, such as nutrition or exercise. That would also include the medical field. I understand his frustration with the medical field, since I have been failed miserably by it, but the historical record clearly indicates a general trend toward less disease and longer life spans, in tandem with medical and lifestyle improvements.

Then there's the elephant in the room. Many of us reads scraps of his words, looking for tidbits to use to improve our health. Jane Roberts had a direct pipeline. If you review "The Way Toward Health" Seth dispensed advice as she died and made assurances she would improve. She didn't. Another point is he lends little credence to genetically inherited diseases, even though Jane herself perished from one essentially under his care.

Just trying to understand why this aspect should make sense.

John Sorensen


Hi Randolph,

I can't explain the particulars of Jane or any other individual, But I can talk in general on this  topic, given it's one I've been looking into for myself for a number of years. For me, no matter what health issues somebody has, or how well they are - there is always room for improvement or deterioration.

The reasons for the specifics in any individuals life are rather complex. Consider that before you arrived here on earth, you chose a place to be born, a body to live in, a personality of sorts and the general living conditions and challenges you would face in this life. You may have chosen to be extremely fit and healthy, then again, you may chosen - for your own reasons - to be born blind or death or with sort of chronic condition. There is no condition, or disease "forced" onto the personality. When we feel we are victims, we are essentially saying "the universe is unsafe, I feel unworthy, I feel unloved", when in fact the
opposite is true.

Have you read Viktor Frankl's "Man's Search for Meaning"? If you have not, and I highly recommend reading it, because it is one of the most extreme examples that we always have the ability to choose our
attitude to life. Nobody can take that away from us.

And our overall attitude is big factor in how we live our life.
I live in generally good health, and have no diseases or chronic conditions.

However, I grew up poor, was seriously underweight for at least 25 of my 35 years on earth so far.
I was very weak from never playing any sports in school, my spine would regularly and painfully bruise the tissue on my back as the muscles were so under-developed. I used to get headaches in high school for several years from not eating and drinking enough to sustain my body. Kids would tease me for being underweight for almost ever year I was in school, which made me feel worthless and ashamed to be alive, and in my 20's I also felt suicidal in several periods of my life.

Later in my 20's I did martial arts, yoga, weight training and more. I put on healthy bodyweight for the first time in my life. I did not believe it was even possible to feel this good. My back which had minor injuries repeatedly over the years from being weak grew strong enough to deadlift 170 kg / 374 pounds.

I used to get frequent colds/flu etc pretty much every year like man people do. But now I hardly ever get sick. The worst things I have had in recent years were extreme vomiting from food poisoning a couple times. One time it was so bad that I vomited for over 6 hours and it felt like I was going to die. However, the number one thing that made a difference, why my health has improved so much over the last decade is not just eating right and exercising, but an OVERWHELMING belief in good health, and the love and trust of my body, which is my vehicle to use while I enjoy my stay here in this planet.

I also drink enjoy alcohol and eat junk food, but not to excess. And I don't have any erroneous beliefs like some particular food is "bad" for me, or will hurt me or whatever. I have read pretty much any book you care to name on human health from hardcore science and anatomy to western medicine to alternative health, to positive thinking and beliefs and "woo-woo voo-doo" including energy medicine and nutrition and strength training and whatever else you care to name. It was all useful to my worldview.

I see people all the time who live in poor health, some with extremely horrible conditions, and some with just minor issues - but the people who choose their attitude to life - those ones glow  with health even in an almost completely broken down body. While the people who make all kinds of excuses for why everything is so lousy, well their body can be in pretty good overall shape, but they look and feel sickly because of their attitude.

My first thought when I get sick these days, for any reasons is not "woe is me", but "what can I learn from this? and "this is temporary and will pass soon". In fact, several injuries in recent years have benefited me greatly. When I injured my back from moving house (chronic repetition of lifting)  I had sever pain for over 3 months from straining the muscles, I swore then and there I would NEVER strain my back from lifting again, and I joined the gym even thought my back still hurt. I also started teaching myself about trigger point massage for injuries and teaching myself energy medicine (as a hobby).

Or more accurately addressing the body at the quantum level - the energetic blueprint which creates the physical form and where all probabilities/possibilities are possible. The energetic blueprint is the level our sciences are slowly moving toward in health treatment, but it is ver-ry s...l....o....w. It is the primary "medicine" used throughout human history, from the ancient egyptian to shamanic traditions and more. On the everyday level, shamans work with belief and auto-suggestion in a way that fits in with the person current beliefs and world view. So the "cure" may be a physical exercise, it may be a meditation, it may be a pill or potion or whatever is agreeable to that person.

Even in our western medicine, the "suggestion" given by the expert is MORE powerful than any treatment. there are studies on this, often referred to as the  "placebo" effect or "no-cebo" effect. So it is inevitable that we will return to this knowledge for all types of knowledge are ultimately self-knowledge.

That was perhaps 3+ years ago, and while I have had minor injuries, I have never hurt my back again from lifting something while being too weak. It just doesn't happen. I used massage + nutrition + healing meditations + exercise to heal that injury properly. Why not use every tool you have? This way you tackle the physical level, mind level, etheric/blueprint level all together.

Now, there are people with chronic permanent conditions that can not be "wished" away.
However, they chose those conditions before they came into this life.
"Oh no, it feels unfair, it feels horrible, HOW CAN IT BE?"

Sure, I struggled with those sorts of ideas (beliefs) for years. I am not saying just blindly accept what I am saying here, just admit there is a possibility of greater understanding, and it may take months or years to see and feel the evidence for yourself, but if you keep looking, you will know beyond any doubt the truth of who and what you are, and see the greater complexity of the evolutionary impulse, the unique face of god that sees through your eyes.

The evolutionary impulse, the personal face of god that expresses itself through you wants to grow and learn and become. We can get in alignment with that impulse or fight it with all we have. but it is like constantly trying to row upstream in life. At some point you just get tired and say "Okay, I surrender, I don't know, show me because I want to know"

And when you turn on that genius switch, there is no going back. It's matrix time. You're going down the  "whole" to wonderland and you ain't coming back. And when you try to talk about anything you see and experience, people will think you are crazy because they are still in Matrix land, they don't want to accept responsibility for their lives, they are not ready.

