Each creates his/her own glass, socks, wallpaper...

Started by Marianna, December 10, 2017, 01:14:00 AM

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God, I finally got it! Very much - to the topic of using Seth philosophy.

If this is true
"Neither of you can see the glass that the others see. [...] The three of you each create your own glass. You each create your own glass in your own personal perspective. Therefore, here you have three different glasses, but each one exists in a different perspective, in an entirely different space continuum."
—TES2 Session 68 July 6, 1964

then, it means that when we go shopping, and I see that socks are dark blue, while my husband says "black", there is no use arguing, since each of us literally sees a different pair!

Especially works for colors :)

Then you take it further and have "this dress is great on you", "no, I look fat in it" and so on - each looking at 'one's own' girl in a dress.


Quote from: Marianna
then, it means that when we go shopping, and I see that socks are dark blue, while my husband says "black", there is no use arguing, since each of us literally sees a different pair!
Marianna, it could mean your husband is color-blind!



Great point Sena! When I was teaching my son colors, he would always confuse purple and dark blue. It wasn't under he was older that we found out he's red/green color blind. And yet art was one of his favorite classes all through school and he has skills in that area.

Marianna, I remember while growing up it occurred to me that we probably see colors differently and while I know what a blue sky looks like in my reality, it could be what I would consider yellow or pink in someone else's. I used to walk around imagining how my different my world would look if seen through another's eyes.

Another example of seeing things differently (going by your dress example), is the anorexic. An extremely thin anorexic will look in a mirror and see that they are fat and need to lose weight. While others will see differently, thinking the person looks like a walking skeleton. Maybe another anorexic would see perfection and be envious.

My ex used to tell me not to wear read clothes because red looks terrible on me. I just took his word for it. Years later I found out he really just hated the color red (too bold). His grandfather used to say the same thing to his grandmother. So it had nothing to do with me at all -- I look fine in red and my ex's feelings towards red may not have been his own either, but simply adopted from his grandfather's belief.

So what we see can be "colored" :) by our beliefs.


Thanks, Deb! I love all your examples - especially about red. I also think red is bold. Now for some reason I like it more and more. I have several items in my wardrobe that are red. And I greatly enjoy wearing them. But it should be just the right color hue. Not too dark, not going into burgundy.

transient amnesia



Quote from: Mike Dooley
"Let's pretend that beliefs are like tinted sunglasses and that your vision through those glasses represents the thoughts you entertain through the filters of your beliefs. Doesn't everything look different, colorwise, when you put on those glasses? Yet after you have them on awhile, you don't even know you're wearing them. In fact, it's hard to remember what things looked like without them, and the only way to remember is to take them off.
Infinite Possibilities, Chapter 2, Beliefs

I couldn't find the exact quote I was thinking about, but this will do. He mentions somewhere that there are 7 billion people living on the planet and we all have our unique perspective, is it any wonder that we get along at all?

I LOVED the animated gif -- things are not always as they appear, lol.


Quote from: transient amnesia
So,... what we're talking about here and the implications of a larger and ever expanding reality is multiple glasses and wallpaper fragments??
TA, I like to look at it in terms of the apparent unpredictabilty of events. What Seth seems to be saying is that if we get our thoughts in order we may be able to influence events in the physical world.

"In the same way you form events, often without being aware that you do so. It seems that events happen as it seems words are spoken. You were taught how to construct sentences in school, and you learned how to speak from your elders. You were involved with event-making before the time of your birth, however. The psyche forms events in the same way that the ocean forms waves — except that the ocean's waves are confined to its surface or to its basin, while the psyche's events are instantly translated, and splash out into mass psychological reality. In waking life you meet the completed event, so to speak."
—Nature of the Psyche Chapter 8: Session 784, July 19, 1976

transient amnesia


transient amnesia


transient amnesia



Quote from: transient amnesia
How does a baby create this?  The conversation is different but the behavior is the same. 
TA, fascinating video. My mother had her faults, but she was not like this. Maybe this is a mother/daughter thing? Like Jane Roberts and her mother. Thinking about my father and myself - male narcissism operates in a different way - doing rather than talking.

transient amnesia


transient amnesia



Boy, that video of the abusive mother was something else. I couldn't listen to all of it. I'm sure the daughter was baiting her for recording purposes, but the mother's abusiveness and immaturity are obvious.

