A "Warning" from Seth

Started by jbseth, June 16, 2020, 11:18:53 AM

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Hi All,

Recently I've been reading the first few session in UR1 specifically sessions 685, 686 and 687, and in doing so, I discovered a "warning" from Seth.  This warning comes from Session 687, which is titled, "Expansion of Consciousness as Necessary to Man's Biological and Spiritual Survival".

Surprisingly, even though I've been a Seth reader for many years, I'm often surprised, that it seems I'm always discovering new information from Seth that I swear I've never read before.

Anyway, starting in S683, Seth begins talking about units of consciousness or conscious units, CU's. Then in S686, he begins to talk about the consciousness of the cells. In this session he tells us that cells straddle time. He says that cells need data from both the past and the future in order to maintain the bodies balance in "the present".

Along with this, in the 2 sessions S686 and S687, he also talks about early man's consciousness.

He said that for early man, the past and the present could both appear to be equally valid. He said early man needed an ability to distinguish between these two (past and present). Early man needed to kill the animal, in his present, and not the one in his past, for food.  He needed to defend himself, from threats in his present, if he was going to survive.

As a result of this, early man learned to focus his consciousness on the present and ignore much of the data that his cells pick up from both the past and the future.

Seth then says that today, this focus is secure. He tells us that time now includes more "space". As a result a person today can be aware of what's going on, on the other side of the world.

As a result, "[...] instant physical action in time is not the same kind of life-and-death factor that it was when a man was faced with an enraged animal, or enemy, in close combat."

Then Seth says that, "It was inevitable, however, that ego consciousness would produce a reality in which it would finally need, in those terms, to accept other data and information that in the beginning it had to ignore."

Then in S687 Seth says:
In your terms, until now your consciousness has specialized in neurological patterning. As mentioned (in Session 682), this was extremely important while it learned the art of specialized focus. Now, however, it must begin to recognize that it can indeed expand, and bring into its awareness other quite legitimate realities. The nature of probabilities must be understood, for the time has come in the world as you experience it where the greatest wisdom and discrimination are needed. Your consciousness and neurological prejudice blind you to the full dimension of physical activity. The true implications of physical action are not as yet apparent to you.

(A one-minute pause at 10:23.) You are beginning to understand the reality of your planet. You cannot plunder it, for example — something you are only beginning to learn. Opening up your consciousness to previously denied messages would bring you in direct contact with other life-forms on your planet in a way that you have formerly denied yourselves. Your cellular knowledge of past and future probabilities alone would teach you a spiritual and corporal courtesy.

Then in S687 Seth gives us the following warning:
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Then, also in S687 Seth tell us this:

[...] If some changes are not made, the race as such will not endure.

(11:26.) This does not mean that you will not endure, or that in another probability the race will not — but that in your terms of historical sequence, the race will not endure.

In thinking about this, I think that this very well may have something to do with the "Second Coming" that Seth predicted and talked about in Seth Speaks.

I've always wondered why Seth would tell us about this "Second Coming" prediction story. Perhaps it was given to us so that we would create that reality and not create the reality of warring cults that he described above.

I think that this may also relate to something Seth says in UR1 S697 which I'll post on in the next entry.

- jbseth


Hi All,

I think that this warning from Seth may also relate to what he says in UR1, Section 3, S697.

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- jbseth


Quote from: jbseth
Many of your global dilemmas seem so desperate only because in those areas you have gone as far as you can go — without going further. The problems act as stimuli in that regard. This doesn't mean that you have to experience disasters. They are not preordained. It does mean that you have chosen certain experiences, but that these will automatically lead to further creative development if you allow them to. The idealization is one of brotherhood, in terms of your species. Biologically, in your terms, such "brotherhood" operates instinctively in the cooperation of the body's cells, as they function together to form the private corporal structure.
jbseth, thanks for these quotes. Seth's teaching is very relevant to events of 2020.


Hi Sena,

I agree.  Especially with all the focus on the racism issues.



Quote from: jbseth
Then, also in S687 Seth tell us this:

[...] If some changes are not made, the race as such will not endure.

(11:26.) This does not mean that you will not endure, or that in another probability the race will not — but that in your terms of historical sequence, the race will not endure.

I remember reading this and being taken aback. My first thought was we as a race were going to die out and be erased from the planet as some other civilizations before us.