And to be fair, you can't skip anything in life, you can't go from kindergarten to university. there are states and stages along the way, you may skip over some of them, but not all of them. So sometimes you just have to experience certain events in life to get to where you are headed.

But "focused intention becomes reality"

"consciousness evolves in the direction it intends"

So, consider the idea that at the quantum level, right NOW there is a version of you that already knows all these things I have mentioned. Try imagining what it would be like to be THAT person, even for a couple of minutes, just play with the idea as a child would, have fun with it, don't take any of it too SERIOUS-LEE. Seriousn-ness and logic can't get you there.

You've got to let go of that version of reality and allow the empty space for a new perception to come in.
You can come back to logic and reason and all that later on, after you have experienced new things, new perceptions etc.

We can live however we please, my choice is to aim for the greatest understanding of reality every day. Of course we are free to choose not to do so, to ignore those inner impulses which cry out to us "learn and evolve- become more than you were yesterday"

For me whatever I do in life, it's summed up best in this quote:

"I want to know God's thoughts - the rest are details".

As for Jane, she made her choices. Seth gave suggestions, he was neither a dictator nor some possessing demon. Jane was well aware of her own free choices, and rob struggled a great deal with the choices she made.
No experience is wasted from the souls point of view.

I feel the same way about my own partner who gets sick regularly as a mask over the deep shame she feels in life. But we love those whom depend on us and on whom we depend, no matter their beliefs.

Now, that's a lot of words, if you skipped to the end, that is okay, I know I would have. 8)
The thing to consider is this:

There is YOU and then there is YOUR BELIEFS.
Two things, okay?

Now, you are NOT your beliefs, however like a pair of 3D glasses for the cinema, your beliefs are the filter through which you see and experience both the world and yourself, My suggestion? Imagine putting on a different filter to view reality, one where everything is possible, even for a couple of minutes, and see the difference for yourself.

Many people will not even try this. Their imaginations are too constipated.

But I believe that you Randolph are not one of those persons with a constipated imagination, or you would not visit this forum.


Quote from: Randolph123 on January 31, 2016, 04:44:19 PMJust trying to understand why this aspect should make sense.

Thank you for bringing up those points.
I may be the person who made this forum, but I'm far from being a Seth expert and things like these have left me trying to understand. I attribute it to the fact that I haven't read ALL of the books, and Seth tended to spread his little gems of wisdom on related topics throughout the books. Thus my dream of making a "Seth on" topic resource. I'm hoping once I've read every book I'll have a better understanding.

He does say death is necessary to make room for new life and I suppose new opportunities for learning and growth. A quote from Facebook (I'll probably put the whole thing up here soon) sort of speaks to this: "And everyone does not learn with age." Maybe we just get to the point where we've stopped learning and it's time to check out of our existence and come back for other opportunities. Or give someone else a chance?

Seth did say, at least a couple of times that I've read, that we are bound to some physical laws while we live in this plane, which I interpreted as things such as aging, not being able to regrow a lost arm or add another 2" to our height (which I'd so love to do). But I think he did say that we don't have to age badly: that is attributed with our personal beliefs and expectations.

As far as genetics, you'd only have to read or listen to Joe Dispenza or Bruce Lipton and the new concepts of epigenetics: we control our own gene expression, our genes don't control us (so therefore we are not victims of our genetic makeup). If you follow the latest scientific research on this, it makes complete sense on a scientific level. Our brains perceive our experiences, filtered by our beliefs, and then send chemical messages to the body. The body reacts by turning on certain combinations of genes to express specific proteins (the genes essentially being blueprints for proteins). To me this means that things considered to be genetically determined are not the genes being handed down through generations so as much as inherited beliefs and thought processes that cause specific conditions. Maybe it's another case of the chicken vs. the egg?

Jane died despite having the best coach in the universe. Even though she was gifted with her abilities, she was still just one human struggling with her own beliefs and interpretations of experiences in her life. So maybe Jane didn't die because she genetically inherited RA; maybe she caused it in herself because of her learned beliefs or even guilt over her mother's situation? I don't know. Food for thought, once again.

John Sorensen

I'm no expert on Jane, but it does come over and over in the books how she struggled with her beliefs, guilt, shame etc and was not able to reconcile some of those beliefs with the very challenging but frustrating ideas in the Seth material.

I've often wondered about regrowing limbs. I assume that we don't know how at present, but I'd say it is possible based on two things:
1. My limbs grew in the first place, the potential of dna and genetic information is there, as is the holographic blueprint of everytging in the human body within our bodies.
2. Lizards can regrow tails. Sure a tail is not as complex as a ball joint, but it still says to me the potential is there.


Quote from: John Sorensen on January 31, 2016, 09:35:53 PMEven in our western medicine, the "suggestion" given by the expert is MORE powerful than any treatment. there are studies on this, often referred to as the  "placebo" effect or "no-cebo" effect. So it is inevitable that we will return to this knowledge for all types of knowledge are ultimately self-knowledge.

I just read your whole post John and you've really covered a lot of important stuff here. Awesome, I couldn't possibly add anything. Well, maybe just a relevant video or two. And what's interesting is the timing: I was looking around at Joe Dispenza's web site earlier today and found these videos which just happen to relate to things discussed in your post—which I just read a few minutes ago. Backwards time.

In this first one, he talks about genes and how their expression is determined by our thoughts/beliefs (so we're creating our bodies/proteins based on our beliefs and perceptions).
Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.

The second relates the placebo effect back to Pavlov: conditioned response.
Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.

Oh, and your comment in your other post about regrowing limbs: that's always been an interesting topic for me. Yes, some lizards can regrow tails (I used to breed Leopard Geckos, I'm very familiar with that scenario). You can chop an earth worm into pieces and they each grow into a new worm. We regrow other tissue constantly: cuts mend, hair and nails grow, damaged organs heal, broken bones mend... so, why not replace limbs? Could be just because we don't believe we can.


