Diffusion by the energy personality

Started by eyelive4ever2, March 02, 2015, 04:25:32 PM

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Here is the part that explains what I was trying to say about people that come into this life by discombobulating/taking themselves apart first.

The Seth Material

Page 260

"An energy personality who wishes to become a part of your system does so using this sense (psychological time). The energy personality first diffuses himself into many parts. Since entry into your plane or system, as a member of it, cannot be made in any other manner, it must be made in the simplest terms, and later built up--sperm, of course, being an entry in this respect. The energy of the personality must then be recombined."
What Seth is saying here is that the inner self uses this sense to initiate the birth of one of its personalities in physical life.


Awesome, thanks for the explanation and quote. Doesn't it sound kind of Star Trekkie?

Someone on the Intensive forum had a question about why we have to be born, why can't we just appear here? Also why, when we're ready to leave, do our bodies have to decompose? I think this quote would have helped tremendously.