I don't know if he's talking about the inability of people around the planet to get along, or the pollution and damage we cause to the planet itself. But with all that's been going on this year, it's not hard to imagine an imminent unrecoverable downfall. I don't focus on thoughts like that for a few reasons, but it has crossed my mind. I know there's nothing I can do to prevent something like that, other than being the best I can be and not contributing to the problems. I know "be the change" is a corny and overused phrase, but what else can an individual do?

Quote from: Seth
Many of your global dilemmas seem so desperate only because in those areas you have gone as far as you can go — without going further. The problems act as stimuli in that regard. It does mean that you have chosen certain experiences, but that these will automatically lead to further creative development if you allow them to.

Problems always act as stimulus for change, one way or another. That's encouraging and already seems to be happening with some of the current events.


Quote from: Deb
Problems always act as stimulus for change, one way or another. That's encouraging and already seems to be happening with some of the current events.
That has been my focus during this time of multiple crises. From a recent newspaper article: "...history has demonstrated that it is in response to major cataclysmic events that humankind most often makes major changes to its collective behavior and culture."

And another: "Unmistakable in this emerging post-virus reality, experts say, are signs that human creativity will forge new approaches, new products and new social paradigms not only more adaptable to future global crises, but also more responsive to income inequality, climate change and other issues laid bare by coronavirus."


Seth addresses riots and race I made a thread about it here.

Lately I've been trying to imagine the US collapsing and it would take a lot before it'd actually occur.

The Ohio corn belt exports incredibly large amounts of food. People will not starve. I can picture problems in a country dependent on food being imported.

Also, the second amendment has been put to good use on a lot of occasions recently. There are towns where "protestors" don't make any progress because some crowds of red hat wearing MAGA guys have their weapons out and get in to standoffs before anyone can torch the local businesses. Maybe you'll see cities like Atlanta burn but watching the news and seeing reports of guns selling out reminds me it's going to take a lot more to ruin a red town than for example watching an ultraliberal city like Minneapolis, Oakland, or Atlanta knock itself out and the people immersing themselves in a burnt out shell of what used to be a decent city.

I am not political. I don't like either political aisle. But anyone can see that there will be plenty of towns that will take a serious shootout before any buildings get burned down like big pockets of Minneapolis.


The demonstrations have been mostly peaceful. And there is strong evidence that groups like the Boogaloo Bois and other white supremicists have taken advantage of the protests by starting fires and committing violent acts in order to attempt to start a race war. The demonstrators have in many cases helped to prevent these acts and have even brought the perpetrators to the police. 


Hi All,

I've been thinking about this warning issue for a few days now.  Along with the warning issue, S687, and Seth's global dilemma comment from S697, there are three other comments that Seth made over the years that appear to be perhaps related to these. Below I've made some comments about all 5 of these issues. Then below this, I have a couple of questions for you about this subject.

ISSUE 1, The Warning, UR1, Section 1, S687:
In this session, Seth says:

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ISSUE 2, Global Dilemmas, UR1, Section 3, S697:
In this session, Seth says:

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ISSUE 3, Overpopulation, TES9, S484:
In this session Seth talks overpopulation. Here says that in the past there have been population problems on our planet on several occasions

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ISSUE 4, Religious Crisis, SS, Ch21, S586.
In this session Seth talks about the "Second Coming". In this session Seth tells us that before this occurs, religions in shambles.

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ISSUE 5, The Metamorphosis, SS, Ch21, S586.
One of these is from SS, Ch21, S586. In this session Seth talks about the "Second Coming". In this session metamorphosis takes place.

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Given all of this, it appears that, according to Seth, we have reached a point where change is needed.

For Issue 1, the warning, Seth tells us:
You have put yourselves in a position where your consciousness must now become aware of the probable pasts and probable futures, in order to form for yourselves a sane, fulfilling, and creative present.

For Issue 2, Global Dilemmas, Seth tells us:
Many of your global dilemmas seem so desperate only because in those areas you have gone as far as you can go — without going further.

For Issue 3, Overpopulation, Seth tells us:
this is your present situation.

Along with this, it also appears that if we don't make these changes, we may not survive.

[...] If some changes are not made, the race as such will not endure.

(11:26.) This does not mean that you will not endure, or that in another probability the race will not — but that in your terms of historical sequence, the race will not endure.

Do you think we, the Seth forum members, have some responsibility for doing something here?

If so, then what do think we should do about this? Any ideas?