Very interesting, compelling responses. It's all very thought provoking. I've thought about the responses and gathered my own thoughts for a few days.

It's interesting, the planet is full of amazing life forms. There are billions of planets probably in the Milky Way, and billions of galaxies with a comparative number of planets. The possibilities of life, even if not infinite, might as well be infinite. And yet, we appear to be alone here, at least for now. There must be a reason, and that reason likely speaks volumes about our purpose.

Of course, my tally of the universe's likely citizens leaves out other dimensions, dimensions that may make our immense physical world look like a grain of sand on the beach.

Another thought that comes to mind, regarding our grand context, is the backdrop of eternity. We take events in our lives very seriously, as we should, but I can see where we should also stop and smell the roses as well, and...relax, because with eternity in our pocket we indeed have time to work things out.

But other thoughts still cross my mind. Doubts about everything. Seth, me, life. So why do animals contract and die of diseases? Even fish. They aren't wracked with beliefs, emotions, guilt, as they exist. Disease seems, at the very least, to serve as a message delivered to much, if not all, physical creations.

And what of the enchantment of youth? Certain inspirations clearly come in greater volume to the young, though other expertise is more benefited by the wisdom that comes with age. In the former instance, songwriters by a great percentage write their most inspired, classic work, in their youths. Many are ten times the musician in their 50s they were in their 20s, yet the songs do not appear in abundance like they did, or at all. A scientist may say that's because the musical creative center of the brain ages early. Others may say it's because the excitement, the joy of exploration, and newness of life, loses enchantment.

Or perhaps we grow to value other things, such as children. Though most would say they can love their children and music at the same time, having mastered the gum chewing while walking task...

I've had a "mystery disease" for years now. Causes rampant inflammation. Damages tendons. Never shows up in blood work. My mother has similar issues, though unlike Jane apparently, I never saw it happening to myself, especially as a young man. Manifests itself as a reaction to acidity levels of food and drink I intake, I have determined through years of observation. Keeps me from fully pursuing an apparent gift I have, for songwriting.

I ask myself, why do I possess a gift that is accompanied by an illness that directly impacts my ability to share the gift with the world, and frankly, myself? Do I have any beliefs that cause this? I am the usual person, possessing good and needs-work qualities. I generally lead a regular, quiet life. I see others, living with little conscience, viewing the world as something to manipulate and toy with, and they are as happy and healthy as larks. Maybe their lack of consciences are their greatest assets, I think cynically.

There doesn't seem to be any ironclad, definite result for any definite action, for all people. I don't say that cynically, but as an empirical observation. Yet I still see deep logic to Seth's comments. I know that certain aspects of what he says are definitely true, such as telepathy being the basis for all communication. So I wonder how to reconcile what rings true and what doesn't, at least initially, going about my way following a very few basic principles.

1. Don't belief in things that aren't true. Be skeptical.
2. Don't NOT believe in something that is true, because you didn't give it a chance. Be a skeptic who is open to being dead wrong.
3. Strongly consider two kinds of information as true: Information tested by science, and information directly experienced by myself. The things I experience directly myself can help weed out information shared by others, suggesting what's true and what's junk.

And so the journey goes...thanks again for the thoughtful responses.

John Sorensen

Hi Randolph.

Seth does cover this topic in various books. Yes, disease DOES serve a purpose, and multiple purposes. It's really rather individualized, rather than some specific all purpose blanket purpose.

Dr Tien Shu (Dr Tien-Sheng Tsu) in his book "the cure to all cancers" (a book written with SETH principle in mind) relates to diseases appearing as results of all types of repressions, non-acceptance of life etc.

Book / his site

amazon link to book:

*FYI - an excellent book to read even if cancer is of no interest. I have read the paperback version several times, and it's a great read, very informative.

However, this does not apply so much to another topic (which Seth talks about a fair bit) where the entity CHOOSES a particular disease or condition as part of their lifetime in this incarnation.

While I live in good health, it's a topic that fascinates me. It's not the sort of thing you can say to someone "hey, you chose this before you showed up here, so quit complaining about it fella" - you would come across like an insensitive a-hole of course.

This is not to say that YOU, the conscious entity, who is incarnated right now and reading these words chose your disease as such, it is more than your larger overall entity creates these sorts of conditions, and before arriving here, you DO agree to them. Nothing is ever forced on anyone they did not choose at some level.

Some disease can be cured, while others need to be "managed".

But our understanding of all types of diseases is still very limited.

If this is a condition that you feel is limiting you, but you struggle with the "why", and science just can't help you (other than management) you might like to try out past life regression therapy. You may come to an understanding and sort of peace of mind about your chosen conditions.

Or you may not. The choice is yours. It's not the only option on the table, just an idea I though I would throw out there. If your looking for answers in the realms of the reasonable, and not finding any satisfaction, perhaps cast your attention to the realms of the unreasonable.

And yes I know how fruity this all sounds, I'm a very logical, rational person who likes Science very much, but I believe we should never be limited by ANY belief system, no matter how useful it is.

I see no reason to exclude any avenue of possibilities and opportunities.

One of my best friends has Crohns disease, and I've worked with people with MS and other horrible conditions as a carer. I find it immensely painful to see the suffering some people go through and you think "why the hell would anyone choose that", so yes I struggle with these ideas also.

My perspective is "do whatever I can" to look after my body, and take advantage of medicine etc that will keep me well be it strictly scientific or pseudo-scientific - if it works - I don't care.

EDIT: Another thing that came to mind when rambling on here is that from birth we are conditioned to believe in disease, told to fear disease from birth, and are told we will pretty much all succumb to one kind of disease or another.

To me this is as nonsensical and irrational as any other brainwashing that has been handed down through human social memetics over hundreds if not thousands of years such as

-Fear of God
-Fear of the sun
-Fear of disease
-Fear of sex
-Fear of death
-Fear of our own body

All of these to me are un-natural and have no place in the life of a fully alive and human being.