Seth says we choose our families and childhood situations before we incarnate. Add to that making our own reality on the fly and some people end up in the worst situations. Maybe that's the challenge we set ourselves up for--to get out of that septic tank of a situation and not perpetuate it. I had a rough childhood myself, but the idea that I chose those circumstances (and my parents cooperated in the drama) takes some of the sting out of it. I guess feeling there was a reason behind all that, rather than it being random, gives my past some purpose. I did learn how NOT to be from my experiences and was able to flip that to raise my son in a loving environment.

Quote from: transient amnesia
I think the seth answer is reincarnation drama??  I actually have the belief that you learn from children and teach your parents.  No one else sees it that way,  I don't even know where I got that from. 

Yes, that's a great way to look at it. But ego, narcissism, whatever it is, causes some parents take the role of authoritarian and they are not open to learning. They already know it all. Too bad for them. I learned a lot from my son, raising him was a great experience for me. Healing in some ways.

Here's a person who chose some serious difficulties before incarnating in this existence and it's amazing how much he has accomplished despite all he went through. Born deaf, but an accomplished classical pianist and violinist; bullied in school for his physical deformities but is now a researcher and doctor at a prominent Colorado hospital; abandoned by his parents as an infant but adopted by an amazing couple. I'll be seeing the movie Wonder this week, I read the book a year ago. It's a teen book, but one of the most amazing books I've ever read. Watch this, it will leave you in wonder:


Quote from: transient amnesia
So,... what we're talking about here and the implications of a larger and ever expanding reality is multiple glasses and wallpaper fragments??.....  "Expanding & Multiplying"?......
No, TA, value fulfillment is expanding Universe. (probably not much of an explanation :))
And this - is about everyone creating AND SEEING only what he's created (socks, house, face). How it does not overcrowd our space, I have no idea. But it doesn't right? :)


Quote from: transient amnesia
I've come along-long way, but the memories never go away. 
TA, thanks for sharing with us.


Quote from: Marianna
And this - is about everyone creating AND SEEING only what he's created
When I was on the bus today, a woman was talking non-stop on her phone, mainly about 3 of her relatives and their illnesses. A 2-week-old grandchild who had a blocked nose and was hospitalized, a male relative who had a heart bypass, and I've forgotten the third one.


Quote from: Marianna
And this - is about everyone creating AND SEEING only what he's created (socks, house, face). How it does not overcrowd our space, I have no idea. But it doesn't right?

This quote below was posted on Facebook yesterday, I thought it was great timing as I think it answers your musing:

"To make this clearer, look at any table in the room before you. It is physical, solid, and you perceive it easily. Now for an analogy imagine if you can that behind the table is another just like it, but not quite as physical, and behind that one another, and another behind that - each one more difficult to perceive, fading into invisibility. And in front of the table is a table just like it, only a bit less physical appearing than the "real" table - it also having a succession of even less physical tables extending outward. And the same for each side of the table."

"Now anything that appears in physical terms also exists in other terms that you do not perceive. You only perceive realities when they achieve a certain "pitch," when they seem to coalesce into matter. But they actually exist, and quite validly at other levels."

SETH SPEAKS, Part One, Chapter 7, The Potentials of the Soul, Session 530

So it appears that how it works is that we each have our own unique frequency, we are existing, creating and sensing our creations within that specific frequency, so others' creations are not visible to us because it's out of our "range."

Quote from: Sena
When I was on the bus today, a woman was talking non-stop on her phone

LOL, she was determined to share her reality with you and others...

transient amnesia



Quote from: transient amnesia
So, I apologize for pulling this thread off track,  Today, I can see what the question is.  I remember reading it, now that some of it is in quotes.  Thanks and I'm sorry

TA, there is nothing to apologize for. This is not easy stuff. Some of Seth quotes I don't get altogether, at least not at the first reading.
But I remember Seth mentioning that even if you don't understand all his material with your mind, part of you understands it. The work is being done. And this is always a consolation to me :)
We are quite a nice and cozy company here, warm welcome!
It's so great to have a place for conversations commonly considered 'crazy' or 'foo foo'.


Quote from: Sena
When I was on the bus today, a woman was talking non-stop on her phone, mainly about 3 of her relatives and their illnesses.
This is not an unusual occurance. When I come across such things I am always grateful that I finally found books that helped me to build a different life. Not devoid of challenges, but devoid of desperation and ideas of danger, threats, poverty, inevitable decline and such other.

And since there is telepathy at work at all times, the more Sethies there are, the more regular people are influenced by this philosophy. Though subconsciously.


Along the lines of creation, I thought this was an interesting bit of information:

"No material object of any kind is formed without the cooperation and without the inner consent of the atoms and molecules that compose it. Form is not thrust upon matter."
—TES2 Session 68 July 6, 1964

That adds another level to manifesting.