Dimensions and thought

Started by WindWalker, April 25, 2018, 11:06:40 AM

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Do we have an infinite amount of selves experiencing an infinite amount of dimensions in Seths views? It seems as if everything is limitless. Also-is a thought always actualised whether here or another dimension? What happens if the thought isnt actualised? Does it ever "dissipate?" Thank you.


Hi WindWalker, in answer to your two questions:

(1) The number of selves which each one of us has is finite.

(2) A thought is always actualised according to Seth.

The relevant quotes are:

"In the same way the most infinitesimal self is infinite, and the most finite self, carried to the extremes of itself, is infinite. Each of you is part of an infinite self. That infinite self appears as a series of finite selves in your reality."
—The Unknown Reality, Vol.2 Section 6: Session 740 February 26, 1975

"It seems to you that reality is composed of those actions that you choose to take. Those that you choose to deny are ignored. The road not taken then seems to be a non-act, yet every thought is actualized and every possibility explored."
—Seth Speaks Chapter 16: Session 565, February 1, 1971

Seth's statement that "Each of you is part of an infinite self." is somewhat mind-boggling. I assume that what it means is that each of us shares in the existence of All That Is (God), who is infinite.


I'd also like to add that perhaps our ideas about finite and infinite might need adjusting. Is art finite? Yes and no. The painting is done, but new paintings emerge. The composition is written, but new interpretations are continuously found. New variations are explored just as brand new creations emerge as well.

Back to beliefs about time and space, really. Trying to fit multidimensional concepts into three dimensional reality.