Quote from: Randolph123 on February 04, 2016, 10:42:28 PMBut other thoughts still cross my mind. Doubts about everything. Seth, me, life. So why do animals contract and die of diseases? Even fish. They aren't wracked with beliefs, emotions, guilt, as they exist. Disease seems, at the very least, to serve as a message delivered to much, if not all, physical creations.

Randolph, I really enjoyed your post and great questions. When I took the Seth Intensive last year some of those questions came up (like why do our bodies rot when we die? Why not just disapparate?), considering the development of all creatures from pure energy turned into sperm and egg and the growth process... Why don't our bodies just go back to being pure energy, without the disgusting mess?
Maybe it goes back to Seth saying we, living in this current existence, are bound by certain rules of the terrain or laws of nature.

Animals getting sick, injured, dying... I suppose they also have their own agendas and things to learn.

Three years ago I went through a hellish summer where my horse was extremely ill, misdiagnosed all over the place, incorrectly medicated and almost died a few times. After going through all of that, I came to the Sethian conclusion that he had pre-chosen the experience and I had pre-chosen to be a part of it. OR I had pre-chosen the experience and he volunteered for the job, knowing I wouldn't let him die. We had a contract of sorts. But I have to say when it was over (he's fine now, I'm sure has no memory of any of it), all I could think was "What the HELL was I thinking?"

Very interesting about your illness and very sorry for what you're going through. Coming from a Weston Price point of view, there's been some talk about leaky gut syndrome causing things like arthritis, inflammation, autoimmune disease, psoriasis, brain problems (GAPS, Gut and Psychology Syndrome) and I've wanted to try the dietary recommendations on friends that have problems just to see if it works (and it's non-invasive treatment). That's not very Sethian of me. But then if they believe what I'm doing is going to cure me, it will.

My son has Type 1 diabetes, autoimmune. I would love to give it a go on him and he definitely wants to ditch the diabetes, but he's just not there yet as far as changing his diet, even for a month (he's 20 and immortal).

Someone once said to me (I think it was here on the forum) that if my son chose his condition, pre-birth, as a challenge, experience, learning tool, then who am I to try to take it away from him? Big forehead smack there.

It did make me think. And it relieved some of the guilt of a mother who sometimes feels I could have prevented his illness (the doctors are quick to blame things like this on the mother, even though there's no genetic history of the disease in my family and I nursed him as an infant for a full year, made all his baby food myself from organic foods, did my best without being neurotic about it all. Ah well, another life contract possibly. Maybe life is a series of contracts.

Quote from: Randolph123 on February 04, 2016, 10:42:28 PMI've had a "mystery disease" for years now.

Randolph, you might even look into Dr. Joe Dispenza (Mr. "Change your mind, change your life" — he's very much into looking into beliefs. He's never mentioned Seth.) Joe was hit by a truck when in his 20s, his back was broken in, I think, 6 places. He refused the strongly recommended standard procedure of inserting rods into his spine. Being a chiropractor and intimately familiar with the spine, he consciously healed himself within a couple of months. After his healing, he became fascinated with and interviewed a multitude of people who had spontaneous recoveries from critical and chronic illnesses. He wanted to know what they had in common and he figured it out. He now devotes his life to teaching people (world-wide) how to do what Seth says, using a lot of scientific proof to back up his words.

BTW I'll be attending one of his workshops mid-month and just found out I've been selected to be one of his test subjects (electrodes to map brain activity during meditations, body energy field scans, coherence of heart-brain energy waves). Woopie, I get to spend 4 days with gummy gel in my hair! But I've devoted my body to science, it's worth it. No sense bringing any nice clothes to this workshop, it's now going to be 4 days of sweat pants for me.

Sorry but you must log in to view spoiler contents.

And John, I just read your last post and you've already said, very eloquently, a lot more than I could ever contribute. I should stop right here.

Quote from: John Sorensen on February 05, 2016, 03:34:50 AMI believe we should never be limited by ANY belief system, no matter how useful it is.

Amen to that!
My favorite Bob Monroe quote is "Man's greatest illusion is that he has limitations." It's in my email signature, more as a reminder to myself than anyone else.

Quote from: John Sorensen on February 05, 2016, 03:34:50 AMOne of my best friends has Crohns disease, and I've worked with people with MS and other horrible conditions as a carer. I find it immensely painful to see the suffering some people go through and you think "why the hell would anyone choose that", so yes I struggle with these ideas also.

John, what work do you do?

There's also that mass consciousness level Seth talks about— masses of people banding together on some level to make a statement or changes in different places on the planet. Those that are not "in" will manage to avoid a natural disaster or plane crash. Maybe that's the way our humanity evolves on a mass level rather than individual or even cellular. As above, so below.

The biggest health issues lately tend to be things like Chrone's, autoimmune, autism, ADHD, all increasing in alarming numbers. Maybe those are mass events themselves? Just in a different form? To stimulate change?

YES, Seth talks about this in great depth in NOPR. Supposedly this thinking came with Newtonian physics: everything is mechanical, including the living. Machines can't fix themselves.

Seth also ragged on our tv commercials—40 years ago!?! They are one pharma commercial after another, a type of hypnosis to drill the belief into us that we need medicine for everything. And more medicine to counter the reaction our bodies have to the first medications. UGH.

Quote from: John Sorensen on February 05, 2016, 03:34:50 AMEDIT: Another thing that came to mind when rambling on here is that from birth we are conditioned to believe in disease, told to fear disease from birth, and are told we will pretty much all succumb to one kind of disease or another.

Fear SELLS and controls, it's the basis of almost any commercial, TV or radio and now internet (and dare I say, most religions?): the message is that we are vulnerable and need to buy some product (medicine, treatments, insurance, ID theft protection, diety) to keep ourselves safe. It works. Unless one steps back and sees what's going on. I can hardly listen to the radio any more, Pandora, TV (except for The Walking Dead, I will tolerate commercials for that one).

Okay, I'm done now. :)
Oh jeez, I did it again. Sorry this was so long!


