The "Virus" and the Judas Goats

Started by James Sidaway, April 21, 2020, 08:29:28 PM

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James Sidaway

It has finally begun... the brainchipped, "End-Of-Times" "Prophet" Kleck is being transformed!!! (by his brainchip handlers orchestrating thUgtopia) from an expos-er of the Old World Order secrets... (the crowned divining serpent, EXITUS ACTA PROBAT on the Washington Peace Arch, and everything else that he has done in good-intentions (he was not personally trying to be wicked, he was tricked by the "word of god" weapon that Dr Duncan exposed on Jessie Ventura's show.))  On April 17th (after the scam-demic that Dr. Andrew Kaufman exposed)  Kleck is performing as a Judas Goat now.

Usually I am shadow-banned or just deleted on thUg-run sites.  I even caught Quora not only deleting my answers, but actually going in and changing my words... I noticed the change before logging out and changed it back to the words I used...  suddenly my entire account there was deleted, never to be reopened because I caught a thUgtopian (one of the thUg-network rising their fake Utopia to delete all opposition to the Mystery School Cult).  It is actually worse than this...

This video is where Kleck begins to perform his true function as a Judas Goat
"Did the"Frankie" Testimony ALERT Us ?? Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him "

  They are playing Kleck like a violin... and now he is being trained for a new mode that his techno-thUg handlers needed a few days to alter his presentation style.
I can tell... in all his prior presentations I watched, the handler gave him the fake god-data through synthetic telepathy and left it up to him to make a video about it what he was told using his own creativity and logic.  Now, the handler is telling Kleck exactly how he should present the fake god-data... it is a new phase of Kleck's "feeding the sheep" Christian ministry.  This is the stuff that ancient Jesus would try to undermine.

The thUgtopians enjoy Kleck exposing the Old World secrets, Kleck doesn't realize how he is being played... He is convinced that the Creator-God is talking to him as much as Vincent Li though god commanded his atrocities, out of fear, he did it for thUgs, not a god.  The thUgs like this because the only way that thUgtopia can wipe out the Christians is by tricking them into accepting their fake A.I. computer-voice god.  Of course the brain interface can monitor whether Kleck is telling a lie or not... that is why "100% Nylon" is so important to Kleck... it convinces Kleck the voice must be supernatural knowing what he is always thinking or Kleck is a fantastically convincing liar.  (Some people can sense the truth.)  His "Lord" is just a wireless, nano, computer-brain-interface that Kleck can surgically remove off of his brain, or leave the micro-wave grid on a sailboat and there will be no voice of god giving him "supernatural" knowledge.  The link will be severed if there isn't a direct satellite link, but the brainchip is too tiny and weak to communicate back up to the satellite, I bet.

Now, the brainchip is very capable of rendering the brain instantly unconscious... the zombie-chip can then take over the movement of the unconscious body, too.  (Truck and car-attack drivers?)  This is why I think Vincent Li did not murder Timothy McLean...  Vincent was unconscious, if you understand the brainchip's powers... I do.  The thUgtopian handlers actually committed the murder and of course blamed their crime upon Vincent...  this is why Vincent is free given a new name to the surprise of the community.  A thUgtopian secret decision so they can use him again for their planned Zombie Apocalypse the CDC is preparing Americans to expect.  Ever play a shoot the zombie game... thUgtopians make them for sheeple to get used to murdering the un-dead for fun.  The only difference between a thUgtopian and a zombie is the software program and placement of the brainchip.  The zombie-chip is placed directly over the motor/consciousness part of the brain.  Kleck had a body movement surge which he claimed was "the Lord."  No... Jeff Rense had the same thing while being heterodyned in a hospital bed after a 2015 brainchip hit-job failed... maybe that makes Rense the second coming, thUgs, haa.

The Judas Goat wants the sheeple to now believe there are two souls inside each human... one for each eye or half of the brain.  The numbers meaning stuff is just more cult dogma... which is like the position of the planets predict what is your gypsy horrorscope.  The bees on the honey-cone is Klecks excited purpose for serving his "voice of god" deception.  The conversion or acceptance of becoming brainchipped and serving the new techno-feudal, Cult-system of living under dictatorship.
He makes reference to the 5G... but that is for his future shows. 
Here is a video that tries to take your beliefs into what Kleck said he didn't want to get into.  "DNA Nanotechnology Mind Control Interface Links Humanity to Digital World Inside a Quantum Computer" 
These are more thUgtopians acting, trying to trick the sheeple that nanotech will link the "voice of god" without the need for a brainchip... this is a lie.
Dr. Duncan is also doing the same thing in all of his fake "whistle-blowing" lectures.  another Judas Goat.  Like Alex Jones, Max Igan, Karen Hudes, Jordan Maxwell, David Icke... just to name a few Goats. 
There is so much packed into this video and Kleck has not been informed by the voice many of the deeper meanings of what he exposes.  A big one is the replacing of reproducing humans with test-tube slaves.   The Homo capensis (Lumanian) skulls in Peru mostly exposed by Brien Foerster are the underground ancients that Philip Schneider discovered (they are not aliens).  The "starchild" skull that Lloyd Pye championed was the sexless slave made for capensis to command because they did not have children.  They were apparently able to stop most of their aging.

Oh, the world gets even more strange as you begin to de-program what the thUgtopians have spent centuries ramming into our organized sheeple-beliefs through their "education" systems.   It is all falling to pieces, hence the fake Covid-19 name.

The thUgs will instead be using the microwave prison-grid and brainchips to terrorize the sheeple and then turn them into "Vincent Li" zombies.  Li could not remember eating any body parts... yuk!
I've had this page up since 2013
but rarely go their anymore because of the Internet ghetto conditions... only comments from India were coming back... like all the comments... shadow banned.
Now, with Musk making the device publicly possible in the minds of the sheeple  #
maybe now my efforts to help the joint effort to save our species from the hateful, greedy and horribly self-righteous... and thus self-annihilating, thUgtopian-empire (the world-wide network of thUgs) will be more fruitful.

have fun ;)


Hi All,

Hi James,

Thank you for the vid from the channel A Simulated Reality. They have vids I find very interesting. :)


Quote from: James Sidaway
Usually I am shadow-banned or just deleted on thUg-run sites.

Well then I suppose by this point you realize this is not a thUg-run site. :) I did happen to find you on Quora, coincidentally, and was glad to see that you really are a proponent of the Seth materials.

While I have to admit I can't relate to all that you write about conspiracy, brain chipping and secret societies ruling the world, you are not alone. And you do bring some valid things to the forum to discuss and consider. And I remain open to considering theories that seem foreign to me. After all, I'm a Seth/Jane Roberts fan and have been told I'm nuts for that alone.

I sincerely hope you're wrong. Although there are often times when I question what's going on here. But I remind myself of Seth's basic tenet: You make your own reality. And if the world is being run by some invisible secret society, then that basic tenet is wrong. And so then anything and everything Seth said is questionable.

So... how does that fit in with your view of reality? ThUgtopia vs. You Make Your Own Reality?