Reminder to myself: Your own uniqueness

Started by Bumblebee, May 10, 2015, 08:34:15 AM

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"In the first place you must understand that in your own uniqueness it is futile to compare yourself to others, for in so doing you try to emulate qualities that are theirs, and to that extent deny your own miraculous being and vision. Once you begin comparing yourself to others there is no end to it. You will always find someone more talented than you are in some way, ans so will continue to be dissatisfied. Instead, through working with your own beliefs, take it for granted that your life is important; begin with it and where you are. Do not deride yourself because you have not reached some great ideal, but start to usethose talents that you have to the best of your ability, knowing that in them lies your own individual fulfillment."

Excerpt from The Nature of Personal Reality, session 676

Simple, yet I keep forgetting this! Maybe I'll try reading this every morning, just to start the day on the right foot.  :)


Quote from: Bumblebee on May 10, 2015, 08:34:15 AMtake it for granted that your life is important;

That's my biggest struggle. Apparently I'm not alone, lol. I wonder why that's such a strong need in people? Maybe that's the basis for what keeps us alive and plugging along, day in and day out. Great quote. Maybe I need to print that one out and tape it to my bathroom mirror.   :)

Toronto Sethian

It is not a need that we compare people; rather, it is merely that that is the nature of reality--that others are there, exist, and that they possess utterly unique remarkable qualities.  These inspire us and new realities emerge from the cross-pollination that results.

The perspective that is most beneficial, I have found, is to retain conscious awareness in the moment that others are to be learned from and not compared to--that the latter is a futile and diminishing effort.  The focus, better, is upon that which is newly learned by the self from another and the sparkings that flow within the self as a result.  :)


Quote from: Toronto Sethian on May 14, 2015, 05:30:23 PMIt is not a need that we compare people

For me the need I was talking about is the need to feel that my life has purpose, something most people need as well, I think. Seth talks about this many times, using analogies of flowers, squirrels, leaves... which puts things into perspective. It's just a matter of my examining my beliefs. Maybe training from an early age that we all have a "special purpose" (remember Steve Martin in The Jerk, lol?) and we must figure out what it is or die trying. I was raised to feel that I need to "earn my keep," I'm sure that's not helping.

My mind always goes back to seeing Eckhart Tolle in a video, and he had this dreamy, sublime look on his face that said he's a person content with himself always and living in the moment, with not one ambitious cell screaming in his body. He's content just being. Hah, I'm a human-doing more than a human-being. I need to knock that shit off ASAP.