Great thread.

Reading through one thing is lacking for me. Creativity. And quite often i think we forget that creativity isn't just about painting, poetry, music, etc.

We create our own reality. Which means we create the diseases as much as the cures. Perhaps we create the diseases just to create the cures. Perhaps we create the diseases just to immerse ourselves in unique physical positions, or to learn to appreciate the other things in life that might seem ordinary or mundane. I think its a very personal experience.

How many of us suffer even minor illnesses with grace? Its usually after we are feeling better that we look back in gratitude for where the experience took us, or what we learned about ourselves in the process.

I think most people, particularly those new to the idea of creating your own reality, are quick to pat themselves on the back when things are going well, but when life seems difficult, they'd rather not take responsibity for it.

This is a very deep and very personal thing. Just by opening up on a forum such as this is a great sign, imo.

I think the idea of pre birth contracts is a logical one. Loosely based, or open ended contracts, where certain pontentials are put in place that the entity wants to acheive for whatever personal reasons.

As a musician, Randalph, I can relate. The joke at university was once we get our degrees we go straight to the unemployment office for govt hand But even the jest has a belief behind it, an unhealthy one.

Music isnt appreciated in todays society
Artists sell out to make cheap jingles for money
Only young, blonde and big tits will 'make it'... ( sex sells, video killed the radio star, etc)
Artists sacrifice for their art
Its not 'spiritual' to write music for money (not 'true' art)

As you can see, I've wrestled with a few of my beliefs in regarding to career choices.

And, regarding artists getting worse as they age. JS Bach was prolific. In fact, his last, unfinished work, has him signing his name in the notes (BACH...H being B flat in German) before dropping dead. Beethoven wrote till death, even deafness couldnt beat him. Don't let your beliefs beat you.

Great thread.



Quote from: LenKop on February 05, 2016, 11:55:00 PMAnd, regarding artists getting worse as they age. JS Bach was prolific.

Nice! When I first read Randolph's comment about music, my mind went right to current musicians such as James Taylor or Paul McCartney. In my opinion they only get better the older they get.  And I think both are "hot," as old as they are (Taylor is 68, McCartney is 74), but to me hot is an attitude, the inner person, not so much an age or outward appearance. I can't say the same goes for the pop culture, they're more into the glitter.

Quote from: LenKop on February 05, 2016, 11:55:00 PMWe create our own reality. Which means we create the diseases as much as the cures. Perhaps we create the diseases just to create the cures. Perhaps we create the diseases just to immerse ourselves in unique physical positions, or to learn to appreciate the other things in life that might seem ordinary or mundane. I think its a very personal experience.

I just came across a Seth quote last night, I wish I could find it right now. But it very simply said, "you are here to learn how to learn how to manipulate reality." We start off creating unconsciously, by default, randomly. Then some of us are introduced to people like Seth, Abraham (or figure out on their own somehow) that we do create everything in our lives, good or bad. That's when the learning part begins.


I came across article this morning that seemed very appropriate to what we've been discussing here:

Quote from: Deb on February 06, 2016, 11:25:20 AM"the Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS) has had a catalytic influence on the frontiers of scientific inquiry and the evolution of healthcare. Our investigation into the role of consciousness in healing has significantly contributed to the scientific understanding of how the mind influences health. Our work helped to transform mind-body medicine from a fringe idea into a vital component of virtually all major medical centers in the United States and, increasingly, worldwide."


Hello!  Just new myself.  So glad I found your forum.  Been reading Seth for a long time so I'm looking forward to chatting with others who would not glaze over if I was to talk about some of this stuff.  LOL

I started researching because at 64 I seem to be experiencing a Second Puberty.  I knew I had read about it in a Seth book years ago and google sent me to you all.

At the same time I am recovering from a past life death that has affected my health in this life.

As far as these concepts go, I was blessed to be raised by a Christian Science Grandmother before TV in a family that is a bit psychic.  When at 3 I didn't talk and then started flipping out they put me on phenobarbituates.  The combination has left me with a foot in two realities.

I was interested in Deb's comment about her friend getting "old" after a significant birthday.  There seems to be so much truth in that conditioning.


Welcome BethAnne! I'm glad you found us and also glad to hear that Google is watching the forum. Sometimes I wonder.

Second puberty: Some days I feel like I'm there myself. It would certainly explain a lot. And I enjoyed Seth's tie-in to other issues around that.

You sound like you've had a very interesting life so far. Lately I've been coming across families that have psychic tendencies. From what I hear, it tends to get stronger with each new generation, to the point that it causes emotional trauma in those that can't handle it.

What past life death experience?—if you're willing to share. I was recently told that my (extreme, some say) resistance to religion is due to being persecuted (i.e. burned at the stake) in a past life for having my own spiritual ideas. I tend to be a healer (Dr. Mom Medicine Woman), so that doesn't sound so far-fetched to me.

And yes, my friend acts like a switch was flipped: one day skipping along in life, status quo; the next day tottering around, groaning, falling asleep all the time, looking older, stooped posture, foggy brain, hearing and memory loss. Scary, but it was so obvious to me. I very recently met a woman who is 97 and as sharp as a tack, witty, informed, charming, vital, looks at least 25 years younger than her age. She restored my faith and in conversation, kept me on my toes. I loved it.

Anyway, welcome to the forum, please make yourself at home.


Thank You for the welcome Deb.
I think you are right about the psychic families.   People like to stay in their comfort zone even if they are "out there" too.  One of the Ancestors was Mary Barnes, the last witch put down in Conn in 1662 for not going to church and having opinions.   

The past life health issue is pretty interesting.  I don't mind sharing.  As a healer myself I've found that many people are dealing with health issues that they have brought with them.

A friend hooked me up with a Soul Retrieval session and as I sometimes jump without looking I said sure.  Toward the end of our meeting all of a sudden I was a small girl in Mexico looking like Dora the Explorer with about 5 others walking in tall grass that kept brushing my ears.  We were being babysat by an old Shaman with all sorts of trinkets hanging off his neck.  Kate asked if he was a shape shifter..  Well, again, without thinking I stared him in the eyes and he turned into a Jaguar.

