Constructed and Non-Constructed Idea

Started by bettybookoo42, July 27, 2017, 11:43:18 AM

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Quote from: bettybookoo42
If I stay with what is, I stand and look at the squirrels running along the top of the fence, the beautiful colors of my flower garden, the gentleness of the vines and tree branches, the pleasure of the AC blowing on me, the comfort of my bungalow, my stomach is full, there is this nice laptop on which I now create, no one is bothering me, no one is here but me.
Betty, someone who disagrees with the Seth teachings might say that you are burying your head in the sand, but I get your point. Seth had quite a lot to say about "aggressive thoughts". Perhaps you may find my first sentence annoying. May I ask what you do with your aggressive thoughts?

"...anger ... can be the most arousing and therapeutic emotion under certain circumstances. You can then realize that you have cowered before contradictory beliefs for years, rise up in anger against them, and quite literally begin a new life of freedom."

More of Seth on aggression:


Quote from: bettybookoo42
Anger can be expressed physically in a myriad of ways.
Betty, thanks for your lengthy reply. Do you sometimes express anger verbally in a controlled way? I find it useful to do that. (Like Donald Trump with his tweets?)


I've been on the road most of the past week, driving from sunrise to sunset and little time to post. I've read little bits here and there when I've had internet access and I'm just itching to get involved. I'll back home in a couple of days.

So this topic has been very interesting for me. Betty your first post really covered the base aspects of construction, and it clearly illustrates the relationship between probabilities, free will and conscious creation. Really nice. The three basic ingredients to "which me? which world?"

The topic of aggression has come up here in the past. I think my understanding of the definition of the word has been keeping me from better understanding Seth's use of it. Anger I understand, and I sometimes use it as a tool (anger towards myself) to make decisions or push me into action. It's effective.

The only definitions of aggression I've seen in the past involved force, attack, dominate, violation, hostility, as in M-W below. Seth seems to say it is more a forward thrust or action towards creation. The guy in the video expressed the same thought about our definition of aggression (or as he says, understanding of the word).

"1:  a forceful action or procedure (such as an unprovoked attack) especially when intended to dominate or master
, 2: the practice of making attacks or encroachments; especially:  unprovoked violation by one country of the territorial integrity of another warned that any act of aggression could start a war
, 3:  hostile, injurious, or destructive behavior or outlook especially when caused by frustration. Aggression is often the expression of pent-up rage."

I found it interesting that he had a prayer thanking "the lord" at the end of the video.


Quote from: Deb
Seth seems to say it is more a forward thrust or action towards creation.
Deb, Seth does say "The real nature of aggressiveness, in its truest sense, simply means forceful action.  This does not necessarily imply physical force, but the power of energy directed into a material action ....Birth is perhaps the most forceful aggression, in your terms, of which you are capable." Giving birth is certainly a creative act, so that would fit in with your understanding. Seth does not, however, say "giving birth". The other way of understanding him is that by my being born into the physical world I am expressing aggression. I am staking a claim to a portion of the Earth's resources.

Seth says more about aggression in his comments on "Augustus":

"Feelings of violence accumulated early, but in his family there were no acceptable ways of releasing normal aggressive feelings. When these built up into felt, violent eruptions, Augustus was only the more convinced of his unacceptable nature. For some time in his normal state as a teenager, he tried harder and harder to be "good." This meant the banishing of thoughts or impulses that were sexually inspired along various lines, aggressive, or even just unconventional. Considerable energy was used to inhibit these portions of his inner experience. The denied mental events did not disappear, however. They increased in intensity and were kept apart from his "safer" usual thoughts."

Another quote:

Transcript Narration: "Carlos wondered if the same thing applied to suppressing affection as well as anger."

Seth: "Once you begin suppressing, you suppress all emotions to some degree, and set up barriers because you are afraid of the reality of yourself. If you cannot express anger, you cannot express love. Not only that, but you get the two confused."


Betty, I feel it may be useful to carry on a conversation by "association" rather than strictly logical progression. It is better than silence. So, this video:

What I take from this video is that although our imagination is limited, reality is unlimited.


Quote from: bettybookoo42
I find the focus on anger, aggression and violence by you, Senna and Deb, to be a surprising outcome from my OP. I'll go with it and co-create.

Quote from: Sena
Deb, Seth does say "The real nature of aggressiveness, in its truest sense, simply means forceful action.  This does not necessarily imply physical force, but the power of energy directed into a material action ....Birth is perhaps the most forceful aggression, in your terms, of which you are capable."

I'm only trying to best understand the meaning in everything Seth said (says?), and his use of the word aggression has not sat right with me for a while. If I replace "aggressive" with "assertive" in my mind (which is really not a great replacement but the best I can do right now), then it is more understandable to me. As Seth says, our language is limited and limits us if we rely on it. Maybe another language would have a more accurate word. Languages are forever evolving; psychic communication definitely has an advantage over verbal.

I remember the quote about birth being an aggressive act. However, it does not involve a baby forcefully tearing their way out of mom (only in horror movies), but instead a constant preparation (growth in the womb) for life in this physical plane. Of course, it is the mother's body who is doing the work of pushing the baby out during birth, the baby at that point is just along for the ride. I've been there on both accounts.

So, I'm done nitpicking over semantics, I realize I'm just dealing with one word in one language. Years ago, taking a communications class, it impressed upon me that when we listen to someone speaking, we will rarely remember the exact words, but instead the message itself. And our interpretation is, of course, subjective...