Maybe 6 weeks later I'm having a waking dream with a Mayan sort of warrior in my living room.  I can feel hot air in my lungs and I hear parrots and monkeys.  The Warrior turns his head towards me and half of his face is painted black, and half white.  We had a mental conversation for over an hour.  I knew I had stepped into another world as his syntax was so different.  He was disgusted with me because I was too gentle.  He thought he'd captured a StarBeing. 

With in days I started having awful headaches and I went to a friend who does readings.  I told her it felt like I had a sword in my skull.  She said that I did...on an etheric level of course.  The next day I woke up with Bell's Palsy which from a medical point of view was cause by chicken pox virus in my ear. 

Between us we worked out the Behind the Scenes story.  Seems as if the Jaguar Shaman "saw"  2010 BethAnne thru the little girl's eyes and to "capture" that essence he had the child held while she was split in half and quartered.  The pieces were taken to the Four Corners. 
I've recently made peace with all the people who are part of my life today who also participated in the ritual.  My son was the swordsman, the other was the druggist, my father the shaman, a brother the warrior.   And recently the last person who took a fourth of me to the Mexican countryside.  And with that my face finished healing.  :-)


Quote from: BethAnne on February 06, 2016, 08:51:29 PMBetween us we worked out the Behind the Scenes story.

This whole post gave me goose bumps (I call them "truth bumps") when I was reading it. Incredible story and loved hearing that you healed after working all of that out.

Do live near Four Corners?
I drove down to Mesa Verde several years ago with a friend and our kids and visited Four Corners.
Mesa Verde is a trip I wouldn't mind taking again.

Quote from: BethAnne on February 06, 2016, 08:51:29 PMOne of the Ancestors was Mary Barnes, the last witch put down in Conn in 1662 for not going to church and having opinions.   

She must have been burned. I've wondered if I'd been hung or strangled in some past life. Or maybe a strangling attempt in this lifetime that I've repressed (from very early childhood, I have reasons for my suspicions.

John Sorensen

I imagine with the amount of life times we've all collectively lived, there would be many horrible deaths, given humanities history of barbarism that makes horror movies look like kiddie films.


Morning!  Yep!  I live in Aztec New Mexico about 45 min S from Durango/Mesa Verde.  I moved back from living in Santa Fe for the past 5 years to look in on my mom and new grandson.  A Petri Dish Baby.  I'm not sure how I feel about that but he is a great kid.

When you think about all the connections we've ever had it puts life into perspective when someone wonders why they are dealing with their NOW Life.  I think each incarnation is an opportunity to learn how to control our emotions and imagination so we will be more capable as we transverse each higher frequency.
If you google UTubes on Cymatics you can see how Form becomes more complex the higher the frequency. 

"First there was The Word"

I'm glad I'm as old as I am because I've had time to see Patterns in life.  I wouldn't have understood any of this even five years ago.  How Divine for Spirit to send me the very people who killed me as my children.  How can I not love them?  Tho, they have been REALLY difficult.  LOL  I believe the Grace of my Love will make their next incarnation a little easier. :-)

The story gets more interesting.  The Nyles Nelson is the person who took me for this soul retrieval.  His father is Oliver Nelson who would have been a very famous musician if he had lived past 44.  As it is there are tons of UTubes of his Jazz Sax.  His theories are taught in colleges.  Nyles lived off the royalties from the "Six Million Dollar Man" and "Columbo" theme songs.  And he was very generous with his cash, tho I'm thinking he would buy friends as he was an odd duck.  50 years old but lived in the mind of a 14 years stuck on fantasies of being a Ninja.

He became really Dark.  His body was covered in occult symbols.  As my family was "difficult" he offered to "fix it" for me.   So I started backing off slowly and was one of the reasons for moving to SF,

Before I did, Nyles needed help moving back to Aztec and because he had been so generous to me I felt I needed to do  that.  He had 100 TShirts.  9 expensive guitars tho didn't play well or often.  10 high end leather jackets.  Moving was a mess.  He was clueless about organizing.  On one box was a long kitchen knife.  I got one of those "truth chills" and I tucked it in a box.  I came back for the next load and the knife was out again...and again I tucked it away.  Again it was out.  I was freaking a bit.  Then Divine Intervention.  He'd lost the keys to the UHaul and had to call AAA.  This Dark Spell was broken.  We loaded up, got back and I said "Bye".    He found the keys in his jacket pocket.

I couple years ago he shot his very young girlfriend close up with a shotgun and then himself.  He lived in Bloomfield/Farmington New Mexico if you want to look it up.

John Sorensen

Do you think this Nyles person who offered to "fix" your family meant some type of harm/murder? I don't understand the implication.

John Sorensen

Quote from: Deb on January 24, 2016, 09:29:10 PM
Quote from: John Sorensen on January 24, 2016, 07:23:13 PMI was reading a Superman comic the other day and it mentioned a jellyfish that ages backwards.
Sure enough, it's a real thing.

"They can grow old like every other living thing, but then have the unique ability to reverse this process and grow young again." [from your link]

Wow, that's pretty amazing. I love the idea that something we consider impossible in this existence because we're so hooked into linear time, is actually possible. Makes the mind wander to possibilities.

I'm sure it won't be long before I start seeing commercials for dietary supplements made from this jellyfish. And a jellyfish with brains: who knew? I wonder if they think. Seth said everything has consciousness even rocks and cells and trees, so why not?

I think we need to move from the terminator and A.I. fears and see some apocalyptic movies about these 4-brained jellyfish rising up to be our new lords and masters.
Should be an X-Files episode at least.


Quote from: John Sorensen on February 10, 2016, 07:28:06 AMDo you think this Nyles person who offered to "fix" your family meant some type of harm/murder? I don't understand the implication.

Oh, Nyles intended on killing them for me. 
In our Past Life association he and Kate who did the soul retrieval were the ones who held the little girl/me so that she could be sliced.  The energy of that ritual then connected Nyles and me to a dark ritual set in 1700 ?? France with the Black Robes (Jesuits??) where I was killed and my essence absorbed by  The Group


Quote from: BethAnne on February 08, 2016, 01:45:11 PMI live in Aztec New Mexico about 45 min S from Durango/Mesa Verde.

Well if I'm ever in that area again, I will let you know ahead of time and we need to get together.

I have a friend in Sandia (near Albuquerque, my healer training mentor, David Elliott), a friend/client/former neighbor who is an author and multiple personality in Clovis, NM (not quite sure about her), have been known to head down to Santa Fe once in a while for fun and have driven through NM in general several times going from the Baja or California to Colorado. I've also been known to stay at the Earthships in Los Piedras. So somehow, apparently, I have a strong connection with NM. Just maybe not so much in your specific area. So far.

Quote from: BethAnne on February 08, 2016, 01:45:11 PMI'm glad I'm as old as I am because I've had time to see Patterns in life.  I wouldn't have understood any of this even five years ago.  How Divine for Spirit to send me the very people who killed me as my children.  How can I not love them?  Tho, they have been REALLY difficult.  LOL  I believe the Grace of my Love will make their next incarnation a little easier. :-)

You seem to be in a very good and healthy place.

Your story about Nyles gave me chills, but also made me think you are in a very good place in life.

I've averted certain disaster a few times on a hunch, two of them avoiding being creamed by cars running red lights in intersections ("something is wrong, must not proceed") but your story takes the cake.


Quote from: Deb on February 11, 2016, 09:24:23 PMhave been known to head down to Santa Fe once in a while for fun
That would be great if you are in the area!  Sitting in the Aztec Ruins Kiva should be on your bucket list also.  :-)


Quote from: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 03:37:47 PMThat would be great if you are in the area!

I would not miss the opportunity to meet you for anything in the world! I don't head south very often, but you never know. The Kiva looks great. As long as I don't get off-ed because of some over-heated ritual, I'm up for anything. I absolutely love ancient ruins, always have. Decades ago spent two weeks in England visiting one henge after another. Have always wanted to be able to time travel, even for short periods of time, to experience ancient places first-hand. Some day I'll be able to figure it out. For now, I can only witness different historical locations and imagine.

Any time you decide to head north, let me know.


I most definitely will look you up if I go North.   :)

So have you gotten into the "Outlander" Series by Gabaldon?  We're drifting off your Thread Topic....but she was a nurse.  LOL


Quote from: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 09:51:07 PMSo have you gotten into the "Outlander" Series by Gabaldon?

No worries about drifting here,
I'm very liberal in the forum atmosphere.

I've heard of Outlander, have not watched anything.
Hubby is into O'Reilly and Fox News and monopolizing the TV.
I tend to read and spend my time here, on the forum.

It's my sanity. It's where I'm comfortable.
Computers and nature, that's me.


You should check out the books where she goes thru a henge and goes back in time a couple hundred years and meet Jamie the Scot


Quote from: BethAnne on February 12, 2016, 09:51:07 PMSo have you gotten into the "Outlander" Series by Gabaldon?  We're drifting off your Thread Topic....but she was a nurse.  LOL

Ugh, finally getting caught up here (I hope).
Sometimes I get busy...

Anyway, Outlander sounds familiar but that's a tv series right? Based on books: I'll look into them, especially for the henge one.

Many years ago I went to England with my then-boyfriend.
We had no plans other than airline tickets and a rental car. The no-plan was to head south from Gatwick until we hit water, then head west and look for b&bs whenever we found a village we liked. BUT a week before the trip, the Denver Post came out with a travel article on henges in England. I had no idea! So that became the theme, traveling from henge to henge. As far west as The Merry Maidens in Cornwall, The Hurlers, Avebury, some place in the Cottswalds and many small ones in between that I can't remember. Henges are my thing.

I'm going back to England this summer, will be horseback riding in Cornwall. At least one of the rides is to a henge.

So yes, I'll definitely check out the book. Thanks. I'm a self-professed book ho.  :)

Actually, maybe I should get it for my long plane ride.


Quote from: John Sorensen on January 31, 2016, 09:35:53 PMSure, I struggled with those sorts of ideas (beliefs) for years.
This is tricky isn't it?  Sometimes it's a leap of Faith when the Dr. is standing in front of you with his hand out with pills.  Sometimes when I'm wrestling with a health/situation issue I'll just focus on a simple Sacred Geometry.  Sometimes all I can deal with is a simple symbol of balance.


Quote from: Deb on February 14, 2016, 06:11:45 PMI'm going back to England this summer, will be horseback riding in Cornwall.
Oh Wow!  Lucky Girl!  Will you be renting from a stable or do you know folks there?
I bet you'll like the Outlander.  No TV so haven't seen the show.  The books have a lot of history also which keeps it interesting on several levels. 


Quote from: LenKop on February 05, 2016, 11:55:00 PMI think the idea of pre birth contracts is a logical one. Loosely based, or open ended contracts, where certain pontentials are put in place that the entity wants to acheive for whatever personal reasons.
This make sense to me.  When you see the complexity in would our personal lives be chaos?  When I get "stuck" I take a personal inventory and then ask myself how my past led up to this.  Things then make sense.


Quote from: BethAnne on February 15, 2016, 07:03:44 PMWill you be renting from a stable or do you know folks there?

I just signed up for a horseback riding excursion with an online tour group. Who just happens to be located in Wyoming, of all things. This birthday was a milestone for me. My original plan (made a few years ago) was to treat myself to a Monroe Institute out-of-body week this summer, but somehow forgot about that when I was trying to decide more recently how to reward myself. My first thought was a bike tour in France, but England holds a special place in my heart. And bikes are a lot of work, why not let a horse do the work for me? A wild hair later, I signed up for a week of riding in Cornwall. I'll be in the company of people I've never met before. The trip has expanded to even more of an adventure, a dream, a personal challenge. A sort of make-it-or-break-it time for myself. I don't know anyone in England. Which is exactly what I'm looking forward to. And although I've always loved horses and riding, I am not a pro and this trip requires a lot of preparation and training in advance. My greatest fear? That after the trip, I won't have much to look forward to.

Just had a memory tonight.
My son, age, three (17years ago) and us driving home from somewhere. I remember exactly where we were when this happened. He was strapped into his booster seat behind me. We were talking about something, whatever, and he very enthusiastically said "Mommy, you are SO much nicer that my last parents. I love you." Needless to say, it blew me away. I questioned his statement, but couldn't get anything else out of him. Years later I reminded him of what he said and his response was "I was probably messing with your head." A three year old messing with someone's head? I don't think so.

Oh, and I found the Outlander book you mentioned and added it to my Amazon wish list. It WILL travel with me to England. Looking forward to it.

This is totally off the cuff: I found a book last summer, The Bloodletter's Daughter, that really struck a chord with me. Fiction based on truth, set in Prague, circa 1600s.


That sounds like a fabulous trip!  Horses are so primal.  It will be interesting to see if it triggers some past memory.  Like the smell of sage brush or a campfire.   That's cool that this is a challenge for you too.  Sometimes I think women shy away from that. 
Glad you found the book.  Looking forward to hearing what you think.  The drawing power of the henge.   I was lucky to check out Stonehenge several decades ago also.  It was a magnet.  I would like to try that again now that I'm more aware of that sort of energy.

I love talking to three year olds just for that reason.  That window of opportunity when they still talk to Angels.   :) 

Will look for the book you suggest.  I'm drawn to that time period. 


Quote from: BethAnne on February 16, 2016, 12:41:27 AMHorses are so primal.

It's no wonder horses are used for a variety of therapies. And yes, a big challenge for me. Much needed and I vacillate from joyful anticipation to flat out fear. This is my year to challenge myself in many ways. I saw a sign the other day, "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone." Could have been a fortune cookie. Hah, my last fortune cookie, taped to my monitor, is "An expensive trip is in your future." Got it right after I made my decision about the trip.

Headed off to a Joe Dispenza intensive workshop tomorrow. My internet time will be limited but I'll check in when I can. I'm very excited about this one, total immersion. Hour+ long walking meditations, in torrential downpours, two days in a row. And I've volunteered for the brain wave testing/research. Hah, I've donated my body to science and I'm not even dead yet. :)


Quote from: Deb on February 16, 2016, 08:34:37 PM"Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."
I'd say so!  :-)

Quote from: Deb on February 16, 2016, 08:34:37 PMHeaded off to a Joe Dispenza intensive workshop tomorrow.
I hope you write about it!  Have a fantastic time!!


Alternative Healing
Last Spring before I left Santa Fe I had a handful of Healings.  Healers in Santa Fe are what actors are to LA.  I didn't plan to do all this but went with the flow and  they each complimented the other.
It started out I was looking for a chiropractor for my shoulder and went to see Nadine a few blocks from work.  Nadine is probably one of the most interesting people I have ever met.  I wish I could share her story but I'd better not.  Her father was in the Military with an extraordinary security clearance.  Knowing her I would not doubt it at all.  She did the routine adjustments meticulously.  Then toward the end which I didn't realize till she told me at the follow up visit that a "black spidery attachment" was attached to my spine.  I've had others "see" this and someone just sent me an article about this which I guess is not that rare though unusual.  What Nadine explained later was that when she released this Spider it jumped onto her back and she had to get her "Go To Girl" to have it removed from her. 

A couple of days later I got a quick massage at the Kiosk at Whole Foods...remember, this is Santa Fe!   :D   My shoulder was beat up bad by Nadine to get it back in shape.  The gal who massaged my shoulders confirmed that she also "saw" a dry socket sort of "hole" in my back that would take time to fill in.

Then at work someone suggested having Clayton do an energy adjustment.  He was coming in from California to give Reiki classes.  Clayton's work was much more subtle but I feel it released etheric attachments which allowed the Healings that followed to work better.  Clayton released and moved blocked energy and then cut 5 "Cords" with weights attached to my root chakra.  I felt more fluid when he was done.  He can do this over the phone also.

I was telling someone how pleased I was with all of this and they suggested I see Lee.  It takes 3 months to get an appointment but he gave  me a cancelation two weeks later.  This man must be from another planet.  He set me in the  center of the room on an office chair and had me spin to the left for about 15 minutes.  He said that trauma in childhood will cause a person to spin in the wrong direction.  Then he turned on an energy circuit at the base of my brain, removed a life long pain behind my right eye and released blockages at the base of my spine.  He was a Total Body Mechanic...rotated my tires, cleaned my spark plugs and put an new alternator in.  It was an hour for $120.  I felt like Pinocchio.  I was finally a Real Girl!  Within a month my eyes started changing from brown to green.

Then someone referred Tom.  He's been a medium for over 40 years.  He told me my life's purpose and why I had the family I did and spoke to my Grandmothers who told me things that confirmed the truth of the connection and told me to watch out for particular signs in the coming months which did come about.  I had 3 sessions with Tom, the last one by phone.

Then a couple of months ago I got a reading from Crystal at Sacred Space in Durango.  At the end she said that I had a lot of curious Aliens around me which explained the tiny blue flashes of light around me for the last few months.  They asked if I wanted my Brain De-Fragged.  I'm much too casual about shit like this and casually said "ya".  People noticed a change in me within hours.  After a couple of days of this I realized everything in my life up to that point was a lie because I wasn't dealing with life from my Core.    I went from being Pollyanna to the Terminator and pissed a lot of people off.  Which needed to be done actually.  I live much "cleaner" now.  Tho for awhile I did wonder if I was turning "Borg".

Here are the contacts for these healings.    They all live in Santa Fe. 
Clayton Tanner     505-204-8879\
Dr. Nadine Gonzales   505-986-1569
Lee Cartwright    505-984-1719
Tom Newman  505-438-2098

Google this  for a video of Crystal at her shop Sacred Space
Interview with Crystal Andasola of Sacred Space Durango ...